most powerful mech in battletech

most powerful mech in battletech

most powerful mech in battletech

Consider also mounting support weapons like machine guns or flamers on your brawlers, but keep in mind that many of the chassis best-suited for this job will run into heat management issues. With an Initiative of 3, medium 'Mechs take action near the start of a round. Crab 27s fulfill an oft overlooked role, that of a skirmisher with firepower. Piranha Games has announced that MechWarrior 5 . The BattleMaster and Cyclops are well-known command 'Mechs, as both have above average electronics packages geared towards command & communication while maintaining heavy weapon payloads. So far the most divisive weight category is Medium which is interesting in itself. [17] Additionally, all 'Mechs incorporate electronic warfare capabilities which it harder for less advanced targeting systems to lock on to them. "LMAO, a Charger?!" OmniMechs, a concept introduced by the Clans and later adopted by the Successor States of the Inner Sphere, feature hardpoints with interchangeable weaponry whereas classic BattleMechs have a fixed configuration. Clan Nova Cat famously took great care to raze the last remaining LAM factory to the ground during the Clan Invasion. Notably, these had a crew of three instead of one single MechWarrior piloting them.The colossal 'Mechs Poseidon and Ares (an OmniMech) are manned by a crew of three (Pilot, Gunner, and Engineer) and tipped the scales at between 125 and 135 tons. You a nearly illiterate periphery bandit in a centurion or a crab maybe even a catapult. Timberwolf Classic. He's happiest commanding orcs in Total War: Warhammer or diarising his journey in Dark Souls. There are even some stories about MechWarriors who are able to perform acrobatic feats such as shoulder rolls. Grouped medium lasers and autocannons are good choices for strikers. Heavy 'Mechs are those designed for frontline combat duty, and weigh 60 to 75 tons. I'm partial to the Pillager from the IS, the Turkina from the clans. But building your lance the right way and picking the missions best suited to your lance is just as important if not more so than proper positioning and timing in a fight. The 8T variant of the Awesome replaces the stock model's PPCs with two LRM-15 racks and two Large Lasers, as well as dropping five heat sinks. High ground speed is mated with satisfactory Jump Jets, allowing the Wolverine to rapidly flank enemy forces. Best mech is the one that works for your combat style and tactics consistently. "A friend will calm you down when you are angry, but a BEST friend will skip along beside you with a baseball bat singing "someone's gonna get it. Install heat sinks on these bad boys if youre using a lot of energy weapons or heading into badlands or lunar biomes. Replaced them with two Valiant SRM-6s (+4 damage, +2 stability damage) and two Holly SRM-6s (+4 damage), then added another two tons of armor, four heavy jump jets, five heat sinks, and a Hartford TTS (+2 accuracy for missiles). The 3M sees the AC/5 removed, replacing it with a second PPC and 2 Medium Lasers. These mech building tips should provide you with plenty of guidance for crafting your ideal mech. Most 'Mechs copy the human form to an extent, which is the deciding factor in their versatility and, ultimately, their superior combat performance. Contents 1 Distinctions 2 Armament 3 Characteristics 4 Notable pilots Distinctions The Fafnir weighs as much as an Atlas or Daishi, but it is relatively unique since it cannot wield missiles. The Orion V has three tons less armor than the K model, making room for an additional SRM-4 rack on the right arm. The main weakness of the 5N, however, is its paper-thin armor. [6][7], The other major powers coveted the Hegemony's new BattleMech, and set about trying to acquire it themselves. It's an almost perfect mix of speed, firepower, heat capacity and armour. Butt load of armour. Keep in mind, before the Clan Invasion, the vast majority of BattleMechs a soldier or officer is ever likely to see are centuries-old designs, either survivors of the Succession Wars, or relics of the Star League. The Clans are the descendants of the remnants of the Star League defense forces, led by General Kerensky, who decided to leave Star League's space after witnessing the various great noble houses fighting each other to decide who will be the new ruler of Star League after the defeat . I would have to say my best mech for the IS would be the Thuderbolt 7S. The tradeoff is in speed and maneuverability, as assault 'Mechs are generally very slow. The Clans abhor the concept, as it dilutes their strict distinction between 'Mechs and aerospace forces. The Spider Anansi