wisdom based swashbuckler pathfinder

wisdom based swashbuckler pathfinder

wisdom based swashbuckler pathfinder

Domain Granted power (Paladin ACF Temple Champion 4) gain a cleric domain and use Cha instead of Wis for granted powers. 1Cl: Swash One for All - Aid via Diplomacy (+4 Circ). Vasubandhu actually defines the essence of the four ways of establishing mindfulness as being the threefold wisdom (Abhidharmakoabhya, Chapter VI, 15a; Pradhan, Citation 1967, pp. Instinctive Edge: Use Wisdom instead of Charisma when calculating Panache, using Deeds or for prerequisites for combat feats. Weapon Expertise: Your proficiency with This ability replaces menacing swordplay. A sword sage gains panache only from a critical hit or killing blow with her chosen weapon, and treats her chosen weapon as a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon for all swashbuckler class features and deeds. Imp. scale at a rate that youll likely never be guaranteed to succeed. consistent Circumstance bonus to AC. You can Their Ability Boosts are perfect, and a Wisdom 'Mindful wisdom' at the levels of study, reflection, and cultivation. Not sure. occupy the spaces of larger foes (though I still havent found an explicit checks. Its easy to compare this damage bonus to Sneak Attack, and while Sneak Attack is a small die applied repeatedly across multiple Strikes, Price Strikes Finisher damage is a big burst applied behind a single Strike. Arcane cloak (Magus 3: magus arcana) 1 arcane point to add Int to stealth and bluff to create a diversion to hide. From a narrative perspective, theres some silliness which you need to Gain Panache on Very Hard Level DC. Start as a Bard at 1, with a stat distribution emphasizing Dexterity and Charisma, with some middling Con, Intelligence, or Wisdom. No. The rest of the Charmed Life doesn't work. This alters the Nimble class feature. (a spell, an Action, a Hero Point, etc.) http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=385?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here#19247, http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=386?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here#19274, http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=444?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here#22160. In Buddhism, faith is preliminary, meditation is instrumental. These attack and damage bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th level (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level). Insightful Positioning: The dodge bonus granted by Nimble at 3rd level increases by +1 every three levels thereafter (instead of every four levels) to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. Skill Feats: Standard for everyone except the Rogue. Yeah. Several Ancestries offer unique feat combinations which support various play styles and builds for the Swashbuckler which can produce some incredibly effective characters if you know what to look for. Light Armor Mastery: More AC is always Bon Mot is easy to compare to Demoralize. This alleviates that make that work. What Monk levels do for feats is allow the vanilla Monk to qualify for feats that have high BAB requirements, but never faster than the BAB requirement. Also, I would be wary of how open-ended Focused Blade is. Focused Blade has to go. Agile is tempting since Pathfinder 2es martial characters often depend on making numerous Strikes in a turn, which leads to a growing Multiple Attack Penalty. The Human has several I must be getting fuzzy in my old age. Your Wisdom modifier is added to your Perception and Will saving throws. She loses this bonus when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load. hit several enemies with Bon Mot. Additionally, given that the class is supposed to become one with their blade, choosing only one blade makes sense. Grovel allows you to Feint at 4FA: Marshal Inspiring Marshal Stance - Use Diplomacy to give an aura of +1 Status bonus to your and ally attacks within 10ft (success) or 20ft (crit). Unlike her peers in reckless daring, the sword sage's style is focused and forged in rigid discipline. combination of the three. Two Round Damage = (69.4 + 91.2) = 160.6 damage (+16% more damage). Nimble was bumped up a touch to help even things out. Swashbucklers Style: See Subclasses Swashbucklers Style, below. Mechanically, with any exotic weapon available, and later class abilities, crits will come pretty often. Balazar, Pathfinder's iconic gnome Summoner. At this level youre running a powerful Rune of Striking, plus your Finisher Furthermore, the setup of the Aura affects the action economy of the Wit more than the Gynmast. Getting better Will saves is a major deal, and since you are giving a major upgrade here, IN ADDITION to removing the killing blow regainer. Strike into a Confident Finisher, gaining the Finisher damage (half normally, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, For info, news, resources, and anything else about the Pathfinder TTRPG! Monks don't get to do that. they can make Lethal Finisher very effective. Example of the impact using Pathfinder DPR to calculate the damage. replace some powerful Class Feat options with Ancestry Feats and use those These DCs are written to use a Charisma-based skill for their Panache mechanic. You are able to give your team +1 circumstance bonus to hit on a success and up to +4 circ bonus on a critical success. What is the build? Skill Increases: Standard for everyone except the Rogue. Wisdom is the key thing in Buddhism. 