z recaster catalogue 2019

z recaster catalogue 2019

Personally I would like to see new players pick it up and have the hobby flourish. Not me. The above article is, quite frankly, scaremongering. I myself am very pro recast, that being said maybe 5-10% of my models are recast. You have not idea about, a totally ignorant. People who use recast try to paint GW as the bad guy and the others that protect GW dont want to have a conversation or rationalize their thoughts. Genestealer Cult, Ad Mech & Eldar Top The 40k Army Lists. Age of Sigmar is more popular than WFB was. I wouldnt take a recast even if someone gives it to me for free. It looks all of you here have enough money to afford 300 pounds a month to spend on models. This sort of effect makes even more sense in model games, particularly WH. I have original models, but only because I discovered only recently about recast and I will definitely go this way. The more people there are who are anticipating the reveal of new stuff are there because there is an established community and it only gets better the bigger the community is. Games Workshop wont disappear. Judge yourselves. One must ask whats in the customers best interest? After all, they also pay the same fees and have lots of competition. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Copies from recasters, most of the time from China, are at first glance an option to acquire otherwise expensive miniatures at affordable prices. Recasts: 3 reasons why we need to avoid illegal or unauthorized Amazing D&D Fantasy diorama tabletop terrain. We are talking about recasts: illegal copies of miniatures. The surfaces are very rough, have lots of pores and bubbles, there are important burr steps or details covered by extra resin. e.g. Quality of some recasters is much higher than Forgeworld. So, no, thats straight up greed, and while morally not as bad as 700% increase on the cost of pharmaceuticals, its the same mindset. For legit business there is high quality resin, concept art, sculpting fees, box art, advertising and labour, please dont minimise this with a flipant statement. 2K. That is the price ofany original model. Greedy company? I would agree with most of the points expressed in the comments, that the moral analysis of recasting begins and ends at theft. Despite every measure taken, with the evolution of websites and social networks, recasting has become nearly unstoppable. Not because GW has a better product, but because GW will sue the crap out of anyone who makes a model that looks similar to a GW model. Forge world is horribly over priced and shit quality. 33% of the original, and with a positive experience in my pocket Im more likely to stick into the hobby, which means more long term profits. You retard, that was already included in the measurement. Recasting is a side effect of greedy companies or individuals that take hobby members for granted. For a better comparison, I have cleaned all the copies of excess resin and plastic. You are stealing. The people who are buying the recasts are ruining the hobby for the simple reason they are are robbing the people who bring these sculptures to life for us, without out these creative people this hobby wont survive, so are slowly killing it, why would companies carry on if someone is going to rip them off, a lot of these companies are small industries they can not take the financial hit, they are entitled to make an honest living by buying off the pirates, you are steeling money from the people you admire, else why would you be buying the figure in the first place, no doubt the scum who buy these are the same who dont pay for their music and probably have a stash of rip off DVDs too, stop being cheap skates support the talent or loose it. The price of the cinema these days is ridiculous. Here in Spain we call it Chinoforge, the one that pretty much everyone has heard of. Bollocks. Reporting to our Senior Legal Counsel, you will be part of our Legal team which handles a wide range of legal matters which affect Games Workshop including infringements, trade mark and copyright protection, competitions, dispute resolution and litigation, to name but a few! Seriously, those copies are better quality than originals looking only on those pictures. Im not into recasting but what I find ridiculous is Games Workshops prices. It is our aim to be an inclusive and wholesome place for all. Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad. LET THEM sink. Case in point: One miniature, slightly more detailed than a normal marine: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Games-Workshop-Warhammer-40k-Space-Marine-Commander/107298737?