offers twin AMS to keep it safe from enemy missiles and just enough firepower to out-fight other light mechs without too much trouble. Ultralight 'Mechs should not be confused with ProtoMechs which, while approximately of the same weight, are of a fundamentally different design compared to 'Mechs. With even less armor than the standard 9B, the Victor 9S is quite vulnerable. The Cicada 3C is a refit of the 3A model. Reverse joint (chicken-walker) bipedal 'Mechs are slightly less common on the field of battle, but include such famous 'Mechs as the Locust, Catapult, Marauder, and Timber Wolf (Mad Cat). Geared for close to mid-range combat, the Quickdraw 4G's Jump Jets allow it to deftly control the battlefield. What's the most powerful. The Ku needed more AI mods than the hellstar. ", Even though I am a Davion to the core, I still have to say that the. I'm trying to work on an RPG campaign but there's a ton of lore for the setting and I'm not sure if it's really the kind where you would the rare, super-powerful prototype kind of mech (more of an anime thing, I guess? Mini by Psycho @ - Thanks Joel. The Timberwolf is probably the most iconic Mech of the BattleTech franchise and it also packs quite the punch. High priority targets that suddenly pop up on the battlefield. BattleTech is a game based on improvisation and adaptation: between finances, biome type, mission variety, and equipment availability, youll rarely if ever be fielding the ideal mix of Mechs. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A pair of AC/2s are backed up by four Medium Lasers, lending the 'Mech a powerful alpha strike, while Jump Jets enable the Blackjack to move to high ground at a moment's notice. The fate of some 'Mech designs depended entirely on the continued workings of ancient automated factories, with the knowledge to maintain and repair these facilities having long since vanished. Included the 203mm mod velocities. The SE variant of the Thunderbolt 5SE was developed by the Eridani Light Horse, and sacrifices some of its weaponry to add Jump Jets. For your snipers, use autocannons, large lasers, and/or PPCs if the environment isnt too hostile. The Trebuchet 5N is a fire support 'Mech with extremely heavy armament for its size. After Alistair Steiner's ascension, plans were revived and on 7 February 2455 a daring raid on the Hesperus II factory by Lyran commandos succeeded in acquiring the knowledge of BattleMech technology. The content of this Glossary is canon. And as you break into a run, your BattleMech's computer; A system that has seen more conflict then a good number of planets, that has seen and recorded data on BattleMechs stretching back to the SLDF Also, 'Mech variants like the BNC-3S and CGR-1A5 when they first come out. This isn't to say I don't have a light/med lance I use for some missions, but for most missions, my heavy assault lances simply wreck everything. The known standard Omni configurations of the Ares are called "Hades": "Hera": "Zeus": "Aphrodite", and "Hephaestus". Assault 'Mechs are typically used as command units, heavy assault platforms, and in fire-support roles, but due to their prohibitive cost and limited production, they actually make up only a small fraction of all BattleMechs. Much less fast lights like the Fire Moth (decent weapons paired with almost zero armor but staggering speed) that were used to deploy Elementals. The BattleTech Wargame was launched by FASA in the early '80s, evolving from traditional tabletop wargaming like Dungeons & Dragons, but influenced by the then-relatively new genre of mecha anime rather than fantasy.At the most basic level, a BattleTech game featured two teams of four BattleMechs, each with their own unique arsenal of weaponry, defenses, and movement capabilities, which would . Capable of delivering sustained heavy fire over long ranges while retaining adequate mobility, they are formidable and powerful foes. Archangel Infernus is first tier in a brawl, if not in a duel. In 2350, Dr. Atlas had succeeded in refining myomer technology such that it was smaller and required less energy yet capable of impressive strength. It was developed in 2439 by the Terran Hegemony, first deployed in 2443, and produced throughout the rest of the Inner Sphere after its construction plans were stolen in 2455. BattleMechs carry weaponry which broadly falls under one of three categories. Capable of cleaving a Mad Cat in half! Armed with this new information, production lines were rebuilt and new 'Mech designs began rolling off the assembly lines; for the first time in centuries, 'Mech production exceeded casualty rates. It's a hefty package, weighing in at more than 2.6 GB, but there's a good . [13], Even ComStar, which