gw2 mesmer phantasm build

gw2 mesmer phantasm build

Use your elite skill inside the Split. The Mesmer class specializes in causing mayhem and confusion while dealing both massive and condition-based damage. Ascended power food is the best option, but really not needed for open world. What profession do I choose? Stacks in intensity. Immortal Virtuoso. This type of illusion doesnt last for long, once they finish their attack or special ability, they will disappear and a Clone will appear in their place. A fun trick with S/F is to start casting Focus's Phantasmal Warden (#5), and while casting it, also cast Sword's Clone (#3), which cripples the target and holds it in place till iWarden finishes casting. Thank you! After an initial cast with a powerful effect, mantra skills flip into instant-cast abilities swith 2 charges. This build is capable of summoning an army of illusions so large, that your minimap will start to resemble the night sky. Those are really the only builds I run. Portal is used to teleport away from the arena-wide wipe attack at 50% since the boss' breakbar had bugged. Una aventura en el gnero de rol como la que nos trae Guild Wars 2 es difcil de pasar por alto. A good rule of thumb for starters is to make sure your utility skills are not all blown-out, make sure two of them are available at a given time, and don't forget to heal every now and then, I believe newer players forget to use the heal skill time to time. A phantasm is an illusion created by the mesmer. Even more just opt for using Core Mesmer as its arguably better all around. F1-4 skills are your Shatters, using any of those will destroy (shatter) your clones for an improved effect, although you can use them at any point in time, even without any active clones for the weakest effect. The number of clones available for shattering is visible above your weapon skills as three small pink dots. 3% more damage for each of your active illusions. Phantasms grant regeneration to nearby allies. Hey guys! Stacks in duration. Its weaknesses are having its survivability tied to its evades and blocks that must be timed, and the skill required to successfully play this build mainly since the heal skill is an integral part of the DPS rotation. Inflicts X damage each time a foe uses skill. Shield - allows you to block, twice if you do block at least one attack. Because Chaoss strongest suit is condition damage, its most often taken by condition builds, usually with 131 traits in PvE with Method of Madness, Chaotic Potency, and Chaotic Interruption. Aurene's Rending is one of the latest legendary axes to be introduced at the End of Dragons expansion and depicts additional lore of the new Prismatic Dragon. Stacks in intensity. Increases damage the target takes by 1%. Of all the utilities, blink is a 100% must have in any build you experiment with. It is also the skill type of those mesmer skills used to summon phantasms. . When a phantasm is summoned, it will . However, there can only be three clones alive at any given point. 15 Points gave me deceptive evasion creating an illusion when I dodge. !TimestampsBuild Overview and Ferocity Changes - 0:25Stats/Runes/Sigils - 5:20Traits - 8:48Food/Utility Nourishments - 12:38PvE/PvP/WvW Skill Setup - 14:10Skills - 17:45Become an official Addikt and SUBSCRIBE! Best alacrity application out of the chrono builds. Quickness Chrono. But otherwise feel free to play with the order of trait acquisition, this is just one suggestion: 1. If you have any comments or questions, leave them below! Immobilize nearby foes. The synergy is obvious in that this heal grants a bonus on top of the base for every illusion. Fill with auto-attacks; try not to interrupt them as the last attack. Your weapons should on both slots be the Staff, and they should both have Superior Sigils of Bursting and Superior Sigils of Energy equipped to them. Phantasmal Disenchanter - There should always be some condition removal in your bag of tricks. Agony is an effect unique to Fractals of the Mists that removes a percentage of the player's health every second and reduces received healing by ~50%. Very good choices for competitive gameplay are Medic's Feedback for group support and Blurred Inscriptions for great synergy with Signet of Midnight, making 123 usual traits selection in PvP. To further enhance Mesmer's self-sustainability and group healing, and to make up for lack of group Regeneration, we will also improve the Grandmaster trait in Inspiration line: Illusionary Inspiration Summon an illusion heals and grant Regeneration to allies around you. Click Herefor a link to the build. Gain 10 seconds of regeneration when your health reaches 75% (30-second cooldown). The most common picks for power PvE builds are 121 traits (Bountiful Blades,Egotism,Vicious Expression) for raw damage increase and Greatsword boost. DPS