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1239&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=1019313&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=113137378&wl11=online&wl12=107298737&wl13=&veh=sem Whos being the thief? Ive never bought from a recaster, but I know many who do. We pay for quality in finishes and materials, and the most important ofall: Whats the actual law being broken when trading for a recast model? people who dont play a game ultimately kill the game/hobby. Salaries of their employees are probably atrociousand, above all, they undermine the business of proper companies endangering their countinuity. GW going out of business would be the best thing in the world for the hobby. We pay so that the company we like so much is able to surpriseus again in the future with yet another piece to continue enjoying our hobby. The assumption that any money spent on recasts would have gone to GW is incorrect. Reap what you sow. CCoN has lower inventory variety and higher cost, but he's cheapest when he has a sale and it's really good quality. These companies do not pay any IP rights. The cost of your model is not only resin, but a sum of the voice, buy from a recaster and you are a thief like the recaster itself. A movement has started to help raise awareness about the loss of income these folks have started to experience recently. Just saying individuals like that who do that have no moral compass. Despite asking them to send me the fake Venator model, they sent me the normal fake Tauros model, a shorter version than the one I requested. And I do not buy the excuse hey, this is an expensive hobby. The person being greedy here is you. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. How can anyone claim the second company is not greedy, and yes the second company gets targeted by pirates and the first doesnt. . However, I bring up a different point the recasters, who are using what amounts to slave labor in the sweatshops working with toxic resins? You stole the profits from a miniature company that puts food on their table, heats their homes, takes their kids to sports events/cinema (more on this in a min)/etc. And I firmly put the blame into the hands of piracy aka stealing. Prices go up. The first company produces models that are far better sculpts and casts than the second. Yes recasts are stealing IP but until GW treats us in a respectable manner, they garner no respect from us and therefore I couldnt care less about their IP. Ill just download the PDF for free. Take these smaller companies making stunning models for half the price or even less, how is that possible? I now rely on trade forums to find slightly reasonably priced models. This scourge of the hobby is a worldwide problem. For the sake of this report, we have acquired a couple of Chinese illegal recasts as well as their respective originals, and we are going toshow you in detail why there is no point at all in buying these pieces of bad plastic. I say choose wisely and ALWAYS go with the origin of the art if possible. Appealing to modelers if futile in my opinion, there is not enough power in that argument to change buying habits. And what about the companies (from small to big) that produce miniatures based on comics/movies/books/games/characters/ without paying for a license? See our, and recently hired an infringements assistant. Also, if you think this is going to destroy GW, check out their profit margins in their annual business reports. Spikey Bits is a registered trademark of Purple Elephants. [] a subject which rears its head quite regularly. u go to china to get the product made why do you deserve protection from western copy right laws ? as you seem to be proud of the fact you steal form these companies. the books are out there the rules are out there, it would be like if Monopoly was suddenly no longer made every one knows the rules and can build their own board quit being GW fan boys they dont give a shit about you. A quick check of eBay appeared to turn up way fewer listings for Forge World than last week at this time. We are actually preparing another post about that specific issue you are mentioning because that is a topic that will also lead to a huge discussion! You arent using a recaster, he is using you. A regular in national events wherever they are, huge advocate of hobbying with good beer and friends ;). It's not illegal to buy them, though, just to . Now, companies like Games Workshop are a ethical grey-area for myself, because their business practices/efforts are not in consideration of the gamer (in my opinion). With those numbers the hobby will never die, thats amazing! The one kit, the producers knew was a more elite unit and that people were likely to buy one or two of at most, the other a basic infantry squad and that people were more likely to need a decent handful of. But theyre not paying hundreds of thousands of pounds for a plastic mould. There are so many classic wfb models Id love to buy, but the second hand market is just crazy since aos happened and some models are just near impossible to find, even if you have the money. Do they make, from BEGINNING to END, an entirely domestic, clean, and non-toxic product? Enjoy the hobby, dislike the business practices. As much as I loved the action parts of the 10th edition cinematic, Guilliman's speech was an underrated highlight that goes harder than some might not have realized because it constantly cuts between his speech and badass action. The manufacturer isnt benefiting from this situation either. P.O. The arguments here are simple white knighting and emotional, there is no one actually willing to discuss anything or addressing recasting. Suffer in the worst way possible. Right now, a few companies simply stopped selling to Russia as their figures instantly get listed on pirated stores. a 6th edition metal dwarf throne of powers market price on ebay is now around 160, thats way beyond the reach of most hobbyists, definitely out of the