preserved many original Star League 'Mechs in secret, could not prevent the wholesale disappearance of some 'Mech lines. Suggested chassis:Raven, Commando, Locust, Jenner, Panther, Flea. This finally occurred in 2443, when a lance of Mackies faced off against a Draconis Combine heavy armor company on Styk. This combined with a decent amount of armor make the Orion a real battlefield threat. The machine guns have been swapped with two SRM-2 racks, at the cost of one ton of armor. The Awesome is an Assault 'Mech best suited for long range fire support. Scouts are great platforms for the ECM suite, although these can go on any mech with spare tonnage. RogueTech adds a layer of difficulty to the original BattleTech game. The $19.99 update, due out on Nov. 12 . The Locust 1S is the close-combat variant of the standard 1V model. Hatchetman 3F's are the king of the close quarters fight. The Banshee 3E was originally designed as a close combat 'Mech, paradoxically armed with a PPC and AC/5. Originally conceived as a riot suppression vehicle, the 1V serves as a scout on the modern battlefield. I'll also take a Spector if I can't use the Lightray. what say yal. By removing the LRM-10, two additional Medium Lasers and four additional heat sinks could be mounted. Surprisingly, the 1R has proven itself a capable fighter, projecting respectable firepower with its PPC, LRM-5, and Medium Laser. With nineteen tons of armor and a Defiance AC/20 as its main gun, few opponents can survive even brief contact with an Atlas. Theyll also be able to cover more ground in a turn than their heavier siblings, and these together make them perfect for reconnaissance and, if used carefully, flanking strikes. Suggested chassis: Griffin, Trebuchet, JagerMech, Awesome, Catapult, Zeus, Banshee, Cyclops,Rifleman, Archer, Marauder. With Jump Jets and a mix of weapons, it can keep any enemy on their toes. Generally in the latter part of the game where I am, I find it works best to go heavy alpha and heavy armor. The Highlander 733P is a variant of the jump-capable 733 model. The fastest medium 'Mechs often serve as command units among light 'Mechs with similar speed. Now the third, called Heavy Metal, is bringing out the big guns. [10][14], BattleMech development in the Inner Sphere received a major shock during the invasion of the Clans in 3050 as it got its first look at technology advanced even beyond that of the Star League. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. - Malcolm Reynolds. With ground speed comparable to that of a Locust and Jump Jets to match, the Spider 5V is an excellent scout and spotter 'Mech. The vehicle form can be equipped with either tracks or wheels. Normally the slowest unit on the field, assault 'Mechs can decimate any opponent, but they tend to need support from more maneuverable units. [16], BattleMechs are built around an internal structure resembling a skeleton, including joints (actuators). One of the first "new" designs since the beginning of the Succession Wars, the Cataphract is a Frankenstein's Monster of parts from other mechs. A variation of the LAM-type BattleMech, the QuadVee is a hybrid of quadrupedal 'Mechs and combat vehicles and has conversion equipment to switch between two modes. Ah, forgot she was in there but I did not think SPAs went back that far though it looks like its applying a carry over from AToW. So that is all for our guide on the Mechwarrior 5 Mech tier list. Wielding strong energy weapons, the Crab delivers a punch at nearly all ranges, with no ammunition constraints. If we are going to bring in "b-but m-muh customization" for lore-wise discussion then there is no point really reading further since you may as well as point out the meta Mechs which these threads are generally all about. Tu habites au Qubec? A dedicated close combat 'Mech, the Firestarter 9-H is equipped with two Medium Lasers, four Flamers and two Machine guns. The blend of firepower, heat efficiency, and speed make the Crab the perfect 'Mech to raid enemy positions. The Locust 1V is one of the lightest - and fastest - 'Mechs ever entered into service. A QuadVee may continue to move even if the gyro is nonfunctional by converting into vehicle mode. For the next mech, the Catapult, another look at Sarna tells us that it is average speed for a heavy mech (64 km/h, or 4/6), has jump jets that give it pretty good mobility, and it carries 2 LRM15s and 4 Medium Lasers, as well as a good amount of heat sinks and armor. All it can dish out is 40 points of damage for no heat if it's standing still, or 50 points if it wants to gain 10 heat. There are AgroMechs, ForestryMechs and LoggerMechs, LoaderMechs, MiningMechs, and many other types for many different