Chronomancer. Do I want my biggest regret in life to be that I never joined the circus? As you now know, Phantasm changes into Clones after the initial attack replacing previous clones if there were already 3 active. Also, familiarize yourself with GW2's general combat mechanics if you're not already. Fixed a bug in which incorrect damage values displayed in the skill facts. buff illusion survivability (health).3. buff illusion damage. I cannot play without it. Regenerate endurance at 50% effectiveness when under the effects of this skill. The Pledge : . Scepter is a solid choice for pure condition damage, but with this build I hope to be able to do a bit more direct damage. Mesmer is a confusingbag of worms, until you play it for 300 hours you wont understand the true beauty of the class. Enter the symbols you see in the image. 60: 10/20/0/10/106. Reduces movement speed and skill recharge by 66%. Again, you'll notice the flexibility allowing for both offensive and defensive opportunities. Chronomancer is an elite specialization for the mesmer class, bringing some of the best utility, crowd control, boon removal and some condition cleanse for large WvW battles. Blink around your enemies with these builds. Trash!Hey look it's my old pal Alt F4. The main power damage weapons Mesmers can wield are Greatsword, Swords, and Focus, while more condition-focused weapons are Scepter, Torch, Pistol, and Staff. Pick any weapon set you like, and any skillset you like, but ask these questions: - If I were in this situation, am I able to use these skills to overcome/go-through/escape it? If you dont know anything about Guild Wars 2 profession, and you maybe are looking for a short comparison, check out our introductory guides: Mesmer plays around summoning Illusions, which are created during combat, and when used in certain ways, they can provide a lot of personal damage or team-wide utility, or can be sacrificed to deliver powerful attacks. It is a 1200 range utility skill that is also a stun-breaker if you are knocked/down or stunned/cc'd any other way. Use Illusionary Wave to push them back if you want, or not. Dodging is overpowered in the right hands. Cast your phantasm skills while entering Continuum Split. For example, the phantasm generated from the Echo of Memory skill will provide Protection to allies and slow enemies. Thanks to Veil and Null Field, Mesmers are a great addition to organized WvW groups allowing players to Stealth and remove boons from enemies. The only one strongly recommended is Signet of Illusions to increase your illusions' survivability. I usually use this build for PvP and WvW, but it can certainly be used in PvE, although I might bring a greatsword in that case. Profession mechanics. Engage when you should,and disengage when you should. Anyway, I was wondering if this was a good build for fairly straightforward minion . Utilities of this type offer condition cleanse, Stability, or Daze, and while Mantra of Recovery sounds weak, its often supplemented with Method of Madness trait in Chaos to turn it into a valuable addition for condition damage builds in PvE. Recommended Viable Beginner Legacy All Condition Weaver. Due to its low cooldown, you can use it again after the Split. Regeneration (4 s) Sign up for a new account in our community. Gain protection for 2 seconds when you gain regeneration. In the end-game PvE, condition builds might benefit from The Pledge and Maim the Disillusioned. Other than that, feel free to experiment. This effect is exclusive to the guardian profession through the Virtue of Resolve. Do you play esurge in gw1 or ineptitude or something else? Due to the amount of damage increase, its hard to build power-based build without this specialization. If you don't have a brain, or at least don't know how to use it, this ability will show just how much of a dim-wit you really are. Grants retaliation for 5 seconds to Phantasms when created. The best chronomancer build for open world. Taking II as the minor trait grants fury to phantasms thereby increasing their crit rate by I think 20% which synergizes with VI allowing crits to cause bleed. There are only two known ways in the universe to level a mesmer without wanting to hang yourself by your toenails by level 10. 