metaspoon revenge boss

metaspoon revenge boss

Basically, my job became throw milk for 8 hours. Another one of her shining moments came a few months later. He tried to cut me off. After a month of waiting, I called them and they said, oh.. yeah.. sorry. She was demoted down to regular worker. calladus, 5. I think he started to understand why we were not clocking out on time too. Fine, Fire Me, But My Success Is Going To Make You Green With Envy. We do often have phone conversations with our clients, so figuring this is what happened and wanting to verify that, I call up Ariel. He says you know what, f*ck this I quit too. We call the boss again and leave a message on both lines telling him we quit (along with 2 other staff, the only one that doesnt is the 1 kitchen staff) and we will stay for another 30 minutes to give him time to get here but then we are walking out. Take those handwritten agreements to court. Nothing. They knew I would do what I could, within reason. But really, we dont always stick to that piece of advice. At the year and a half mark, I got promoted! F*ck that guy. I walked out without preparing an ounce of food. About a year ago, I was working the weekend shift, and we had been complaining for weeks about a particular machine, a very high-priority one, making weird noises and stalling without warning. All of them were very happy for me! Weve had lots of people walk out, weve had people demand refunds and leave but the store is still packed and there is still an hour left on breakfast, but we havent had a chance to prep lunch, not even cut up the veggies for burgers so we were still f*cked come to lunch. And if he was going to cause trouble, he shouldnt even enter the store. Everyone except Ariel. I graduated from university and found a job 2 weeks later thanks to my degree and experience in the field. and I was completely right in going to the government. Stories, People Defend Their Reputation By Telling Their "Am I The Jerk?" This was a huge huge deal and he knew that. Lucky me, I also have lice. He was a control freak and if he had thought of that he would not have let me go but would have tried his best to make my life miserable. Just as I was bending down to plant the sign, a car stopped with his headlights on me. 30 minutes pass and no word from the owner. I was told that there was a mistake in payroll and that theyd get it sorted out and Id get a two pay period paycheck next week. He did this in front of a client, in public, while people are eating. If he wants trouble, Ill give it to him! He gave me coupons for local businesses for the 6th day, I was a month away from graduation so I agreed to this really stupid idea. I was very good at what I did, and do know how to do a lot of the things her job involves, but it also comes with several responsibilities I had no interest in and she knew all of this. Did you ever get revenge on them, or did Karma ever do the dirty work for you? That night it was snowing heavily. My senior year, I loosened up and started dating. Thats not allowed. I was livid. So he lost control of me and I already had a job here that paid better than the one I left. I do so, and head into work to deal with getting rid of the lice when I get home. She even goes so far as to keep some dry shampoo, hairspray, and a brush in her desk. Each building gave us a great net income right off the bat. We both crack up laughing, and the cop ends up giving me his direct number. After a pause, he said if you feel that way why didnt you speak to me about it? It was an interesting idea when I found it: take AM Radio style talk & commentary and bring it into the 21st Century. Hes been in the bathroom since you left, has sh*t his pants already, and is making this place smell like an open sewer. I go back to the kitchen and Donnie is nowhere in sight. This, of course, was not her job. So today I resign my position with immediate effect, which in turn, cancelled his vacation plans for next week. Because we have a conscience that acts as a moral compass for what's right and wrong. So I said to D*ck understood, after three weeks Ill be on the road again, cool just making sure he understood because he wanted to play games and not pay the amount in full D*ck is now going to pay me my salary for three weeks to do nothing until the reimbursement fee is paid. I took the orders from all the smaller coffee shops around town that the local chain owned, and baked all the bagels, cookies, muffins, wraps, etc. Hey, hey wait a minute. Till finally, I said to him, what the hell man? Pexels. But Mom had a solution. Before walking back to the break area, I walked to the front of the store. D*cks sights then narrowed on to me. Fast forward six months, yes Im STILL working here. Worked in a bakery slash luncheon sandwich shop slash coffee bar. He was going to hire some girls to start working, but installed security cameras pointing at their desks, he said to prevent theft, but I found out from a girl who used to work there he took her on a business trip out of town and tried to f*ck her, then left her at the hotel when she told him to f*ck off. 6 years later, every time I feel stressed at work, I open the crappy project, that is STILL online, to remind myself how far Ive come, and how little his sh*tty business is barely hanging on. Milhouse_is_a_meme, 4. It means that I ended up with about $200 cash that was tax-free so thats a bonus. Thats when I found out shed lost her position. I had a workstation and a little office/studio I shared with the web developer and while he fixed bugs on the site and coded up new features, I would edit & upload the talk shows. The next morning I came in and saw the secretary cleaning the dust off a line up of about 100 monitors that had been sitting out in the open collecting dust. It sounds like a small act of revenge, but if youve ever had a case of head lice, youd understand how horrible it is. David was simply a shift super for the dock, had no desires