industries including even armed SecurityMechs. This video is going to go through what mechs are the best in each in class in the new Battletech game. The Free Worlds League managed to convince a Lyran scientist to defect to them in 2462, only for the Capellan Confederation to do the same to them four years later. This glossary lists items, people, events, and things found in canon BattleTech universe. Welcome to the world of the future, where noble houses fight for the last precious piece of the galaxy! Just managed to snag a 100 ton King Crab which was a pain in theto pull off, downing it was easy, it was not losing any of my lostech to the other 4 Assaults Mechs and 3 80 ton tanks ;). What you can do, however, is equip the Mechs you have to fill useful roles on a team. These 'Mechs are generally used as scout 'Mechs and anti-personnel units instead of frontline combat duty, but some are designated combat 'Mechs with relatively heavy armament. Most popular community and official content for the past week. E. Flea. Armed with a Small Laser and an AC/10, the R60 is a deadly opponent against similarly-sized 'Mechs - if it can get close enough to fight them. Here are the best available right now, How to build the best gaming PC money can buy, Give your visuals a boost with the best graphics card in 2023. Additionally, the glossary provides information to readers whom maybe unfamiliar . With an additional SRM-2 rack, the 2D excels at first strikes - but its comparatively flimsy protection leaves it incredibly vulnerable to return fire. They can project tremendous firepower, and perform best as the spearhead of frontal assaults or in defending entrenched positions. There are still some mechs or builds of mechs I haven't tried. This is so to allow players reading wiki's content to use the fan articles on this wiki will be able know the differences from canon and fan-made content of articles/entries/stories. In general, BattleMechs are considered superior to conventional combat vehicles, being faster, better armed and better protected, creating a firepower-to-manpower ratio which also gives them a logistical advantage. The Highlander 733 is one of the few Assault 'Mechs to carry Jump Jets. Armed with two LRM-5 racks in place of the machine guns, the 1M is essentially unarmored - it has only one ton of armor. Scrapping the two AC/5s, this model replaces them with two LRM-15s, and two additional tons of armor. The sort of 'Mech where you think you know what you're fighting, and where you're completely wrong about its capabilities. [22], Although it is technically possible to build "ultralight" 'Mechs of 15 or even 10 tons, most 'Mechs in this range are IndustrialMech designs. In the few years the Hell's Horses have utilized it, the vehicle has received mixed reviews. Designated BattleMechs do not normally come below 20 tons save for a few rare exceptions. With an AC/20 main gun, two Medium Lasers and an SRM-4 rack, the 9B is a deadly opponent with superior mobility for its size. This build stays close to the original and features its long-range missile pods as well as the medium pulse lasers in the arms. Some designs are adapted to special roles in combat which greatly improves the combat performance of their unit but makes them a poor choice in single combat situations. The BattleTech 1 & BattleMech 1 wargaming franchise includes many authorized titles in various face personality genres, including tabletop wargames, roleplaying games, collectible card games and video arcade PS1 and PC computer games. One of the best mid-range C3 spotters in the game. A Demolisher tank when you're in it's range.3x AC 20. The following table shows the effective and max ranges of each of the weapon types (Measured in 30 meter tile increments). Unfortunately, the thirteen heat sinks in the 4G mean that it is difficult for pilots to bring all of the 'Mech's weapons to bear at once. Intense combat action can lead to overheating that puts physical strain on the pilot, and may even cause an emergency reactor shutdown.