reach of kids. Thats despicable. Recaster Z is the lowest cost and - #171951649 added by manollette at Desu Korps of Kreig Upload. Cant have it both ways, either strict on piracy or not. Because even considering the amount of money saved, it does not make up for the atrocious quality received. Totally agree with you, its morons like them who are putting a nail in the coffin of our hobby, I bought a recast by mistake off eBay, I thought I was buying a genuine Pegaso figure, when it arrived I knew instantly of the mistake Id made, everything that is bad in a casting was plain to see, the main thing being it should have been cast in white metal and was instead a poor resin cast instead, thankfully eBay took action and swiftly booted this pirate off. The vast, vast majority of the models I buy are genuine GW products, but there gets a point where Im not going to spend 30 for each and every additional model in an army, which become often unusable in game as rules get re-released with almost each passing year. Recaster Z is the lowest cost and highest inventory overall, with a bit of a cut on quality. You will create reports for the business to be discussed at monthly infringement meetings. is it going to cause the game to completely vanish if the company were to shut down ? Im having to search now forgeworld has stop so many horus heresy models. These illegal copies are either found in the second hand market or directly by those looking for a 70% discount or more. Its common knowledge, but still kind of a secret. I do not buy such copies for moral reasons, but I will not buy original figurines. While actual models are 3D printed from a computer file done by a minimun wage payed designer and then casted the most hollow and thin possible to minimize costs and reduce durability. New 40k, AoS, & More: GWs Release Preview LATEST, Orks & Christmas Bundle White Dwarf November 2018. A check of their website shows that it is indeed down, and from the looks of it not coming back. I wonder If anybody writing that ever have ever hold Forge World model. Ive loved games workshops products for over 20 years now but im finding it harder and harder to justify spending so much on their productsespecially after they tried so hard to stop us here in australia finding cheaper prices overseas, ill continue to support gw by buying genuine products but im not going to pay the crazy prices they want is to pay here. Big mistake to highlight just one country for recasting. Copies from recasters, most of the time from China, are at first glance an option to acquire otherwise expensive miniatures at affordable prices. Your supporting a criminal enterprise plain and simple which is slowly killing the hobby will these re casters spend time and money designing rule books and fluff? You can call people that buy recasts thieves I hope you enjoy your elitist hobby with the few people that can afford to play it. 1. Also, these fake copies come without any instructions (as opposed to, of course, the original Forgeworld copy). Let us know in the comments of ourFacebook Hobby Group,and make sure youenter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! I have no remorse whatsoever for GW. If you happen to know of any second hand recast seller, or on-line store selling these fake products, we encourage you to contact the corresponding company affected so they can take proper measures against it. Recommended Products For The Miniatures Hobby! This would be paradoxal. Prisons are filled with thieves. Not the original miniature companies.. As expected, the pieces to assemble are the same as the original. A quick check of eBay appeared to turn up way fewer listings for "Forge World" than last week at this time. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating their cast presses for the units. will they invest in all the new technology? I mean even though its hella shady its much easier to just buy a cheaper version of the model even if its a knockoff. Youre not automatically entitled to them. Games workshop not only wants lots of money for its live figures (5 euros for guardsman from krieg !, more than for metal ones!). Is it okay to create my own miniatures if they are not a product that Games Workshop creates or has any copyrights on? They should be 30% of that and maybe nobody would copy that. If I had to choose between paying my electricity bill or having a dread saurian , its crystal clear. The cheap cost of resin you mention would only be associated with recasters. Umm. Squats went 20 years ago because no one was buying them. Believe it or not, this industry grows out of passion and love, the same we pour on every project on our workbench. Great article, it is a fair fight and I am seriously pleased to see this being taken seriously, even in the comments section. These artists may not be local, but they are the ones putting all of their time and effort into bringing you these wonderful creations, only to be outdone by a random recaster. Im now buying models that Id never buy because they are crazy expensive, for example forgeworld knights. Tripling the quarterly profits isnt exactly telling me that they are covering costs and slowly expanding. But I can spend 25-30 on a recast and its perfect first time. The current situation especially benefits those people who kept their stuff in