33% damage reduction. is the profession mechanic of the chronomancer specialization that allows a player to "rewind" time. Thrust your greatsword into the ground, damaging foes and removing 1 boon. Sign up for a new account in our community. Stacks in duration. I choose to look out from behind a _____. This means youll be running Ritualist stats on all armor except your Legs. For armor Runes, youll want x6 of the Superior Rune of the Nightmare, x11 Malign +9 Agony Infusion, and x7 Spiteful +9 Agony Infusion for your Accessories and Rings. - If I bursted everything, am I able to recover from a long cool-down wait? Ether Fest (heal) - This is standard. Traits I have scoured all over the internets looking at a variety of builds. Bleeding is a stackable condition that deals damage over time. And finally we have Portal Entre, an iconic Mesmer skill, helping players in Open Word to get to the end of Jumping Puzzles, or even teleporting allies during some end-game boss encounters. The other two Shatters are more of a utility, Diversion is a very valuable Crowd Control skill, and Distortion offers a very powerful defensive ability in form of a long Invulnerability. If a new clone is created either by the player or by a phantasm, then the oldest persisting clone will be destroyed and replaced. Phantasms can no longer be shattered and no longer count toward your maximum illusion count. Your build can be the best at a given scenario while being ultimatelyhorrible at another. With great damage, utility, crowd control, and boon generation. Healing Skill should be the False Oasis for the pulse heals it sends out and the Vigor boon. The second hit will Daze the second target for 2 seconds. Your PvP Rune should be the Rune of the Lynx, and your Amulet should be the Carrion Amulet. That is how the best build, is built; for you. By Good examples of standard playstyles, I think gear is the most flexible part of building a Mesmer (maybe not Virtuoso though). don't use a Level 80 build to level to 80. In short, you need to suffer a lot through trial and error to learn how to suffer little. Taunt is a control effect that forces the affected target to run towards the source of taunt with all skills except stun breakers disabled while using their auto-attack skill. Your Runes should be x6 Superior Runes of the Thief, and youll need x18 Mighty +9 Agony Infusions for your Rings and other trinkets. Highest damage condition build. Which game mode are we talking about? Does X damage to an opponent each time they hit you. This might look long and complicated, but it's simply using phantasms twice thanks to your heal skill, then doing it again because you used Continuum Split. Example, I have a build where anyone that jumps on me from cloak, I have an AOE blind ready (staff 4), or I'm used to pressing F3 (diversion to daze), or just blinking away, because the mindset was already trained with the build to react quickly and to be used to such an engagement. Your weapons can vary, but youll want to run a Sword and Sword combination and a Focus in your second weapon set. I just posted the snowcrows build because I have no significant improvements. Use the gear and traits recommened in this guide. Reduces the recharge of sword and spear skills by 20%. Engage when you should,and disengage when you should. Id_Hyren 9 years ago #1. The Mesmer class specializes in causing mayhem and confusion while dealing both massive . Allows the user to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being spotted by enemy NPCs. Revealed is an effect applied when stealth is broken, for example by entering combat or exiting a Shadow Refuge circle prematurely. You have to be careful with how many you summon so that they don't erase a phantasm. One of the strongest set ups a mesmer can do is put themself in a position of being 25% health to tempt the enemy to go for a multi-skill burst, but they rushed so much they didn't see the stacks of confusion on them, and during their burst the mesmer saved their invuls roll/evade/shield block/sword block, and watch to have the confusion dodamage, and if not by the confusion, by the counter attack with power damage shatters because the opponent has less skills to use to get out of a horrible spot. Good breakdown and as a Mesmer arming yourself with multiple builds so can tackle any scenario is the best approach. This requires you are cognizant of your illusions, but if you weren't, you wouldn't be a good mesmer anyway ;). I also gain the 10% faster CD on summoning skills which allows me to get my phantasms out faster. Shows the entire build now. Figured you were looking for something similar to what you found familiar in gameplay. You can also improve your Shatters with Shatter Storm and Master of Fragmentation, which is especially useful in PvP. Its almost absurd from a traditional MMO perspective. Very low cooldowns on phantasms, especially with both weapons traited.4. For when you've mastered the basics, check out some of the fancier things mesmers can do [1], [2]. I only use Evade if all other defense options are exhausted or cleansing the condi is worth it, or that the evade is the best option in the given scenario. Stacks in duration. Stacks in duration. Signet of the Ether is rarely used for its passive healing, its usually part of damage rotation for builds basing their damage on Phantasms. - If I bursted everything, am I able to recover from a long cool-down wait? Increased stealth duration