why do cats hate blowing in their face

why do cats hate blowing in their face

why do cats hate blowing in their face

Allowing her nails to grow so long that she snags them around the house. Additionally, cats have a strong sense of smell, and they may not appreciate our breath smelling so close to their face. Cats have great hearing and when you blow the air in their face, it will feel the air. As you probably already know, scolding your cat won't help to eliminate this problem. Do your cats eat green stuff? Does your kitty's butt go sky-high when you pet or scratch it? 7. There are a variety of reasons cats may hate being blown on. Cats love routine and don't like loud, especially excessive noises. It might also be described as grimacing or appearing to pant. Feline Health Center, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. 1 If you have a busy schedule, be sure to set aside a few minutes each day to spend some quality time with your cat. Don't have a stare-down with your cat in responseit could be viewed as hostility and cause more anxiety in your cat. I just want to make sure it's not harming him more psychology than he already is by being cooped up. However, blowing air into their ears can be a completely different story. You can do this with a moveable sprayer or a cup or pitcher. The sudden blast of air can be overwhelming and disorienting, causing them to feel threatened. Cats love to knock things overand watch them break. Learn More: What smell do dogs hate to pee on? There are a variety of reasons cats may hate being blown on. Move slowly and deliberately What will make cats go crazy? Rather than aggression or anger, this is more likely due to your cat marking her territory, says Karen Miura, an animal communicator at Whispers from Animals. Dogs have 40 times better sense of smell than us. If left alone for extended periods of time, it can become agitated and develop feelings of anxiety and even depression. For one, it can be quite painful for a cat if you blow directly into their face. These can include: If, however you keep on blowing at them and take no heed of their attempt to diffuse the situation, then they may need to take their response up to the next level. Cats often curl up into a tight little ball with their back to the world and their head tucked in. Now imagine living next to raw sewage. When a cat is upset she may eat less or even refuse to eat at all, Campbell says. Ultimately, it varies from cat to cat - some may not mind it at all, while others may really dislike it. Towel dry first to get rid of most of the moisture from the coat. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. Or does it mean that theyre mad with me? you catch your cat licking the plastic bags. He leans in and I plant a kiss on his nose. Many cats may learned to tolerate it this, but when you then also add in being blown on, it might just push that cat too far out of his comfort zone. When I am not working on my blog, I study research articles and enjoy the time with my beloved cat Astra! Additionally, cats have a strong sense of smell, and they may not appreciate our breath smelling so close to their face. Cats would be happier if their humans took the time, particularly when they're kittens, to acclimate them kindly to stressful events such as being put in a carrier and taken on a car ride. It is known by many names including "rolling skin syndrome," "twitchy cat disease . Cats dislike being blown on because it catches them by surprise, is uncomfortable, and can be misinterpreted as an aggressive act. Cats need space to move, and dislike having things right in front of them. Learn More: How to clip cat's nails when they hate it? The texture of a box, often cool and smooth, can also feel good to a cat. Make sure you keep an eye on your cat while you are around unfamiliar people or animals and follow these tips to help ease your cat's anxiety: Be calm and quiet Learn More: Why does my dog hate when I sniff him? Watch your cat during this behavior and if you see any physical evidence of bothersome bugs or other problems, call the vet for a visit. Even 15 minutes of playtime every few hours will keep it happy and healthy. A video of a little kitten's adorable reaction to having air blown into her face has gone viral online, having been watched by more than 1.2 million people. Another reason why dogs may hate being blown in their faces is the fact that they may misinterpret our intent. 2-4, pp. It is a non-threat signal that cats use with each other as well as with humans they are comfortable with. It has an effect on their senses which is very uncomfortable. What happens then is that many cats will instinctively react to being blown on by turning away or recoiling in shock. Do you worry about the health implications of doing so? That choice of response is even more likely if you keep blowing on your cat when they have tried other options without success, such as trying to get away. A cat who doesn't feel completely at ease will sleep in this position. Regardless of the cause of the fear, it is clear that it can have a number of implications for a cat's health and wellbeing. It's suspected that cats avoid motionless water sitting in a bowl because it appears to be unhealthy. Stella, Judi et al. My cat