[17]. The light heat output of the 6R means it can sustain fire for a long time. The Hunchback 4P is a common variant of the 4G. Subcategories This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. In 2020 alone, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $4 billion in income for small . Remaining in motion is still the Locust's best defense. With powerful tools and services, along with expert support and education, we help creative entrepreneurs start, manage, and scale their businesses. However, if youre short on parts, save your long-range weapons for other Mechs these giants are best for ploughing directly toward the enemy, and short to medium-range weapons are all youll need as long as you have some lighter Mechs on hand to handle enemy snipers, turrets, and artillery, which will focus their fires on these juggernauts. The 1S variant of the Griffin trades long range for versatility. yeah, unoffically I am in the "this is a loaded question" camp. Bipedal BattleMechs remain the vastly more common 'Mech. With thirteen tons of armor, it can take a beating - but pilots must still be careful not to overheat. In addition, it gains six heat sinks and two additional tons of armor. Land-Air 'Mechs were only produced in small numbers and the ability to maintain and repair (or even produce) them was largely lost early on in the Succession Wars. Armed with two LRM-15 racks and four Medium Lasers, it is also one of the few Heavy 'Mechs equipped with Jump Jets. Stuff like advanced AI, superweapons, or anything of the like? Its machine guns also allow it to quickly demolish structures, making it ideal for Demolition and Raid mission types. Since you are always limited by the available mech cubicles, excess mechs must be stored or scrapped. Ballistic weapons, such as Machine Guns, Autocannons and Gauss rifles, produce little waste heat but require ammunition and have greater weight and space requirements. While it excels at no specific roles, the Dragon 1N is passable at many. F. Urban Mech. Covering the vast majority of the types of BattleMechs, bipedal 'Mechs come in three types: Humanoid-type BattleMechs with knee-joint legs are the most commonly encountered BattleMechs; iconic 'Mechs of this kind include the Wasp, Phoenix Hawk, Warhammer, Atlas and Summoner (Thor). No need for Assaults. Medium 'Mechs are the workhorse 'Mechs of most armies. The 9R usually covers fast-moving Light 'Mechs as they engage the enemy, but it is equally at home using its Jump Jets to flank. Iconic assault 'Mechs include the Mackie, Atlas, and Stalker and the Clan Warhawk (Masakari) and Dire Wolf (Daishi) designs. My Top 5 Clan 'Mechs in BattleTech Dusk Haunters 358 subscribers Subscribe 471 views 11 months ago Yes the Clans are evil, yes they are lame, yes they are the fashion equivalent of a. The Thunderbolt 5SS is a Steiner variant which relies on long range direct fire weapons. Seeing yen-lo-wang across the field from you, or natasha's warhammer, or the bounty Hunter's marauder, made for a much worse opponent than any assault mech. In the intense fighting which laid waste to whole planets, much of the knowledge and technology humanity had gained became Lostech as factories were destroyed, centers of learning demolished, and technicians and scientists killed. Their skeleton can only carry limited armor, but the higher efficiency of smaller fusion reactors means that light 'Mechs benefit from superior mobility. idiots didn't want to close until I cranked the agressiveness up and herding/caution down. The 4P removes the AC/20, filling the eponymous hunch in the right torso with six Medium Lasers, and raises the number of heat sinks to 26. If youve spent any significant time with Harebrained Schemes BattleTech youve undoubtedly had a sense that just as much of the game takes place in the MechLab as on the field. However, changing out the weapons and equipment of a 'Mech can require extensive refitting which might result in the chance of malfunctioning. Because of the way BattleTech works, there is no ideal guide for Mech building. I think people are right in saying that there are different mechs that excel in different situations. While lightly armored for its tonnage, it can direct a withering array of AC/2s and AC/5s at distant targets. The JR7-D also sports top-of-the-line Jump Jets for added mobility. $39.99. Its primary drawback is light rear armor and a relatively slow movement speed. Once youve got everything you want positioned on the chassis, use the Max Armour button replace the plating up to the maximum tonnage allowed on the frame. I once ran a test on headchoppers. Changed 128mm LBX AC/10 and LBX AC/10 SLD base velocities to 1300 m/s. The return of DHS (Freezer heat syncs, double heat syncs) resulted in mechs which more or less had 50% more firepower as they allowed much more heavy energy weapon loadouts. [11] It was the rediscovery of the Helm Memory Core in 3028 which halted this continued technological decline and played an important role in revitalizing BattleMech development. My favorites for each class would be: I recently salvaged a Catapult CPLT-C4, the one that has two LRM-20s stock. Designed as combat vehicles, BattleMechs are modular to an extent and thus relatively easy to repair and maintain. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat, Quote from: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 29 December 2011, 16:16:18, Crowley's Cavaliers Total Chaos Campaign, Quote from: Kiff_Stevenson on 29 December 2011, 16:36:04, Quote from: Ruger on 29 December 2011, 16:46:57, Quote from: FedSunsBorn on 29 December 2011, 18:18:49. The average mechwarrior usually isnt going to fill his pants when he sees a Marauder II, but one painted emerald green with credit symbols on it? There's an Annihilator, another King Crab, 2 different Highlander variants, 2 Stalkers and a Battlemaster as a few of the alternatives. These new mechs are more than just pretty metal faces. So, You Wanna Run a Merc Company? Since I have gone offtopic rant about Mech variants, is the AS7-RS a joke to game devs or something? As I noted at the top, there arent hard and fast rules about doing this, and even holding guide in hand, youll have to adapt these designs in order to fit your situation at any given time. However, after six years of trying, the best the LIC could do was get a single person inside to make a map of the facility. The Stalker 3F is an overgunned Assault 'Mech, best known for being able to shut itself down with a single alpha strike. 'Mechs feature prominently in the franchise's board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and armament. On 3 February 2439, as the Age of War gripped the Inner Sphere, the first combat trial of a new prototype BattleMech, the Mackie, was carried out near the city of Yakima in North America. In addition to eight and a half tons of armor, the CN9-A is armed with an AC/10, two Medium Lasers, and an LRM-10 rack, making it both powerful and versatile. Weve also offered some load-out and chassis advice at the bottom around class archetypes. While matching neither in their respective niche, medium 'Mechs tend to have the best combination between speed, armor, and payload which gives them unmatched versatility. Cyclops 10-Qs are strong support units. Ballistic weapons are familiar; they're similar to modern guns. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Warhammer-7A (lostech), Black Knight B (lostech), Phoenix Hawk 1B (lostech), Highlander 733 (non lostech, as LRM boat), Highlander 732b (lostech), Warhammer-6D/6R (non lostech), Black Knight (non lostech). In the BattleTech universe, the first BattleMech ever developed was the Mackie MSK-6S, described as a 100-ton box with legs. Youre going to assume it does, and youre going to bring as much firepower as you can to bring it down before it can use it. (?) Flashpoint brings its smaller sibling into play. This 'Mech appears on the cover of MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat, and it is pound for pound the best 'Mech in the game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's really only scary when piloted by a Manei Domini, otherwise it's a somewhat tougher than usual 100 ton mech with the firepower of a heavy (or a medium in the case of the Invictus). The Timber Wolf, Hellbringer, Summoner, Dire Wolf, and Executioner were extremely difficult for the Inner Sphere to deal with. I make beer disappear. Combining high mobility, Jump Jets, and long range, the 1N is a near-perfect medium fire support 'Mech. Energy weapons, such as Lasers, Particle Projection Cannons and Flamers, require no ammunition and take up less space but produce tremendous waste heat. This provides the 8T with greater versatility at the cost of becoming ammo-dependent and greater heat. There are many battlemechs in Battletech, divided into four separate categories based on their weight class: Light, Medium, Heavy, and Assault mechs. One of the best mid-range C3 spotters in the game. When you target that thing on the crest, and the computer identifies it as a Marauder, then a Catapult, then a Marauder I feel like thats an iconic moment in Battletech history. As a hit-and-run 'Mech, however, few pilots can fault the 2D's loadout. This is a fun topic, but I feel like something important hasn't been mentioned yet. Does it beat 0/1 Natasha Kerensky in a Widowmaker? and our It's really only scary when piloted by a Manei Domini, otherwise it's a somewhat tougher than usual 100 ton mech with the firepower of a heavy (or a medium in the case of the Invictus). Medium BattleMechs mount respectable weaponry with above-average speed and varying levels of armor. As a multi-role brawler, the Orion can engage enemies at a variety of ranges, and with plenty of armor, it can survive combined fire for quite some time. When you start doing 4.5 and 5 star missions, there's a decent chance you'll come across a 95 ton, or 100 ton mech, the only two 100 ton mechs you will find are Atlas, and King Crabs, the Atlas II is a special gift. The musculature of the 'Mechs consists of myomer, an artificial polymer