what causes possessiveness in a relationship

what causes possessiveness in a relationship

what causes possessiveness in a relationship

Either way, your feelings need to be dealt with. They also do not cheat on their spouses. 2. People who are securely attached believe theyre worthy of love and that others can be trusted., Possessiveness often stems from insecurities related to attachment styles. Until you admit you have a problem, it will continue to hurt. "Why do I get so triggered and scared when my husband talks with the woman next door", "Why is my husband threatened by me going back to school? And if we are rejecting and abandoning ourselves, we don't take in and believe the reflections of others. Their possessiveness is about their issues, whether its insecurity, attachment anxiety, or a possible personality disorder. Enhance our sense of self - If insecurity is at the root of our possessive behavior, we have to start to look at ways to bring more self-compassion into our lives. It can be tough to know whats causing you to feel so possessive in your relationship. Trust is a vital aspect of a healthy relationship. Our site uses cookies, please check our privacy policy. What causes insecurities in a relationship? Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Jealousy is often found in relationships where things are not quite as they seem and by being in love with one person, emotions can be difficult to manage. In the tale that everyone in the world has heard before, the successful woman is often at risk of losing things like love, relationships, and even her career. If its a problem that happened in childhood or even during the previous relationship, it can set off warning bells and cause you to take a step back. Whether it is a flirtatious co-worker or a job that requires a lot of travel, it is normal to experience a little bit of jealousy. Youre madly in love with someone for their personality and not how often you touch each other. Basically, they get jealous of anything that takes your attention away from them. If someone complimented your selfie and you liked the comment, they will ask you why you did that. We want our partners (and ourselves for that matter) to be fulfilled, well-rounded individuals who are fully alive. When it comes to your spouse, they take things too far and make you feel guilty when you have done nothing wrong. They will often manipulate things for their benefit but never for your own. We cannot see our true soul essence through the distorted eyes of our ego-wounded self. If this is you, remind yourself that this relationship deserves a fresh start. 2022 ThePleasantRelationship ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Signs your partner is possessive in relationship, How to be not possessive in a relationship. If they do, its only going to create problems in the long run. We may outright scold our partner or make rules about where they can and cant go, what they can and cant do. Irrational or excessive jealousy is often a warning sign of a potentially abusive relationship. When we make our partner feel guilty for choosing to spend time with friends, for example, we actually shrink their world. Reviewed by Anger sticks a Band-Aid over one's hurt and negates the other persons authority to judge them. Partner Abuse. All rights reserved. They might try to mask this with politeness, ensuring that this is seen as sweetness or love, but in reality, it is not what it seems. Being possessive in relationship is not always sweet. A little jealousy can be reassuring in a relationship and may even be programmed into us. In order to trust, you must feel your partner is reliable, cares about you, and can be counted on. Peering into your partners friendships allows you to be more confident in your relationship and take a step back from being so jealous over their time. This can lead to not allowing the woman to have personal interests away from the relationship. They will use blackmail, pity, and guilt to stop you from initiating a plan or following what you want. In a healthy relationship, you should give & take support, motivate each other to do better & your partner becomes more well-rounded. If a partner needs their attention all the time, they might not be able to balance their own life. This is the only way we can truly know that we are loved and chosen by a free person. A possessive partner will always invade your privacy even when you dont allow them. 7,858 likes, 75 comments - (@mr.tom_ms.jerry_official) on Instagram: "Watchfully . . But this time, it is worse because they want to control someone. Now, understanding the cause of your possessiveness can require years of therapy. But first, lets understand what possessiveness exactly means. We each come into life with a beautiful soula spark of the divine with our own wonderful qualities and gifts. How to control possessiveness. You have to make them understand that this is not what you wanted and you are not happy with the signs of possessiveness they are constantly showing. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that affects mood, behavior, and self-image. It doesnt matter what causes possessiveness in a relationship. They are constantly bothering or asking too many questions about other people they perceive as a threat. People with attachment anxiety tend to have a negative view of themselves and a positive view of others. You would know that your partner loves your wonderful essence and feels connected with who you really are. We should always aim to grow each others worlds rather than restrict them. Feeling "butterflies" around someone is not correlated with long-term relational health or satisfaction. Adding fuel to an already raging fire happens when a person becomes possessive. You have to get to the bottom of things, understand why your partner hates everyone you are close to, and take sides. If they are uncomfortable, they might not want to hear it from you. They worry their partners cant be trusted, which causes them to become clingy and controlling. Both you and your partner can learn how to handle jealousy in a healthy way. They will dictate how they want you to act when you are with others, how to talk, and everything else. Try to jot down the feelers of irritability, as to what exactly is bothering you and how you are reacting to the same . However, its one thing to make someone happy and another for someone to be manipulative, controlling, and even destructive about that need. They will be upset if significant others spend time with friends of the opposite sex and are interested in another person romantically. If their possessiveness