to be promoted because he had absolutely no responsibilities except to post a end-of-shift report, which he had one of the receivers do for him (that was my job). He told me about all of this 18 hours before it had to be loaded into a truck and delivered to the event. What I learned is I was a fool to do that and money isnt everything. I worked for this small business IT Consulting firm for seven years. The boss paid me less than minimum wage pulling some bullsh*t excuse about how the job role wasnt defined and could pay me what he wanted. But I had the same amount of work, and I worked quickly the snack bar manager (my boss and the one who trained me) said that the section manager was leaning on me to make things harder for my boss. He knew what he did. probablydyslexic, 7. I didnt mind much since everyone was the shop b*tch at one gotta pay your dues. The surprise inspection came 30 minutes later due to the fact that there was a creche in the building. Unrelated, five years in I put in my notice because he asked me to get a couple of certifications and if I did he would take care of me. Spent the better part of Saturday at the movies downtown Los Angeles. People Share Their "Most Boss" Stories Of Pro Revenge | MetaSpoon People Share Their "Most Boss" Stories Of Pro Revenge By Maddy Heeszel - July 12th, 2020 Brooke Cagle It drives me crazy when people refuse to be nice to others just because. We bought all the electronics equipment from the USA. Lettuce. Out of all the things Ive done so far, this had made the most significant impact. Guy has a several million-dollar house, goes on vacations has boats, etc. This took some approval from corporate and some smooth-talking. I ran over and found my buddy (who had been operating this particular machine) pale as a f*cking ghost, leaning on the wall, no harm done to him but scared sh*tless. Id feel bad about it if he wasnt such a d*ck. Plus D*ck is over 60, what kind of person knocks out a senior? That way anyone who drove by would . He told me that he knew I got paid from the register and that he wanted his money. Two weeks after the dance in the doorway, I go back to the neighborhood and stop by the garages and shops to say hello to everyone. The boss at that time made sure I was rewarded for my efforts. The cops gave me a few courses of action. Hint: The password should be at least 8 characters long. The first one (AKA the one with the horrible boss), was a chain store, therefore, anybody below a manager really had no power whatsoever. I finished out the day without reacting somehow. However, when he saw where I was taking one of the pizzas, he ordered (not asked) me to pick him up a chocolate shake from a drive-through joint close by. 3. When I went in to return my uniform I made sure to get the money that we were allowed. We even caught him stealing from our tip jars a couple of times but the owner never did anything about it. My uncle absolutely hated his old neighbor. Big boss was essentially sitting into the meeting so her seniority made the client feel important, Ariel and I are running the show. I was working a day shift and my manager told me it was very important to keep my own record of my hours because the computers didnt work to log in. 3. I worked in the snack bar flipping burgers and working the fryer. Meaning that I was now solely responsible for up to 120,000~ peoples milk needs. So I declined the renewal. This pr*ck would ridicule new temps about the way they dressed (industrial temp workers usually are quite poor), talked, mannerisms, you name it, in front of everyone at shift meetings. I told him Im not your wife, you dont talk to me like that and he flipped out. It was such an incredibly simple thing too, and big boss loves Ariel, so it wouldnt have even crossed her mind that Ariel didnt properly explain it to me, let alone straight-up lie about it! When you have a room with a couple of hundred gallons of milk, it means a pool of milk in your work area, which gets in your shoes/socks, and on your pants, which smells fantastic at the end of an 8-hour workday. The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. What I started to discover however is the turn over for the company is a couple of years and I began to realize why. When we wrong others or hurt them in some way on purpose, we tend to feel bad about it afterward. Anyway, my boss didnt really have it in her to run the cafe business was great but it took up a lot of her time, and she was young and didnt want to be tethered to it. and then we were on our way. He matched the offer and increased my Salary up another 15k. I said Im sorry man, I havent received reimbursement in six months for travel expenses and I just had my work cell phone service turned off. After I got my check, I decided I wanted my record of employment, too. Its a week-long rodeo and festival where thousands of people flood the city, drunk and wearing cowboy hats. My first real job was as a junior engineer for a startup out in White Rock, BC. I talk to him couple of times a year and he always said it was the best choice in his life he ever made. He didnt give a f*ck if I stayed until 3 am on a school night (I was in high school). His retaliation was the kitchen sink, he had nothing so he started accusing me of things, then playing coy when it came to reviewing the details or facts. He probably lost out on $15,000 worth of sales or more from the store being closed for 3 hours and missing the lunch rush (which on a normal day brought in about $5G but during stampede could easily bring in $10,000). She told him that I was not in the country and had a job in the USA. All he was doing was opening the door so he could play a revengeful sarcasm game. Apparently its better to have customers walk right out because theyve been waiting for ages, rather than just pay for one extra employee. Being a young pr*ck that I was, I told him that I never got any checks and that I had no idea what he was talking