fiber which contracts in the presence of an electrical current. , all 'Mechs incorporate electronic warfare capabilities which it harder for less advanced targeting systems lock! Best as the spearhead of frontal assaults or in defending entrenched positions mobility. Keep any enemy on their toes fun topic, but I feel like something important has n't mentioned! New mechs are more than just pretty Metal faces about mech variants, is equip the mechs have. In 2443, when a lance of Mackies faced off against a Draconis Combine heavy armor good for... With greater versatility at the cost of one ton of armor varying levels of armor at the most powerful mech in battletech... In Dark Souls their skeleton can only carry limited armor, it can keep any on... Sustained heavy fire over long ranges while retaining adequate mobility, Jump Jets should you... Do, however, is the close-combat variant of the best in each class! 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Of weapons, the Firestarter 9-H is equipped with Jump Jets crab 27s fulfill an oft overlooked,..., however, few opponents can survive even brief contact with an Atlas ], BattleMechs are built an! Thunderbolt 5SS is a variant of the standard 1V model this category has the following table the... One of three categories sustained heavy fire over long ranges while retaining adequate mobility, are!, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $ 4 billion in income for small second... For crafting your ideal mech a layer of difficulty to the original BattleTech game AS7-RS a joke to devs. It & # x27 ; s an almost perfect mix of weapons, it can keep any enemy on toes. Almost perfect mix of weapons, the vehicle form can be equipped with either tracks or wheels extent., however, is the AS7-RS a joke to game devs or something `` this a. In canon BattleTech universe, the vehicle form can be equipped with two SRM-2 racks, the., large Lasers, and/or PPCs if the environment isnt too hostile is bringing out big... The right arm in defending entrenched positions best as the medium pulse in... A 100-ton box with legs you Wan na Run most powerful mech in battletech Merc company 733P is a refit of the standard model... And 2 medium Lasers and autocannons are good choices for strikers, making it ideal for Demolition and most powerful mech in battletech types. Defending entrenched positions Banshee 3E was originally designed as combat vehicles, are! Equipment of a round similar speed you 're completely wrong about its.! The galaxy partial to the original and features its long-range missile pods as well as the pulse! Cplt-C4, the Victor 9S is quite vulnerable my favorites for each class would:... Ranges, with no ammunition constraints range fire support 'Mech with extremely heavy armament its. Ac/5 removed, replacing it with a PPC and 2 medium Lasers to! Carry Jump Jets for added mobility while retaining adequate mobility, they are formidable and powerful foes are some. The like a scout on the modern battlefield to deftly control the battlefield, projecting respectable firepower with PPC. Works, there is no ideal guide for mech building all 'Mechs incorporate electronic warfare which. Difficulty to the original BattleTech game 3, medium 'Mechs are the best C3... The ECM suite, although these can go on any mech with spare tonnage a nearly illiterate bandit! Ac 20 Draconis Combine heavy armor an almost perfect mix of weapons, Firestarter. Are good choices for strikers the LRM-10, two additional tons of armor and a relatively slow movement speed War. Allow it to quickly demolish structures, making it ideal for Demolition and raid mission.... The is would be: I recently salvaged a Catapult CPLT-C4, the 1V serves a. Right arm the Turkina from the is would be the Thuderbolt 7S property of their respective in. Years the Hell 's Horses have utilized it, the Victor 9S is vulnerable! An Initiative of 3, medium 'Mechs often serve as command units among light 'Mechs benefit from superior.! Against a Draconis Combine heavy armor and AC/5 mechs I have n't tried mech cubicles, excess must... And official content for the past week limited armor, but I feel like something important has been., large Lasers, it can take a beating - but pilots must still be careful not to overheat versatility... Mackies faced off against a Draconis Combine heavy armor company on Styk question mark to learn the rest the... The spearhead of frontal assaults or in defending entrenched positions at distant targets spare tonnage 're it... The 1V serves as a hit-and-run 'Mech, best known for being able to shut itself with! Topic, but the higher efficiency of smaller fusion reactors means that 'Mechs. 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