hasnt crossed the line into abuse, this may be enough to reassure them about the stability of your relationship.. It doesnt have to be physical pain. This is what youll need to build a healthy relationship. It can also be because one assumes that they are well-wishers of their partners and want to protect them from any harm. Taking some time to reflect on what you went through might help you and your partner reconnect. Insecurity is often at the root of possessiveness in a relationship. Jealousy can happen for many reasons, including: It is not uncommon for couples to misinterpret jealousy for love, especially if that jealousy is generally healthy and infrequent. Make sure youre presenting things as an open dialog, not as a fight. It may even feel as if you are getting so much love. Possessive relationships are not fair or equal. One of the difficult things about recognizing toxic relationship habits is that sometimes we dont see them for what they are until its too late. It can also take a lot of introspection and self-realization. Julianne is Certified Relationship Coach and Licensed Social Worker. This will only make them feel bad about themselves and question their own worth, which is not worth the effort. Causes of possessiveness There can be a variety of causes of possessiveness in a relationship, such as a fear of abandonment, a need for control, low self-esteem, and feeling inadequate. They get irritated when you do not give them time, 19. Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW , Certified Relationship Coach No matter how anxious it makes us, we have to resist the urge to exert power over our partner. They feel bad about doing good in your career, 5. Sources of funding to this site does not ever influence editorial content of this site. The jealous spouse feels a sense of ownership and possessiveness towards their partner and refuses to allow the partner free agency out of fear that the freedom will enable them to find "someone better." Causes of jealousy in marriage There can be several reasons for jealousy in relationships. Its important to recognize what are the causes, signs, and ways to control possessive feelings in a relationship. The Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes(EDS)refers to a collection of genetic disorders that weaken collagen. Reassure him. There will be people and situations that threaten the security of your relationship. She has counseled individuals and couples since 1968. In some cases, it may be due to insecurity or jealousy. Some people who are possessive tend to have small or empty social circles because theyre too focused on you. Your partner often threatens to commit suicide They can learn a lot more about what you are like and the more interesting person youll be for them. They dont think theyre wrong so this is how the relationship is usually handled. This can make them possessive, and it can put pressure on you too. You need to get help right away before things spiral out of control. They might even ask who youre texting and unfollowing people on social media for you. ", "My wife is angry when I need to go out of town for business. They may constantly be demanding more work and becoming angry when you ask for space or try to protect your rights. We all must learn how to connect with our higher selves so that we can see, value, and define our own self-worth. They are controlling what you should wear, 6. . It doesnt mean that you have to keep up with the possessive personality of your partner. Everybody should feel worthy and good about themselves, because theyre valued and loved by the person they love.. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. Oust your inner critic We all have a critical inner voice that attacks us and those close to us, often sabotaging our relationships. What causes possessiveness in a relationship A person feels possessive, when he or she feels incomplete inside, there is the insecurity of losing someone dear to us, lack of self-confidence or due to social or cultural influence. When your partner interferes with those bonds by wanting you to spend time only with them, it may isolate you or jeopardize your other relationships.. However, there are real steps we can take to break patterns of defensiveness and achieve an equal and trusting relationship. It can be hard to know when possessiveness crosses the line from normal affection to controlling and abusive behavior. These deep-seated emotions can lead to a desire to control. When it comes to coping with feelings of jealousy or insecurity, couples can cross the line from love to possessiveness. Possessiveness in a relationship can cause a great deal of tension and can negatively impact the relationship. Why People Get Possessive in Relationship and How to Cope With It? It is important for couples to spend quality time together, as well as to value each other. In fact, attempts to exercise power over our partners actually serve to reduce and diminish our own attraction to them. But if they are clingy and desperate, they need professional help. Many people equate forgiveness with forgetting that something happened altogether, or with saying that it was OK that it did. They can make you feel bad about your choices, and sometimes they might even stop you from doing things that are important to you. They may even demand that you send them your whereabouts by phone. Remember to be open and honest with your partner from the start, so they will understand how you feel. Your overly possessive partner wants to control you. It seemed like he was just being nice and wanting to get to know her in person, but this is something he did on purpose. Whilst it can be difficult, having too much possessiveness can actually break a relationship. If taken too far, possessiveness can become a serious issue that leads to other relationship problems. Jealousy is often the root cause, but it can also be due to insecurity, low self-esteem, or even just a lack of trust. You must see the fine line that differentiates a possessive and. You must see the fine line that differentiates a possessive and protective partner. Every time you try to communicate openly with your possessive boyfriend or girlfriend, they react immediately and become defensive. This makes people feel sad, angry, and afraid. The patterns and defenses we form growing up may have been adaptive to our childhood, but they can hurt our current relationships. I have seen such instances in Africa where a man pays huge amounts and other expensive traditional rites of marriage for a wife. Itll be more effective if you tell them how you feel and what is going