about. Many incidents took place, which I wont go into detail. He asked for some examples. She had pretty much finished up her business with him save for a few details, and told me he had gotten belligerent with her on one occasion in a way that put her hackles up. He confided in me right there the level of hell hes in and some of the things D*ck has said or done. He left me alone for a couple of months after that, he wasnt in the office much either. He paid us out of the till in cash because we refused to leave until he paid us. Leave, or Ill escort you out with handcuffs. His reaction being, his ego had to take it up the ass. Went with a broker house hunting on Monday and put an offer on a house on Wednesday. Took all major decisions on his own and handled all departments (strategy, finance, marketing, sales, Business Development, etc.). Slam Me In A Door? 4 movies for the price of one at the Roxy theater. I was in the middle of a project for him when I quit, and I tried to do the good thing about it, I said, I start in 2 weeks, so Ill finish up this project or at least prepare it for a new employee. He said to me no, youre leaving now, give me back my boots (he made me buy steel-capped boots for safety, again, nothing to do with my work), I told him to f*ck off. The new one (AKA the one with the better boss), was only three stores, and the owner of the stores wouldnt really take much crap from others, so we had quite a bit more power than I used to have. It was a summer job, and I was 14-15 years old in 1978. Fail To Pay Us On time? We had spoken about it over the phone too so there was no concrete proof she lied. Its important to note he only asked for two certifications, I not only obtained those but an additional fourteen on top of that. In this state, its the employers burden to prove it. Especially if others in the meeting liked my idea. Lets say he complained about his cell phone. He put his arm around me and wanted me to come into his store, and I saw Albert watching us through the front window of the cafe. In turn, he would ask with an entitled and sarcastic tone if you were an expert on the matter and wanted to see those credentials. Securing a Brighter . Then eat what I brought, if I didnt finish it he had no opportunity. I poured half of the shakeout (for me to enjoy later, of course) and mixed in 13-15 oz of Ex-Lax. Without that, motherf*cker had closed the cafe down pretty fast. She is obsessed with it and does everything she possibly can to maintain its beauty. He then played coy about being coy, I laughed. There is no reason I needed it at that time, but I just wanted it. The 3rd week came and no checks. I worked at my previous job for over 3 years. Every single thing I had fought for, he undid in a short time. He invited her to a romantic candlelit dinner and proposed her. I have to beat him at his own game while providing the illusion he is in control. My cousin and his wife are happily married for 20 years. Quora user, 13. By Nicola M - September 22nd, 2021. Suck it. I grabbed the pizzas and stormed out, Donnie yelling from the kitchen something like Haha Awww i think hes mad. And his money goes to the state first then the state sends it to me, so he cant play games with my money or the state is coming after him. He was also the next CEO. The jealous miserable b*stard was shocked speechless because he did not imagine that this would happen. I was going to finish out my two weeks, but instead Im gonna put in my two milk notice. And I softball underhand two gallons of milk about 40 feet at Bill, which hits the concrete floor and sprays him from the thighs down. I found a way to bring it up in gory detail to everyone I stopped in each shop to say hello, I was in the neighborhood, do you wanna see my sick bruise? It resulted in doubling profits and establishing a great company reputation. While they were talking the cops came over to talk to me. BoredPanda staff. This time it cost D*ck, 32,500 dollars to be exact. The people higher up the chain generally refuse to listen when we inform/complain about a machine not working properly and dismiss it with a simple well fix it later, just keep production going. This is great because he doesnt live far so he should be here in 10 minutes at the latest. Gave to him right there. The company lost millions in delayed production, all because they wouldnt listen to the guys (and girls) on the factory floor. iArsonist, 1. MetaSpoon has daily funny news articles, funny pictures and other amusing. Incredibly, an admirable boss can have so much positive and long-term influence on their employees that it may have a direct effect on their behavior. The income I was making was insufficient to pay for our expenses even without rent or mortgage. We spent that weekend in the lunchroom, playing cards and having food delivered. For six months, it was great! ideas that I had floated to her and take credit for them, and look for any excuse whatsoever to reprimand me or talk down to me in front of her boss (big boss) to make me look bad. Road rage. He knew that for years I witnessed every bit of the terrible things he had said and done to the temps. And if they say it's best to turn the other cheek, then sometimes it just doesn't work. My boss was a paranoid, penny pinching, micromanaging wank knob gobsh*t. I discovered myself again, who I really am. Mom well, shes mom, you know? We serve at lease 50 free breakfasts (at around $10 apiece) once the store is empty we do our cash out, drop it in the slot under the tills and get ready to leave. The other times he gave them to me with a day or two notice. I went by the drive-through of the fast food place to get a 32oz chocolate milkshake and then made a bee-line to the grocery store right down the street to pick up a family-size bottle of chocolate flavored Ex-Lax. After that performance, I went right home. Ive worked at the same company for over 6 years. The Catnip Conspiracy. I would realize much later he was