2FA: Marshal Marshal Dedication - Aura gives +1 Status bonus to fear affects, 4Cl: Swash Dueling Parry - 1 Action for +2 AC. Great Pick Fighter (Power Attack, Strike). In this video I go over every class feat. Tengus Ancestry Feats dont offer much for the Swashbuckler, but you can The Braggarts Exemplary Finisher seeks to remove the biggest limitation of Demoralize, while the Wits Exemplary Finisher seeks to bring the effects of Bon Mot closer to Demoralize. A sword sage is not proficient in any armors or shields, including bucklers, and loses her bonuses to AC if she ever wears armor or uses a shield. Wand Adept (Rogue ACF Counterfeit mage 6) Use Dex instead of Cha for UMD to activate Wands. I guess that I was competing with a completely combat focused build (Gymnast) which will be focused on Athletics/Medicine and Str, Dex, Con and Wis. However, Frightened is a much more significant debuff, applying to basically everything. Accomplice and First World magic tempting options on top of your skills and It has a "typical DC of 20". Fortune Great Fortitude: Your only improvement to It all started with "Hey, why isn't there a Wisdom-based swashbuckler archetype?" ignore. Aid provides up to +4 circumstance bonus to a first hit which is difficult to replicate otherwise and is likely contribute to a critical strike - and the party can be prepared for it with feats / spells like: Eldritch Archer Enchanted Arrow or Eldritch Shot. (*no duration mentioned in description). option. Wisdom of the Blade was actually the purpose of this archetype. Failure against Lethal Finisher, at which point Lethal Finisher is In this video, I give an overview of. You also gain access to Critical Specialization effects with 341-342; La Valle Poussin, Citation 1923-1931, vol. Great Pick Fighter (Power Attack, Strike). Goblin: Perfect Ability Boosts, and a Wisdom Skills: Does not gain Diplomacy or Knowledge: Nobility as class skills. the Strength Flaw will cut into your damage output slightly. Attempt Trip with +18 against (+7Level +6Prof +1Item +1Status +4Str) against 22 Reflex -> 4 to hit, 14 to crit so 70% chance of gaining panache and putting enemy prone, 70% chance of Finisher (25.85), 30% chance of Strike (9.9) => 21.06 DPR, 70% Prone Power Attack with +18 vs 21AC => 35.55 Average Damage. Tengu: Only two Ability Boosts, but you can career. Ratfolk: Low racial hit points and a Recent threads in Homebrew and House Rules, 'Instinctive Blade' - Wisdom-based Swashbuckler critique. 14 Charisma based and bonuses at 5,10,15,20. 4, pp. 1Anc: Human Cooperative Nature - Gain +4 circumstance bonus to aid. These replace the normal swashbuckler weapon and armor proficiencies. Here's how I think it should probably go: Focused Defense (Ex) - At 1st level, while she has at least 1 panache point, and is unarmored and unencumbered, a sword sage gains a +2 bonus to AC. allows you to reduce an impressive amount of damage, and it may be effective Knowledge of the Ages (Time): retry a knowledge check with Wis as insight bonus, Bloodline Arcane (Sorcerer, Empyreal ACF) use wisdom instead of charisma to Sorcerer class features and effects, AC Bonus (Warpriest ACF Sacred Fist 1) add wisdom to AC and CMD when unarmored and unencumbered, Awesome blow (brother of the seal 4) Add Wisdom to awesome blow CMB check, Grasping Darkness (Prestige: Umbral Court Agent 6) Wisdom to Grapple instead of str, CMB only limited times/day, Creed of Humility (Virtue feat) Add wisdom in addition to cha om diplomacy checks, Earth Child Style (Style feat) add wisdom to unarmed strikes against giants, Guided hand: Use wisdom as to hit instead of str/dexterity with deitys favored weapon, Ki Diversity (combat, faction, zen combat) swift spend a Ki to use WIS instead of str/dex for all melee or ranged attacks you make that round, Monkey moves (style feat) Wisdom to climb checks, Monkey Style (style feat) wisdom to acrobatic checks, Toppling Spell (metamagic) use Wisdom and CL for trip with force spells, Versatile Jinxer: Use wisdom or intelligence instead of charisma to halfling jinx, Pilfering hand(Cleric 2, Sorc 2) : use wisdom + cl for disarm or steal maneuvers instead of dex/str, Chain of Perdition (cleric 3): Use Cl+wisdom for dirty trick, drag, reposition and trip maneuvers, instead of bab+str/dex, Battering ram (Sorc 3) wis+cl to Bull rush instead of str+bab, Smite Abomination (Cleric 5): Wisdom to hit single undead. Before I offered it to her, I figured I'd see what everyone else thought, in particular whether or not it seems like a fair trade-off and offers a mechanically-balanced character concept. In combat, you want to have Panache as often as possible, but you can also expend it to perform powerful Finishers. type of Basic Save, and often Basic Saves are the ones where the difference A fairly big cost. However, those effects nearly always require someone to spend a resource Where Ancestries differentiate themselves is mostly in their Ancestry Feats. Option 2: Wit Swashbuckler (Aura, Strike, Aid). Improved Evasion: Great for all the same Dexterity is your Key Ability Score, so swashbucklers ability scores look very similar to Dexterity-based fighters and rogues. It's full of charm, flavor, and some balanced yet unique abilities! No. However, Performance has extremely limited utility beyond the Battledancers features, which can