5e fast zombie

5e fast zombie

If the group succeeds, the characters must wait it out or try to escape. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength. While zombies dont get any inherent advantages for working together, their hitpoint pools and the Undead Fortitude trait makes them pretty powerful. Field of the Dead. However, vehicles such as airplanes, sailing vessels, and complicated machinery like construction equipment require that a character have proficiency in the appropriate vehicle subclass. Solid wood doors have an AC of 15 and 15 hp. Leather jackets work similar to padded armor, providing an AC of 11 + your Dex modifier and imposing disadvantage on Stealth checks. It weighs 9 lb. 22 hitpoints on average are pretty large for a mindless walking corpse, and due to their low CR level, a party of 4-5 adventuring heroes is going to fight a lot of them for the battle to be fair. In addition, you have 10 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. For example, a fight with a pack of human marauders might attract a nearby pack of zombies. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. The creature perishes, and raises as a Virulent Zombie with 2 other mutations from the Zombie Variant Table. 1. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. In addition to the melee and ranged weapons found in the Players Handbook, ZACs 5e uses the modern firearms list from the Dungeon Masters Guide (page 268). When this happens, the characters must roll initiative and treat the zombie herd as a complex trap. Additionally, their intelligence and wisdom saves are in the negatives, they will greatly suffer against spellcasters. Fast Zombies: These are the ones that can get behind enemy lines. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Thus, the section on Creating Encounters in Chapter 3 of the Dungeon Masters Guide may present much more difficult challenges for your players than normal. They were invited to a stork-man (eblis) village. Zombies are easy to use and control by the forces of darkness, and as long as you give them simple orders, they will follow them to the letter. Zombie Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 8 Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15) Speed 20 ft. Undead Fortitude - If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit.On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. The survivors are headed back to their base of operations. Zombies have a few tricks up their undead sleeves, and there are a few ways to make encounters fun with them. Categories: The soldier targets a point that it can see within 80 feet of it. Zombies are not very intelligent, and unless commanded otherwise will take the most direct route to their foe. Effects that suppress magic, such as an antimagic field, halt the progression while subjected to the effect but remove no stacks. You gain proficiency in Intelligence (History) and Charisma (Persuasion) plus any two other skills of your choice. Detect Thoughts 5e Guide: When, Why and How to Use It, Hand Crossbow 5e Guide For Everyone but Druids and Wizards. If your players tire of random encounters, make such encounters less common by having them occurs on a roll of 18 or higher, or only 20. Maybe these variants even depend on how the zombies died in life. Defensive Abilities: A fast zombie does not gain DR 5/slashing. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. Starting at 3rd level, if you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creatures Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Beholder zombies were powerful zombies created from the reanimated corpses of dead beholders with the use of necromantic magic. If the disease reduces the targets hit point maximum to 0, the target dies and returns to life as a zombie in 1d4 hours. | Five Torches Deep SRD At 1st level, choose one of your skill or tool proficiencies. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. The cache could be found in an abandoned automobile, a ruined shop, or on the side of the road. STR - 13 DEX - 6 CON - 16 INT - 3 WIS - 6 CHA - 5. The zombie is an undead creature that has been animated from a formerly living form. They may have grown up on the streets alone or been orphaned or became poor later in life. Zombie Source: 5th Edition SRD Table of Contents Attributes Zombie Traits Undead Fortitude: If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5+the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. Even then, the healing spell or potion might heal the physical wounds but can leave the rotting and necrotic energy behind. The GM sets the DC based on the magnitude of the horrific circumstances. These recognizable monsters will shuffle and moan towards your DnD party and will be quite the battle to put down. A soldier may have been a part of a military organization or might have been a police officer. Weapon Proficiencies. Your Strength or Constitution score (your choice) increases by 1. Naturally, a lot of the equipment offered in the Players Handbook is irrelevant in ZACS 5e. A light tactical vest provides full torso protection, offering an AC of 12 + your Dex modifier. The more I kept . Ability Score Increase. Some windows, especially those in inner cities and industrial areas are reinforced with steel bars. You are proficient with pistols, revolvers, hunting rifles, and shotguns. Place Windows and Place Doors is available to all Plus and Pro subscribers. Since there is only one real class, characters cannot multiclass. THESE are your big boys. If the encounter occurs at the characters base of operations, 1d6 zombies appear and try to break into the fortifications. But of course, having monsters scream and shuffle towards your party gets old after a while, so how do you make zombies fresh in the minds of your characters and the players who play them? You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: At 1st level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate: Expert, Fighter, or Leader. A creature that takes damage from the zombie's breath has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of the zombie's next turn. Shortbow. Greater zombies lurk in dark crypts and haunted barrows, waiting for the living to draw near so they can kill them. Sure, they won't be dropping the party by themselves, but mixing them in with other undead or pairing them up with a low-CR magic user will make for a challenging and well-rounded encounter. Killing a necromancer that has raised ten zombies wont automatically end the spell that gave the zombies life. While aflame, it's attacks deal d6 additional fire damage, and it take d6 fire damage at the start of it's turns. | Everyday Heroes SRD While not particularly common, medieval longswords and katanas can be found in a modern setting, particularly in collectors shops and even the odd pawn shop. | Here Be Monsters As such, it uses a number of optional rules from the Dungeon Masters Guide in order to drive home the horrific and challenging feel of the game. Beholder zombies were decrepit and decayed, rotting corpses that barely resembled their original form. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) On each of your turns, you can take the Help action as a bonus action. Stacks are not removed upon death. Zombie - DnD Wiki | Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5E) Wiki. You could even have zombie runners, who have less health but move 40 feet rather than the standard 20. These creatures would be the same statistically as their living counterparts, but the zombies low intelligence, wisdom, and would be immune to poison would be. The main advantage of zombies is twofold: Their numbers, and their high HP pool. Undead Fortitude. | d20 Anime SRD Hollow core doors have an AC of 12 and only 10 hp. Hide. You could make your zombies vulnerable to fire, silver, holy magic, or special zombie slaying gear. Instead of having a cost in gold like in Fifth Edition, equipment and loot have trade values which are negotiable. Wild Animals. It will keep fighting you with its other arm, and that is very scary to the adventurer on the other end! You are proficient in one type of musical instrument of your choice. Equipment. If a whole creature's carcass is brought to a butcher, the butcher may pay 4x the value rolled in the chart below for the carcass (if the butcher even WANTS this kind of creature - DM discretion). Breaking open a steel door that has a deadbolt set requires a DC 19 Strength check. | GumshoeSRD You lose any trade points that you dont spend during character creation. One way to make an encounter more challenging is to have it trigger a second random encounter. The following weapons from the PHB are easy to find. Zombies stumble through roaring infernos, into pools of acid, and across fields littered with caltrops without hesitation. The more resources the party burns while fighting the zombies, the more beneficial things will be for your BBEG when the real battle starts. On a failed save, a character gains a short-term or long-term form of madness that the GM chooses or determine randomly, as detailed in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Masters Guide, Running the Game.. On success, they dont die but drop to zero hp instead. When the characters discover one such victim, roll once on the Loot Drop table to see what, if anything, can be found on or near the remains. Roll a d6 to determine the groups situation. Use Big + Vicious to practically guarantee the knockdown effect in one turn. Choose your characters alignment and ideals. Generally the way I run zombies is that unless commanded otherwise they will always try to move to and attack the nearest available enemy using a dash instead if their movement doesn't leave them able to attack their target. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. In addition, you have 5 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. You are proficient with improvised weapons and your unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or contract the zombie rot disease. After determining what the characters encounter, you can use the information presented later in this section to bring the encounters to life. . | Heroes and Monsters SRD Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Some of the skills in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition are obsolete in ZACS 5e. PART 2 Survivor Characters ZACS 5e doesn't use races and classes the same way that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition does. Fast zombies and plague zombies are the best-known variants, but the walking dead are a diverse lot, each possessing its own strange and unique abilities. Zombie wizards can be more infused with the dark magic that gave them life, enabling them to do necrotic damage on a hit. Zombies dont use weapons and instead slam at you with their hands, possibly to grapple you into submission. Tool Proficiency. Mob rules may get complicated if the zombies in each mob are different variants. This effect ends if the leader is incapacitated. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. If they pass, then they make it through with one HP and continue to fight. Theres nothing like fighting a zombie bugbear, slashing off its arm with a critical hit, and then watching it mindlessly keep coming. If your check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter. When you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish a long rest. Plus you can make a running long jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 feet on foot, rather than 10 feet. Without simple instructions to follow, they'll simply kill the first thing that wanders by - or stand still, waiting to rot. For a while, thats pretty fun, but if zombies and undead are the main enemies of your campaign, and your party over levels them by a lot, they wont be making the party burn their resources. Any amount of fire damage being done to it causes it to light aflame. Choose a Background. Multiattack. Interior doors are much weaker. Machetes. | d20HeroSRD According to their stat block, this trait does the following: If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. Travelers clothes and a hunting rifle with 10 bullets. [Half-Life Alyx] Fast Headcrab [Replacement] Created by. If your hit point maximum drops to 0, you die. Pain grips the creatures mind. They are emanated and animated by dark magic, either intentionally or when dark magic soaks the area where they were buried. Instead, characters must have the requisite resources in order to perform the downtime activity. If this encounter occurs at the characters base of operations and the characters have made their presence obvious, 1d4 + 1 soldiers lead by a soldier leader attempt to get the attention of the characters if they cannot easily access them. If the characters remain quiet and keep their distance, they can move away without being noticed by the bandits. Alternatively, you can replace one of the proficiencies with a language of your choice. Furthermore, backgrounds act as both the race and origin for a character, offering up roleplaying notes and traits. On a successful check, the creature automatically passes its Dexterity saving throw to avoid taking damage from the zombies as long as it remains hidden. These zombies would have higher AC and could certainly be a lot tougher to take down. One of the best combinations that have given players a run for their money is the zombie and skeleton combo. As a magical disease, Necroplague is more difficult to remove than most diseases. It might not sound like a tough encounter, but these two undead forces can easily put a dent in a perfect dungeon run. 5e SRD > Creatures > Zombie, Fast Family: Zombies Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 12 Hit Points 52 (8d8+16) Speed 40 ft. Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10 Skill Proficiencies. Common clothes. Bandits wear leather jackets and carry pistols and machetes. Most zombies are humans and they are clad in what they wore when they died, the wounds that killed them are still visible on their bloated and yellowed corpses. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Have the zombies make attacks against random doors and windows, trying to break in. Empathy. Zombie animals can be fun to fight as well, because sometimes it isnt just buried in a grave or a crypt. In ZACS 5e, a background works as a characters origin story and grants particular background traits which act similar to the way racial traits do in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. The table below shows how much meat an inexperienced butcher may be able to harvest from a creature, especially after a battle may have ruined some of the meat (i.e. You gain proficiency with martial ranged weapons. The leader makes two melee attacks. Zombie animals can be fun to fight as well, because sometimes it isnt just buried in a grave or a crypt. Your best bet to defeating a zombie is either through speed, trickery, or combat. They attack in swarms because of a class of 8 armor and an average hp pool of 22, they wont be too much of a threat individually to even the lowest level player. Use Hungry + Virulent to keep the virus spreading in play longer. At 10th level, your Armor Class increases by 1. Equipment. The Ultimate D&D Zombie 5e Guide and Tactics. If a healing spell knits your skin back together, a necrotic damage spell could tear it apart, act on the affected area, or cover it in scars or boils. In addition to professional athletes, the athlete background may include hobby bodybuilders, marathon runners and any other type of character who spent a considerable amount of time getting into shape. These doors have an AC of 19 with 25hp. While you could chuck more zombies at them, it is much more fun to introduce some. When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the minimum number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2). You could even do this with other Undead as well, maybe using the same rules to have them make a saving through to ward off death. However, instead of rolling four 6-sided dice and recording the results of the three highest dice, roll three 6-sided dice and record the results as they lie. While zombies dont get any inherent advantages for working together, their hitpoint pools and the Undead Fortitude trait makes them pretty powerful. Improved Critical. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. They are emanated and animated by dark magic, either intentionally or when dark magic soaks the area where they were buried. Automatic Pistol. Jan 31, 2021 @ 1:06pm. This lets them stay in the fight for one more round. Crossbow, light. The leader targets a point that it can see within 80 feet of it. The zombies count as difficult terrain. As you survive, your martial prowess grows. Also, as an action, you can spend one use of a medicine kit to tend to a creature and restore a number of hit points equal to the creatures maximum number of Hit Dice. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Zombies can be found in most places where death can occur, including graveyards and battlefields. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the targets Charisma (Deception) check. DM's making new characters for their PC's to interact with and have them documented. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Survivor, Dead. For example, if a wizard kills a zombie with a spell that does 10 damage, the zombie would need to make a DC 15 saving throw. Pop culture has separated the undead over the years into two distinct types: fast zombies, which can sprint after their prey and usually possess superhuman strength, and the more classical slow. At 7th level, choose a second skill or tool proficiency to gain this benefit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/240 ft., one target. A medicine kit and a set of common clothes. Laborer are skilled in a particular field and closely associated with other artisans. There are two basic conditions for a . The shuffling, never stopping, foot soldiers of every necromantic army in 5e and fantasy, zombies are undead that have risen from the grave. For example, those poisoned to death now have poison within them as Zombie Bloaters. | Monad Echo SRD Once you know your characters basic game aspects, you will need to flesh him or her out. | Gods and Monsters SRD Leather Jacket. 3. Many vehicles are available to characters in a modern setting. Whether its to collect supplies, avoid dangers, or relocate the base of operations entirely, eventually, the characters will need to travel away from home. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. These zombies would have higher AC and could certainly be a lot tougher to take down. | OGN Articles Tactical Vest, Light. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Of course, all modern goods can be found in ZACS 5e, but may not have value to survivors. The adventure plays out in one mega-dungeon located beneath the city of Waterdeep that burrows deep down into the earth an astounding twenty-three floors. It becomes size Large, it's HP is maxed out (to 55HP), and both the DCs for Overwhelm increase by +2 to 15. Neutral Evil Armor Class: 15 (patchwork armor) hit Points: 138 (12d12 + 60) Speed: 40ft. Weapon Proficiencies. Past Adventurers in a Magic Pit. No matter where the encounter occurs, the soldiers try to confiscate the characters weapons and gear and advise them to follow them back to their base of operations. | True20 SRD Without hesitation, Necroplague is more difficult to remove than most diseases and your unarmed strike a. Maybe these variants even depend on How the zombies in each mob are different variants, either intentionally when! Class increases by 1 irrelevant in ZACS 5e amount of fire damage being done to causes! 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