on when things happen that make it hard for you to trust them. Your partner may tell you things like they are going to kill or hurt themselves or kill someone you love. But being possessive and controlling in a relationship can be both manipulative and destructive. Forget about the past. For a lot of people, its also about not losing them. Here are 13 signs of possessiveness that may indicate your partner is crossing the line as well as what to do about it. She can dive deep into one's heart through her words bringing them close to oneself. https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/identifying-abuse/possessiveness-the-precursor-to-power-and-control, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233021679_Do_people_use_reverse_psychology_An_exploration_of_strategic_self-anticonformity, https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/recognising-domestic-abuse/, Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. Experts suggest considering a partnerpossessive in a relationshipas a red flag. Margaret Paul, Ph.D., is a best-selling author, relationship expert, and Inner Bonding facilitator. Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but theres every reason for them to open up emotionallyand their partners are helping. As a result, we relive the past, clinging or making efforts to control our partner, so we can feel secure. The Danger of Jealousy. It will try to answer questions such as. Dont ruin it by guessing the worst before it happens. Why be together if this is what he's going to do? She's the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. We can commit to trying not to act on these feelings, but let our partner know whats going on within us, so we can feel closer to them. Sometimes fear, mistrust & insecurity can be so deep that one person wants to hold on to the other for themselves only. Try to realize that theyre lucky to be with someone as great as you and not worry about it too much. 3. If you are starting to doubt yourself, stop the thought, and leave your possessive partner. Eventually, this causes a scene in the mind of the jealous man, who starts to believe that his woman is plotting to leave him because she views him as not being good enough for her love. By self-abandonment, I mean not taking responsibility for your own feelings of safety and self-worth and instead making your partner responsible for making you feel secure, loved, and lovable. A huge promotion and a higher designation have made the man think his woman is being with her boss. Its really important to give each other the freedom to do their own thing- even if they often make you resent them. And it wont stop there. She was fine when I was working at home during COVID, but now that I'm doing some traveling, why is she freaking out? Possessiveness often stems from insecurities related to attachment styles. A little reassurance of your love and your commitment to the relationship can go a long way toward easing your partner's fears, which in turn, will result in him toning down his possessive nature. Do You Wear Jewelry That an Ex Gave to You? Possessiveness in a relationship can be caused by a number of factors. We may start giving them the cold shoulder in hopes theyll show interest in our feelings. If they dont know how you feel, they might not be able to help. When not writing, Hazra enjoys exploring the outdoors. It can be difficult to manage relationships with people who only see you as a resource or an extension of themselves. Relationship issues can start to arise if you let your possessiveness get out of control. Instead, it may be linked to other types of mental health disabilities such as: Attachment. He is often possessive, which might not always be a pat on the back for the relationship. This awareness can help create more positive future interactions by highlighting what to work on in the future. When in reality, that behavior likely stems from the mans own self-doubt. See independence as a good thing. Its crucial to stay true to your own values when dating any person. Obsessively keeping in contact with the subject of your affection. What causes possessiveness in relationship. If your partner feels that the information would make you decide to spend the weekend with an ailing friend or a relative who got into an accident, they will keep it from you. This is the beauty of feeling free. These types of patterns can be hard to break and lead to a lot of unnecessary guilt trips between partners. Help your partner to learn how to stop being possessive to turn the situation around. All rights reserved. Seeing her becoming successful, irritates him, 1. they are with. Many people struggle with a sense of self-worth or lack, especially when they see a coworker behaving in an undesirable way that they perceive as reflecting on them. The weird thing about this possessiveness is that they will be back to normal one day and beg you to make up, say sorry, or shower you with affection. They cant think of losing the relationship & end up being afraid theyll lose something really important to them. In a possessive relationship, personal space is rarely a concept that is valued. . If youre open and honest about things that bother you, your partner is more likely to hear you out and work on resolving the issue with you. Fortunately, there are ways that you can turn this negative feeling into a positive one by focusing on your relationship. In good relationships, partners try to afford . Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20+ years. This can cause resentment and unrealistic expectations for partners. The second step is to deal with the underlying feelings that drive you toward an unequal dynamic. Sometimes people around you may find it hard to support your positive or happy moments, but that is because they have nothing to do with them. 2010;6(1):5358. They are giving you excessive attention to influence or manipulate you, 3. Abuse, this may be linked to other relationship problems on Instagram: & quot Watchfully... Great as you and how to stop being possessive to turn the situation around ) refers to collection... The thought, and everything else things like they are well-wishers of partners. Like they are well-wishers of their partners cant be trusted, which not! Sure youre presenting things as an open dialog, not as a resource or an extension of.! Way we can take to break and lead to not allowing the woman have! To break patterns of defensiveness and achieve an equal and trusting relationship marriage Book want! 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what causes possessiveness in a relationship