LOVES me blowing in his face. Cats enjoy being stroked and examined by their owners, and rubbing her face provides her with this type of interaction. How Do Cats Say Sorry: Can Cats Really Apologize To Humans? They can hear almost an octave above dogs. Instead of instantly reacting, play detective, says Kavanaugh. FAQCats 2023 The educational cat health content on FAQCats is written by or reviewed by our team of pet experts to ensure that its in line with the latest evidence-based veterinary information and health guidelines. They may purr or nuzzle up to the person, enjoying the feeling of the air on their fur. If your cat finds being blown on to be unpleasant but tolerable, then they will offer a whole range of body language to try to communicate that theyre not happy and to please stop. Still, others may not react at all. An even better solution? Put even the tiniest empty box on the floor and your furry pudge muffin will try to squeeze itself into it. The primary reason why rubbing your cats face feels good is because cats are keen on grooming. Any action you take based on the information found on nahf.org is strictly at your discretion. Cats are natural-born hunters. Your kitten or cat may scratch around its food bowl after eating or even find shredded paper to cover it up. What's bothering your cat could very well be something that bothers you, too. Although cats can show some animosity towards certain people, the truth is that they do not feel hatred as we humans understand it. Cats have a highly acute sense of hearing. A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than ours, so a sudden gust of wind can be quite alarming. Chances are, your cat will return the cat-kiss eye blink. At FAQCats we strive to provide content thats accurate and fun to read. This can lead to weight loss or other health problems if the cat is not able to get the nutrients they need. Your cat may make angry cat noises, seemingly purposefully knock something over, or pee on your new bedspread. 2.) They can interpret it as a threat, similar to how blowing on their nose provokes a bad reaction. Kittens are naturally timid and may be scared of new people, noises, or objects. Your veterinarian can help you decide based on his breed, age, and activity levels. Most creatures do. When a cat sees someone blowing on them, they may think a variety of things. Let her have her spaceshell come back when shes ready. Some cats may struggle with feeling like theyre being taken away, or handled in a way they dont enjoy. Grooming is a process where cats remove dirt, excess hair, and other materials from their bodies. Another technical term, allorubbing, refers to the way cats rub their bodies against another cat, a human, or even a trusted family dog. They value their personal space and do not like it when their boundaries are crossed. Most cats hate it when you blow on them, and there are a few different reasons why this may be the case. If your cat is displaying these behaviors towards you, it may be helpful to try softening your approach by increasing your voice tenderness and hand placement when interacting with them. That's called an "elevator butt" pose and it's a good thing. You see, from our cat's perspective, being blown on could be the start of an aggressive attack, and so their response is to fight back. If you're too tired to play, just cuddle together and both of you will feel much better. On this blog you will learn how to be the best cat parent you can be. Cats also tend to be more comfortable with gradual changes, so blowing on them may feel too sudden and forceful. Cats may bite people for a variety of reasons, including improper play habits in childhood, overstimulation, affection, and more.Hostility toward people is a common cat behaviour problem. So the cure for her negative feelings is a drop of your attention. Cats often dont like you blowing raspberries at them because the noise and sensation is so unpredictable to what they are used to. Pay close to attention to its behavior and body signals to understand acceptable and unacceptable petting. PloS one,vol. Learn More: Why do dogs hate skateboards? The long-term effect of being blown on for a cat is largely unknown. Obviously, you should never intentionally . One of my cat lies on his belly and meows. Because of their superior hearing, cats can be easily startled by loud or sudden noises. When you rub your cats face, you are providing her with the same type of stimulation that she needs in order to groom herself. As for why your cat is angry, chances are its afraid, feeling territorial, having a conflict with another cat or a dog, or in pain. Some cats love to be held and cuddled, while others prefer to be left alone. 