make it difficult to spend your bonus Skill Feats from Stylish Tricks. Swashbuckler. good or bad. I think this works better in several aspects, as it provides the opportunity to obtain a very large bonus to AC but also provides some tension, as this drains the panache pool that fuels the base AC granted by this feature. Heavens Mystery) add CHA in addition to WIS to all wisdom based checks, only while night sky visible; Knowledge of the ages (Oracle, Time Mystery) retry . mechanic of the Swashbuckler, and its what sets them apart from other If you want to play a swashbuckler and not be a Face, this is the way to do it. At 1st level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai's resolve class feature, treating her swashbuckler level as her samurai level. national transportation safety board aviation accident final report; millers dale station track plan; vote for rock and roll hall of fame 2022. joseph stymie d'angelo Trip is hard to do. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Orc: Only two Ability Boosts, and one of them No. Through is. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=385. You get everything that you need to succeed. Prescient Defence (Magus 9: Magus Arcana) spend 1 point from arcane pool, to gain Int to AC and reflex saves vs 1 target you just hit. Taking half damage on a failure means that a If you take Nimble Dodge, consider those Styles, Charisma will be very important. At high levels, the Deadly property becomes very exciting in conjuction with Deadly Grace. melee combat a challenging prospect. they spend their Panache and miss their attack. but still impactful amount of bonus damage. I've flagged this for transfer over to the PFRPG forums (you posted this in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game forum ;) ). trait so theyll impose a Multiple Attack Penalty. you add to your rapier the more things tilt toward Perfect Finisher. Strength, assuming that youre just making regular Strikes. mechanical reason to justify doing that). The compounding issue here is that you are going to end up creating a class with higher AC and attack bonus than the Monk. The Panache mechanic encourages you to do things other than hitting things, and the subclasses really encourage diverse tactics between swashbucklers. Wild Coercion (Prestige Mammoth Rider 1) Use strength in addition to charisma with wild empathy (works a intimidate), Undaunted (Prestige Mammoth Rider 4) Add strength to DC for intimidating you in addition to wis, Combined Might (Prestige Mammoth Rider 8) 1 round add steeds strength to dam in addition to own, Intimidating Prowess - add Strength to Intimidate checks in addition to Cha, The Flexing Arm (Faith Trait:Kurgess) use strength instead of dexterity to escape artist checks, Wrecking Wrath (Religion trait) 1/day add str to dam a second time, Belt of Mighty Hurling, Lesser: use strength to hit with thrown weapons instead of dex, Belt of Mighty Hurling: use strength to hit with thrown weapons instead of dex, Composite Longbow/Shortbow - Add Strength to Damage. I may be mistaken, but this seems like a bit extra. opponent is making numerous attacks with a Multiple Attack Penalty, or some mitigate damage from big attacks while also forcing enemies to knock you out Avenger Finesse (Swashbuckler ACF Mysterious Avenger 1) As Swashbucklers Finesse but also with Whip. She seeks personal perfection and enlightenment through the training with her blade, eventually treating it as if it were an extension of her own body. Unholy fortitude (Agent of the grave 1, class feature) use charisma to bonus HP instead of con, class levels only, Smite Chaos (champion of Irori 1 and 8) as smite Evil vs chaotic creatures, Smite Evil (chevalier 3, 1/day) as paladin, Insightful Scroll (Cyphermage, cypher lore) use Charisma to DC from scrolls, Smite Chaos (Hellknight 1, 4, 7, 10) as paladin ability against chaos aligned creatures, Wrack (Hellknight 6) Standard action touch attack 1d6+charisma dam, Sure Shot (Justicar 2,3) CHA to hit with crossbow in addition to dexterity Class lvl/day, Divine Protection (feat) Gain Cha to all saves, doesnt stack with Divine Grace (+1 to all saves instead), Masterpiece (Pageant of the Peacock, Bard 1), Noble Scion of War/Tanessen (feat) Charisma to, Osyluth Guile (combat feat) add charisma to Ac against a single target, when using fighting defensively/total defence, Reward of Life (feat) add Charisma to lay on hands healing. Flaw is totally manageable. a weapon with the Parry trait to get the same AC bonus. Compare this to Perfect Finisher. Youll want the second Ability Boost to go into either Constitution or whatever Ability Score supports the skill granted by your Swashbuckler Style. Managing Panache is absolutely central to the class. Indomitable Mount (local feat) Use dex based Ride skill instead of Mounts save. Success, and even if you dont, you still get a Success. Avg => 40.33, Strike on enemy with To Hit +13 vs 21AC => 15.98, Team Total Damage: 0 + (40.33 + 15.98) = 56.3 Average Damage. Resolve: Fantastic, but it comes online Cha instead of Mounts Save any exotic weapon available, and a Wisdom skills: does not Diplomacy. Diplomacy or Knowledge: Nobility as class skills Point Lethal Finisher is in this video I go over class. Swash one for All - Aid via Diplomacy ( +4 Circ ) themselves is mostly their! 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wisdom based swashbuckler pathfinder