from mesmer skills. For phantasm utilities, Feedback, Portal, Blink and Time Warp are your best friends. If you need to create a variant as you have multiple Chronomancers in the group or other slowing sources, you can use Danger Time for higher DPS output. If you like this and want to see more, visit my channel! The MOST FUN Mesmer build EVER - Guild. Chaos (15 pts, IV) - This is where I start to gain some heartiness. Alternately, use Sword/Focus. Easy to trait all three weapons, only requires two traits. **** If your illusions are dying faster than your weapon cooldowns can produce them, add one or both Phantasm utility skills. This leveling build is more direct-damage oriented and is based on taking all traits (and signet) that buff illusions' health and damage and letting them fight for you. Open world PvE? A very high skill ceiling is the only thing keeping this build from being top tier. Well that to put this game and I am stil on the first one haven't done Vod yet. I got 9 percent damage buff for having out 3 illusions. The first, Clone Cripple Bomb, is explained here. It offers great synergy within the trait line, for example, a combination of Persistence of Memory and Phantasmal Haste gives an amazing boost in Quickness, which is especially useful in Open World, and supplemented with Phantasmal Force makes OW content trivial. Let your clones and phantasms tank for you when needed. Stacks in duration. It's easy! While enemies are pressured you can go for the burst to finish them off with shatters.Build and Guide: my Discord here Guild Wars 2 Expansions:\u0026aff_id=667Or play for Free:\u0026aff_id=667 In competitive modes, Shattered Concentration is taken for boon removal and supplemented with traits used in PvE builds or Rending Shatter and Power Block. This build is more offensive, less defensive than the one above, and may not be able to solo Champions and tough Veterans as well as the condition build, but is better at Dynamic Event farming and dungeon leveling. Dueling 15: Get the bleed on crit and fury for phantasm's.. However, why not include Focus on leveling? It typically seen as a mechanic to offset a beneficial effect such as quickness. If it gets close, swap to S/S for melee range, burn it down with Blurred Frenzy (Sword #2), avoid damage with Illusionary Ripost (Sword #4). X damage per attack increase. Namely, permanent Fury, Quickness, and 21~ Might, with 0 boon duration, thanks to the Illusions trait line. Dead illusions do no damage, and cost expensive cooldowns. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Slow is a condition that reduces the activation time of skills and abilities. He peels them off extremely quick and is on a relatively short cooldown. While its dominated by what seems to be power-enhancing traits, condition builds often pick it up for the good condition synergy with your Shatters and Illusions via Sharper Images, Duelist's Discipline, Blinding Dissipation, and Ineptitude. Phantasm Skills: These skills now correctly show their back items with the phantasm effect. Reduces recharge of greatsword skills by 20%. They will spawn with the same weapon you are wielding while summoning them and will perform Auto-attack chain of that weapon indefinitely, and all auto-attack-related buffs and debuffs will apply as they would from you. As que, si ests pensando partir rumbo a esta gran historia, lo mejor es que vayas con algo de conocimiento. All of your armor should be Ascended and based on the Berserker stats from Zojjas line. Talking about mostly wvw roaming and small groups rather than zerg fights. Domination can be taken over Illusions if you are playing in a group providing you permanent Quickness and Might. Causes every fifth attack to apply burning. 20% critical chance increase. Prevents healing. Teleport to mobs with Swap (Sword #3), Blurred Frenzy, Ripost to block or spawn another clone if necessary. You could swap him out for null field or arcane torrent to allow more uptime on warlock or duelist, but i feel condition removal is a situational deal lending itself to a utility skill like this. First, don't use a Level 80 build to level to 80. You can replace the focus with other weapons: If you want/need to use other skills, replace Mantra of Pain. Hard to play and confusion dependent, but it's high DPS against many bosses. Your Legs should instead be Viper stats, which means they come from Yassiths Ascended line. I run a similar build in sPvP. Taking V grants them 20% more health, and at 15 points, phantasms will grant regeneration to nearby allies. Power Virtuoso. Very high direct/burst damage phantasms.3. This is the highest heal you can have as a mesmer, as it'll heal an extra amount for each illusion you have up. Raids? Phantasms are destroyed and then replaced by clones after completing their unique attack or if their attack is interrupted. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. . In that case, youll want to change your Runes for your armor to the x6 Superior Rune of the Scholar and change your Legs for Assassins stats, and all your trinkets should be Berserker apart from your Accessories which should then be Assassin. Yes Focus is great and I include it instead of offhand sword in the other version of this guide, Clone Cripple Bomb, linked in the intro. @killahmayne.9518 said:Are phantasms any good for mesmer, or are they trash? You said you came from gw mesmer to gw2 mesmer. Stacks in duration. This essentially reduces your time without the clones to a minimum. Welcome back, haven't seen you in a while. The self-heals on this thing are insane. With the trait that grants an illusion on dodge you will already be creating them quickly. Roblox Weapon Fighting Simulator codes (April 2023), Coin Master free spins & coins links (April 2023), Roblox Anime Dimensions codes (April 2023). Interrupts, immobilizes, and incapacitates foes for a short duration. . (I learned this). Enjoy your Mesmer. While it has low burst, its DPS is very high. Power Chronomancer is a powerful solo build with great boon uptime and damage. Mesmers are very unique profession in the MMORPG world. No I don't as it is GW2 or I would ask on the Legacy forums and I did say Traits not attribute points . Talking about mostly wvw roaming and small groups rather than zerg fights. Cooldown reduction and survivability traits take precedence over damage, b/c at lower levels your illusions tend to be squishy, and dead illusions do zero damage. Useful in very short fights. I.E. Another trick is to swap to a stronger weapon set during the Phantasm attack before they change to clones, so the newly created Clone will have a stronger auto-attack. Regenerates X health per second. Shortens the distance between the user and the foe by drawing one of them to another. This trait line focuses on improving Shatters, Greatsword, and power damage directly and by synergizing with Vulnerability. Here's an updated build video for the Phantasm Mesmer. Alacrity Mirage. Note that Mantra of Pain is best swapped out with Mirror Images while solo. - And finally, if my opponent did this, am I able to do this in response? Reduces outgoing heals by 33%. Initiate fights at range with GS or Staff, try to keep multiple Phantasms up, let them fight the mob while you kite and dps it from range. This is the second, Illusion Army, which is based on buffing your illusions (particularly phantasms) health and damage and letting them fight for you. Greatest hidden mechanic for Open World (but not exclusively) is doubling your Portal Entre use, this can be done withMimic in a specific way: After that, youll have Portal Entre available again. - If I were in this situation, am I able to use these skills to overcome/go-through/escape it? Remember, take your weapons that you like, and the skills that you like, and imagine every scenario you can possibly encounter, and the ones you don't want to encounter, and ask yourself what you could do if the scenarios you like or don't like pop up, and how you can turn it to your favor. 10% of your toughness is given as a bonus to condition damage. Phantasms cannot be shattered and do not count toward the limit of 3 active clones. Phantasms are short-lived illusions that will execute very strong attacks when . 80: 10/20/20/10/10. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. EDIT - Fixed the link. But lets say I have utilities that are not teleports but rather AOE's, then my mindset would be to have a "bait them into a spot" playstyle. If you want, you can replace the Rune with a Rune of Adventure if youre looking to keep your dodges up at the cost of overall speed. !Make sure to stop by to check out all of our content.Follow us on Social Media! This type of skill has two parts to it, the passive bonus granted as long as the signet is not on cooldown, and the active element once activated, Signet will apply its active effect for a short duration, at the cost of disabling the passive bonus until the cooldown will finish. I opted for blink because it is on a lower cooldown and it doesnt summon an illusion. Your build can be the best at a given scenario while being ultimately horrible at another. The activation time of skills and abilities to what you found familiar in gameplay utilities,,... Gain regeneration second weapon set while it has low burst, its gw2 mesmer phantasm build is very skill... All three weapons, only requires two traits healing skill should be the False Oasis the... A short duration careful with how many you summon so that they do n't a... On this site are owned by their respective owners is used to teleport away from the arena-wide wipe attack 50... 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gw2 mesmer phantasm build