telling the truth as crazy as it sounded. Sick of office politics, my cousin uncovered many of his bosss career failures and succeeded big time in accomplishing those achievements. We sold them and bought 2 other much bigger ones in much better locations. In route on the way home, I called family members to tell them the good news. But a week after I started, the only two other grocery stores in the town went on strike. I had been hoping for this ever since they started coming in and scoping prices, so I went out to 2 of our assistant managers Paul and Larry, and I kindly asked them to leave. I had the boss from hell back when I worked for a logistics company (We will call him David). The only four who remained were deadbeats who barely bothered to the waiter. He was partial to her and gave her costly presents and special treatment. Now thats Karma I had a buyer even before the sign was pushed into the snow. What is revenge if not the sweetest feeling of serving a hot and steamy plate of justice. But anytime anyone would use the restroom he would blame me for the smell. Anyway I had planned to go out one night with a girl I had just met and wanted to get off work a bit early, go home and wash the pizza smell off me. That was dangerous and too close. He knew it months in advance and had the full order 3 weeks in advance. My house was paid for by the grace of my wifes aunt and my mother in law. No one else was responsible for it but me. After getting us to present our sides of our stories they separated us and had the labor relations folks talk to us separately. Flash-forward six weeks and Im in a hearing boardroom with some vicious government lawyers practically growling and foaming at the mouth at the owners of the startup sitting across the table from me who had only thought to bring their suits and smiles. During close-up, he would berate me further. Everyone had stopped going. Once I did what was requested he backed out of the agreement and played coy. Then I remembered he drove and its a long way back. Only the day-to-day cleaning and small adjustments. One day, maybe after a month of this, I couldnt take it anymore. I flat out told him No f*cking way. When I arrived home I promptly adjusted the dates on the unemployment forms I had filled out already in wait and submitted them. Working 8-hour shifts every day in your jeans and ruining pair after pair with oil and grease the only clothes you own, spending money you dont have on gas to get to work is bad enough when you have to wait more than a month for your first checkbut then being denied a paycheck and treated like its no big deal week after week is straight bullsh*t. I would have called the labor board after the first failure (US Dept of Labor). So perhaps he was hoping. Instantly, the cook makes eye contact with me and comes rushing over, practically falling over patrons. I sucked it up and started getting the last deliveries together. She was on to her third monitor, feeling thoroughly humiliated and in tears. After waiting the month (you get paid every two weeks and they hold back your first paycheck, not to mention if you start working there in between pay periods) to get paid, I came to work excited to get my first paycheck. When he fires me he will have to pay half my current salary of 65k until I get a new job. This way, his boss had virtually nothing to do except laze around. I mean, they werent really wrong for not working. Over the next six months, I took that time to enjoy myself, pursue hobbies and lived life to the fullest on his dime as a reward for his comment. Careful, Hell Steal Your Company. This new store that I worked at was a discount grocery store; which basically means that we would get overstock from other stores, stuff that didnt sell, outdated items (not insanely outdated, we still had some standards on the food we could sell), etc, etc. Not just tag it in with next pay days payroll, but ASAP, usually involving figuring it up special, cutting the check, and FedExing that b*tch to you. I thought that was a pretty good start. He would call you out for little mistakes, make you stay late to help do his job, throw you under the bus when talking to the owner, always bail early, AND was convinced everybody liked him the real deal. First, remember how I said she lied? I needed the money.. This time I insisted they pay me what I was owed for that pay period from the cash register. Mechanics arrive at the scene. It was a huge, important luncheon for the company itself. My plan wasnt realized until my boss receive the letter in the mail about a week later stating hes going to have shell out my Salary for the next six months or until I found a job. Our small company would go out to eat as a whole, or just order in on Fridays. He didnt seem to know. PD: Yeah Normally for something like this, I would just ask the person to leave from the phone, but Mike was being an a*s to my wife the other day. The guys at the studio were funny and we operated just off of Marine Drive, had a view of the ocean and wed go down to the strip and have lunch at the pub most days. They said that I shouldn't take human remains out in public, but there was no laws that were broken. I work for a company that makes batteries. I dont even know how they could get away with that but this was in the 70s, so maybe they could get away with it back then. Youll Lose Millions Of Dollars For Production Delays. A year later, Im very happy now, I enjoy my new job and my new boss. I was working at a small cafe, which was owned by a young woman in her mid-twenties. People were still coming in the drive-through and trying to get in the door, confused as to why the store would be closed in the middle of the day during Stampede. Of 65k until I get a new job and my new job and my mother in.. Brush in her mid-twenties position with immediate effect, which was owned by a young woman in desk... 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metaspoon revenge boss