38. The reason why dogs hate being blown on in this point is how it can be misinterpreted as an act of aggression. So, when you blow into their face, they suddenly get an intense blast of your scent, which might be pretty overpowering! David DeHetre / Creative Commons / Getty Images. If your bestie is vocalizing his feelings, start by giving him his space and then slowly do things that will create a positive relationship, like feeding, playing with toys, grooming, or speaking softly, Rueb continues. Does your cat's behavior confuse and frustrate you, making you think you are the only one with such a crazy cat? This projects a blast of air at the cat they are trying to intimidate. Nobody knows for sure why cats are sensitive to citrus, but Learn has a theory. Angry cats will keep their distance when they get confused by, say, a sudden loud voice, quick movements, or even an unfamiliar smell on your jacket, he explains. Additionally, if a cat has had a traumatic experience with a person blowing on their ears, it may associate that person with fear and avoid them in the future. These are the most likely scenarios to cause fear and mistrust amongst cats: One or more cats in the home are intact (not spayed or neutered). Consider investing in a self-cleaning litter box. Pay attention to your cats body language and behavior to determine what they like and dont. Cuddles, soft pats, and head-rubs are some of your cat's . Another possibility is that the fear is learned. Kids have a knack for invading personal space. A new study also shows that cats like baby talk AKA, your cat may respond to high-pitched voices. We recommend our users to update the browser. For example, you can pet them gently on the head or scratch them behind the ears. Want to keep your cat happy? Blowing in a cat's face is an aggressive act. Finally, it is important to avoid scolding or punishing the cat for their fear, as this can only serve to make the problem worse. Purraise. Cats have survived falls from over 65 feet, thanks to their incredible sense of balance which allows them to right their bodies mid-air and land on their feet. The largest cat breed is Ragdoll. Cats use their tongues to help them eat, and they also use their tongues to groom themselves. Cats can be extremely sensitive to tactile stimuli, so its important to be aware of where and how youre petting them. Those things are pure evil. Jon King Even though it may appear shes an angry cat taking out her frustrations on you, in reality, she is using her own scent as a way to cope with her anxiety. 15, no. Ignore them. 2. But if your cat loves to sleep in a sink (it's snug and cool and often shaped like a cat bed) while sipping dripping water from the faucet, it may be a tough habit for your pet to break. document.getElementById( "ak_js_9" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome toMeowFluent! Cats hate change for many of the same reasons that we do. And lastly, and perhaps a little tongue in cheek, but I think there is some credence to why cats hate you blowing on their face, is that they simply hate the smell of your breath! Dogs have a very acute sense of hearing, and when you blow on them, it can be quite loud and unexpected. Our team writes about everything related to cats; even the most complex of topics. Along with our team of cat owners, expert pet enthusiasts, and pet professionals, we aim to write engaging helpful, engaging content about cats. Another implication of a cat's fear of being blown on is that it may make it difficult for the cat to groom properly. In addition, it may be helpful to provide a safe space for the cat to retreat to if they feel frightened, such as a bed or crate with a cozy blanket inside. When you blow in their faces, you're also blowing in their nose. 3. Mops This is a common sleeping position for cats, and there's a very good reason for it. Hyperesthesia means "abnormally increased sensitivity of the skin." It may begin with signs typical of feline psychogenic alopecia and then escalate. "A cat's sense of smell is roughly 14 times that of a human," says Learn, who specializes in behavior medicine. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Then, if youve ever had a puff of air go into your eye, youll know that it causes you to pull away and blink. Cats have incredibly sensitive ears that can hear sounds much more frequently than humans. In love with cats, their behavior and psychology. The good news is that you don't have to sniff your cat's hind end to reciprocate. Cats may even react physically by shivering or shaking their heads, tails or lifting up their backs. Another trigger linked to territory is . Cats bare their teeth and make hissing sounds when they're scared or feel threatened. If your cat has a coat that needs regular professional attention, then the chances are that theyve become used to the warm air drying them off during their trips to the groomers. Skipping the Small Stuff Never grooming your cat. As if thats not enough of a reason, here are 8 more reasons you should never let your cat sleep on your bed. Whatever the reason, if your cat hates being blown on, it's best to respect their wishes and avoid doing it. Unfortunately, in some cases this jealousy or resource guarding can manifest as aggression and, depending on the situation, misdirected aggression. Nahf will not be liable for any losses and/or damages incurred with the use of the information provided. For those cats who really dislike the sensation of a blown dry, then getting a toweling drying coat might be a much less stressful option for everyone! For example, try blowing on the back of the cat's neck or behind their ears. As a general rule, cats are sensitive when it comes to smells, but there are a few scents they hate that might just surprise you. There is no one answer to this question as there is no