boxes rather than paint/assemble/game with them, essentially those who buy the product but dont take part in the hobby. I mean, yes, you have to pay sculpting, designing, producingBut after a certain amount of models sold, the rest is profit. For the good health of our hobby. Shortcuts: "C" opens comments. Who does GW employ? Tbh I wish there was a quality metal recaster of late 90s early 2000s WFB, or that gw would just sell the moulds/ip so I could get the models I want. With Z, the above linked infantry squad is $16. This is exacerbated by them constantly suing companies for IP infringement like the Spot the Spacemarine case. We cant do anything but have thought experiments because unlike other companies, GW wont discuss the affects of recasting and no one has published any kind of reasonable peer reviewed study. Youre a thief. Its inevitable anyways in the next 5 years with 3D printing. Thatll add on the time it takes to pour the resin, and remove it. produce in the country you sell in and not in china.. then we can talk until then you get what you deserve! GW copycat ideas from sourses like Terminator,Alien, Dungeons and Dragons and what not. I also dont really care that much, GW killed warhammer fantasy so I dont mind if they get whats coming to them. I dont want to be pointing finger, but we cannot choose to ignore part of IP basic principles, and focus on some others. However, by doing so we are ignoring the damage that this does to the industry behind this hobby of ours. Ok fair enough, our companies are small and action costs. After what number model those artists are paid ? So what Jag is saying is if something is more expensive than he wants to pay, he is justified in stealing it. then those models end up being resold to people on ebay and those are usally ones you see in bulk packages on ebay with out the boxes and sheets. Even so, this work is not enough to come even close to the original. If we demand fairer prices and go outside their control, it is because they are not catering to the majority of their customers. Do they, as a British company, utilize only products designed, produced, and bought within British home-island territory? The above is, again, scare-mongering. Alecs is really right for all that fantasy models he refers were sculpted by artists and then casted to mass production, usually in metal and made of thick components. clearly you have no idea about running a business you think that when you buy a model you pay just for resin ? Quality and durability is a real issue with their resin, Ive had several LoTR finecast models break on me while gaming far too easily, usually on fine detail or blades thats near impossible to effectively fix. And its not Hollywood that is getting killed. No well known miniature company is safe from this practice. What companies are u using for recasts? Changed their name many times, now operating via email sending emails with links to the actual catalog. Lately all brands have seen how our creations are being reproduced illegally and without any scruples in a massive way. Now im buying tons of big recasted models. What do you think of the latest Warhammer recaster to get shut down by Games Workshop ? Theyre decent sculpts, decent quality minis. Kill Team 2020 Painting Challenge #killteam2020: The End, Checkpoint Kill Team 2020 Painting Challenge #killteam2020, The Last Stand of the Crimson Fists the creation logbook, New 40k Kill Team 2020 Painting Challenge begins #killteam2020, Warcrow 2019, IV edition of the Infinity: The Game painting contest, https://www.walmart.com/ip/Games-Workshop-Warhammer-40k-Space-Marine-Commander/107298737?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1239&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=1019313&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=113137378&wl11=online&wl12=107298737&wl13=&veh=sem, The Campaigner Blog Archive This past week on the tabletop, https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/09/eu-study-finds-piracy-doesnt-hurt-game-sales-may-actually-help/, A Tale of 12+1 Warlords: Checkpoint 3 painted points results, Death Korps of Krieg At Ease (2011) by Volomir. We basically pay to perpetuate the work of each and every one of the artists involved in the birth of this miniature. Spikey Bits is a site about the hobby of tabletop wargaming. Some of the casts I have bought would struggle to be used as scenery they are that bad. Imo it tells me that they severely overprice their products for maximum GP. Just as with Lietpold, the amount of resin and burrs it has is endless, making it especially difficult to find out what belongs to the model and what is left over. Like any economic entity, they need to obey the law of supply and demand ACROSS their customer base. You aren't allowed to use recasts in a GW store, for one (though depending on the quality, people might not notice). FJ was developed by a multicultural team of various beliefs. Mainly Forgeworld and resin copies of Games Workshop plastic kits. Thank you for your inputs Rusty! It is very bad quality, hard plastic etc. With Z, the above linked infantry squad is $16. GW also has a massive network of stores. As Infringements Assistant, you will assist with all things relating to infringements. There is no better way to understand the lousy quality of these recasts than by putting them in front of their originals. Its nice to see such mature topics being treated with depth. If that was to happen then there is a chance of changing something. There was a demand so the pirates appeared they sell cheaper and often better quality. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. @Greg. This is no reason to price them with a disparity of 15-20 thats just a poor outlook. Famous search engines of Chinese products show easily references of companies like Andrea Miniatures, Nocturna Models, Young Miniatures, Knight Models, and many others. This really rips ma knitting this! Its very easy to make an illegal copy of a miniature, especially if the country where its made has bad labour policies. the whole they charge too much so stuff them attitude is scummy and weak they are a business and need to make a profit if they start to lose market share because people are turning to other games then they might re think their prices. I need some of the bigger suits for my tau and they are pretty expensive so I would most likely turn to a recast. 256. r/Warhammer40k. rockit cool direct die oculus link mic not working. All rights reserved. during the month, more than 5 times the quantity that me (the creator, designer and fighter) sold the same month. Recasters are selling multitudes of more models than the actual creator. I will always buy the original product when I can, but Im also going to buy high quality recasts for models that I need multiples of. You think they magically pump out miniatures at just the cost of supplies you are an idiot. @Italeri Games Workshop prices are high, but they are not massively greater than companies like Knight Models. Also several Rackham miniatures. No one has put more indie model firms out of business than GW. Also, the resin used for the recasts is a very smelly material, with a very weak and brittle body, and you have to be careful with it at all times. It leaves you a very salty taste. Of course, cheaper things are always more attractive, but it comes back to the principle of supporting your local business. GW rant incoming: I agree with buying recasts only when it is GW. No? Its come to a point that, as I said before, this damage can only be prevented by us, the consumers. We see three key points to avoid these false copies: And if after reading this article you want to do something positive about this, its quite easy actually. Let explain with the simple aim of making you understand it the true depth of your act. FWs resin is also crap and brittle, not sure what your point is there. As evidenced with comments, for a lot of folk price is the issue and they will choose alternative, albeit poor quality. OUR EXISTENCE IS IN DANGER! Reply . However, basically its the same piece, without any add-ons, so it works to do the comparison. I perfectly understood is time wasted, but something in me hope you understood the type of scum you and your friend are. In this role, you will be monitoring websites and sales platforms to identify infringements and counterfeit products and then you will follow a structured process for removing those products, reducing counterfeit products available across all sales platforms and websites. Recasts and piracy, in general, is suddenly on the rise across the hobby as a whole, as other manufacturers and independent artists are also starting to take a hit. It is the same, in my opinion, as downloading movies and music that you havent paid for the right to see. Nor over on Volomir talked about some of the reasons why miniature copies need to be []. Blaming the pirates did not work for the music or film industries, it will not work here either. But in the past 2 years their stock has sky rocketed. Recast popularity reflects that or they would not keep popping up. The 9th Edition of 40k is going to be open and crowd sourced by the players, for the players, for the betterment of the game instead of lining GWs pockets. It is our mission to bring you the latest from the miniature wargaming scene, from narrative missions, hobby how-to tutorials, battle reports, unboxings and reviews, retro flashbacks, news, rumors, and more. Mainly because it is ILLEGAL. And people have stopped going because why spend 20 on a family trip to the cinema (10 years ago) when you can get the movie for free. I have no problem doing a massive company like GW out of 40 quid. Finecast is so good, I really dont understand recast buyers ! Sorry, I do not. Ill never buy legitimate versions now with the re casts being so good from where I get them from. A totally ignorant addressing recasting time it takes to pour the resin and. My models are recast that much, GW killed warhammer Fantasy so I would like to.! Their countinuity money spent on recasts would have gone to GW is incorrect to! Bought within British home-island territory it not coming back years ago because no one was them. Piece, without any instructions ( as opposed to, of course, the pieces to assemble are the fees. Choose wisely and ALWAYS go with the evolution of websites and social networks, recasting has nearly... A multicultural team of various beliefs wholesome place for all believe it not. It or not I need some of the casts I have bought would struggle to be [ a... 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z recaster catalogue 2019