one scientific explanation for why cats are afraid of being blown on. The solution is obvious: Cats will do better on a regular, predictable schedule, so do your best to stick to one, she says. (Moreover, that puts the old wives even more in their place. Its important to clean out your cats litter boxes every day, or at least every other day, depending on the number of cats you have and their bathroom habits. When dogs first meet, often they will do the play bow in front of each other. When cats first meet, often they will do the play bow in front of each other. That might be one way to interpret the kitty eye communication, sometimes called a cat kiss. You probably dont want to dig into a big plate of spoiled foodand surprise!neither does your cat. The Nitty Gritty. The cats would seem a little nervous (not sure), they would stand up if they were lied down, sometimes sniff back, they would meow, wondering around the person, or run away. Some cats may wiggle when you hug them because they feel secure and liked, while other cats may not enjoy being hugged simply because they find it confining. 36. If you want to play with them, use toys they love, such as a feather wand or a laser pointer. Cats cant speak, but that doesnt mean they cant communicate, and theyre always trying to tell you something, says Dawn Kavanaugh, cat behaviorist and CEO of All About Animals Rescue. Cats' unique behavior includes buntingthat odd way your cat head-butts you. 7. Thoroughly wet your cat's fur (if at all possible, avoid his face!). This is into the ultra sound level. 3. Dont worry too much but do keep your distance. Understand and connect with your cat and develop a lifelong friendship! Even if your face stings a bit from your cat's sandpaper-like tongue licking you, know that you're enduring the discomfort in the name of love. That's the case with many cats that fear objects like plastic grocery or garbage bags. She brings you gifts. Contact Us: (800) 709-3572 Want To Send Us A Letter? Image: SJ Allen / Shutterstock Push Your Cat Off the Counter de Souza Machado, Daiana et al. Air blowing in their face might be annoying for the cat. I promise you that. Your kitty may race across your home like it's being chased, literally bounce off the walls, and meow like it's yelping. Cats have a unique set of behaviors and quirks that make them both lovable and mysterious. A cat's fear of being blown on is one of the most common fears that cats face. Dogs' noses are wet for two reasons: it improves their ability to detect scents, and it makes them feel pleasant. Unlike dogs, our feline friends treat us like other cats, author says. If a cat has had a bad experience with having their ears blown on, it may associate that sensation with fear or discomfort. The solution? Air circulation is important for a number of reasons, including keeping the air in a room fresh and providing oxygen to the blood. 4, 2020. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0230999. So even if your cat is trying to make its bed on your laptop or keyboard, just know it's in need of a bit more warmth than your lap has to offer. Cats display a well-developed sense of smell at birth (as with their hearing), and by adulthood it eclipses ours. This is very much a case of dont say I didnt warn you!. So why do cats eat grass? Blowing air in a cats face can be uncomfortable for them because its sense of smell is so acute. But if this isnt the situation and you suddenly find yourself with a soaking wet cat after a walk in the rain, then you might find that they are distinctly unimpressed with the idea of being blow-dried. Why do cats hate blowing in their face? When you decide to blow on a cat's face, it means you need to be very up close to them, right in their face, and invading their space. Cats can be so squeaky clean and graceful that when they fart, we often tend to laugh at such unexpected behavior from our fastidious felines. Cats hate that. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Welcome to what our cats have to contend with living in the human world! A cat's fear of being blown on may stem from a number of different factors. The kitten may have been taken away too early from its mother as it was still nursing and is seeking the same feeling it had as a baby. Oddball Cat Communication Methods and Quirks. All cats do this. Does your cat want to phone home? An unconfined cat is distracting to the driver, and vulnerable to injury or escape. Use cat-specific shampoo - preferably with no smell - and lather your cat from tail to neck. Some cats may become startled and run away, while others may simply ignore the person who is blowing on them. Learn More: How to bathe a cat who hates water? Now, if we heed those signs and stop blowing on them, then everything will calm back down. This will often result in a cat growling, snapping, hissing, or even biting the person doing the blowing. The gentle way is to blow in its face. Step 3: Wet Your Cat's Fur and Shampoo. Not always! You might be scaring your cat with sudden movements, loud noises, new environments or people. There are a few possibilities for why your cat may suddenly become shy. If you want to keep your kitty out of the sink, try a cat water fountain or encourage hydration with a special bowl. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. It can also be interpreted as a threat, causing them to become defensive or aggressive. Just like humans, cats can develop negative associations with specific experiences. Keep it in a quiet, safe space when guests are over or during bad weather and avoid playing very loud music or cranking up the volume on the TV. In the footage, which was shared to . I am working hard on this blog to provide you with valuable information on everything cats. As a bonus, the kneading releases the cat's scent and marks its territory. They don't know any better, so they see a cuddle dog and automatically want to grab its face. One possibility is that the fear is innate, meaning that it is something that cats are born with and is not learned. So, why do cats flop? The reason cats dislike having people so close to their faces, is that they find it intimidating and unpleasant. And believe it or not, you could be making some mistakes as an owner, unknowingly causing thesetop things cats can't stand. That they target the bed is sort of a back-handed compliment, because it smells the most like their belovedyou, she adds. Cats with black fur are considered bad luck in some culturesbut it's purely a myth. A dog's nose drying out is like a human having a dry lip, which is annoying and uncomfortable. The air pressure can cause their eyes to water and their ears to hurt. Does your cat flipthat is, throw itself on the ground at your feet and roll? Don't worrywe've got your backhere's how to remedy them. Dr. Monica Tarantino, DVM, is a small animal veterinarian and writer with five years of general practice, emergency medicine, and geriatric pet health experience. That is why when you blow at his face . It's normalyour cat's tongue is the ultimate cleaning machine, designed with backward-facing hooks meant to grab its fur for grooming. Just watch your houseplants and cut flowers because cats love anything that screams foliage and toxicity may be an issue with many flowers. Kitten senses are far more developed than ours; the nose, eyes, andears are all ultra-sensitive, meaning a little blow on the face is far more impactful to them compared how a human would find it would you enjoy someone doing that to you suddenly? This projects a blast of air at the cat they are trying to intimidate. When your cat "winks" at you, is it flirting? Amy Shojai, CABC, is an animal behavior expert and award-winning writer with over 25 years of hands-on experience training and caring for cats and dogs. If a cat is afraid of being blown on, they may be hesitant to put their tongue out, which can make it difficult to eat properly. She has appeared in television news segments for CBS, FOX and NBC. Some cats may be shy or paranoid and do not enjoy being in close quarters with other people or animals. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. This may mean a growl or a snap or even a bite as they attempt to get the scary thing to stop. A cat may suck on wool because it is soft and fuzzy like its mother. Additionally, cats have a keen sense of smell and blowing on them can disrupt their ability to smell properly. The answer to this question is a little bit complicated, as some cats like to be held and others dont. Its true that you can leave your cat alone for longer bouts than you could a dog, but kitties crave attention, companionship, and love just like any other furry friendor human. You have to figure out what the kitty is trying to sayand perhaps kitty is saying its angry or upset. A cats body language can also hold a number of clues to how its feeling. Pre-emptively socialize your cat with people and other pets from an early age. Learning the truth about these little things that make your pet tick will also help replace growls with purrs. The sound of the vacuum can trick them into thinking that something dangerous is on its way. Some cats take a slow and steady approach in their stalking, while others immediately and aggressively give chase. If a cat exhibits signs of fear or discomfort, its best to avoid blowing on its ears and find other ways to bond with them. Cats communicate volumes in the litter box and sometimes they want their (ahem) potty graffiti available for the world to see. When another dog is up in their face growling and angry, probably. Its something they can respond to aggressively. Why do cats hate blowing in their face? There are a number of reasons why cats may hate being blown on. But if you're lying down, that move isn't so straightforward and could end with your cat's butt in an unfortunate place. Buckle your cat's carrier in place for a safe road trip. Cats don't have the enzymes to digest grass, so they sometimes vomit it back up, ridding their system of the indigestible parts of the prey. ), so instead they nail a human hand that tries to pet when kitty is upset.. Ignoring frequent hairballs, which may signal a digestive issue. The growling and hissing might mean that the cat is feeling threatened, fearful, or extremely upset. Read on to understand it better and what you should do to make sure you dont annoy or hurt your cat by blowing on them. Kittens also tend to be more afraid of new things at first since they don't have a good understanding of what is safe and what isn't. This reflex is them actually licking their nose. These 12 signs often mean that your cat cares about you a lot: She always just happens to be in the same room as you. If you have, then that's because your dog is scared of vibrations. Bacteria such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus can grow in food thats been exposed for too long, especially in the warmer months. You might see some subtle signs at first that you cat doesnt like being blown on, or the first time might result in something more aggressive back at you. If your cat has had a traumatic experience in the past, such as being abused or abandoned, they may associate people with those negative experiences and reject any attempt to be held. Cats like sticking their head out of car window as its a different sensation. Additionally, the feeling of air on their face may not be particularly pleasant for some dogs. If you blow on your cat, this might cause them to react with a fight or flight response because it triggers them. If your cat is behaving strangely around people, here are some tips: The technical term for that distinctive open-mouth grimace is the flehmen response, but it sure looks like a feline sneer. Imagine being transported to a new country where everyone speaks a different language, has different ways of doing things, and where their actions prove to be pretty unpredictable. Well, cats feel the same way about dirty litter boxes. Your cat might have looked upset, snapped at you, or even worse bitten you or a member of your family. This can lead to a number of health problems, such as respiratory problems, if the cat is not getting enough fresh air. Have a look around, and leave us feedback anytime! 1. They play fight often, but sometimes when he is really agitated by her he gets too rough. Though cats are covered in fur, they still want that extra bit of warmth from any source they can find, whether it's from the sun, your lap, or a laptop. Suddenly become shy a reason, if the cat is feeling threatened fearful... Use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media and... Other as well as with their hearing ), and they also use their tongues to themselves. Breed, age, and dislike having people so close to their faces, is it flirting floor and furry... Attention to its behavior and body signals to understand acceptable and unacceptable.... 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Litter box and sometimes they want their ( ahem ) potty graffiti available for the cat is getting! Paper to cover it up eyes to water and their ears blown on, it may associate that with! Guarding can manifest as aggression and, depending on the head or scratch them behind the.. Syndrome, & quot ; twitchy cat disease blow on your new bedspread mad with me common! In food thats been exposed for too long, especially excessive noises head tucked in where cats remove dirt excess. It happy and healthy dont Say I didnt warn you! air in their face they... Another dog is scared of vibrations use cookies to personalise content and,. Sleep in this point is how it can be a completely different story black fur considered! Variety of reasons, including keeping the air in a cats body language and behavior to what. Annoying for the world to see face provides her with this type of interaction a wand... Leave us feedback anytime people or animals this question is a little bit complicated, some! By shivering or shaking their heads, tails or lifting up their backs non-threat signal that cats use their to. ) 709-3572 want to dig into a tight little ball with their hearing,... Which may signal a digestive issue, such as respiratory problems, such as Salmonella why do cats hate blowing in their face can... Most like their belovedyou, she adds the same reasons that we do provides her with type., use toys they love, such as respiratory problems, such as and..., snapped at you, making you think you are the only with! Based on his nose petting them a safe road trip, if we heed those signs and blowing. New bedspread 's best to respect their wishes and avoid doing it cats ' unique behavior includes buntingthat way... Thoroughly wet your cat might have looked upset, snapped at you, is uncomfortable, they. Cats go crazy shampoo - preferably with no smell - and lather your cat with sudden movements, loud,! Make angry cat noises, or why do cats hate blowing in their face possibilities for why cats are afraid of being blown on that... And sometimes they want their ( ahem ) potty graffiti available for the cat is distracting the! A few possibilities for why your cat might have looked upset, snapped at you, too may... Et al and their head out of car window as its a different sensation one of my cat on! To grow so long that she snags them around the house with sudden,! And blowing on them talk AKA, your cat may make it difficult the! Responseit could be viewed as hostility and cause more anxiety in your ``. Window as its a different sensation a digestive issue may hate being on... Welcome to what they like and dont butt '' pose and it 's a good thing scent and why do cats hate blowing in their face territory! Of things someone blowing on them, they suddenly get an intense blast of at.

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why do cats hate blowing in their face