general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. MS, near a statue of Jesus, two women pump water from a fountain that is still working. These belongings are all that remain for the Poles featured here who have been displaced from their homes by the German air attacks. with shells of buildings. Good CUs of the couple. Large building adjacent to new construction. Boys begin fighting and are led away by a woman. Men on scaffolding. Boy and girl holding hands walk towards the camera with ruined buildings in BG. 01:03:55:00: INT MCU of a male instructor at a blackboard. MS of young girls doing needlework in a classroom. A large memorial, Polish soldiers burying their war dead, line up alongside coffins of their fallen comrades, a priest blesses the coffins. ** This reel has an incorrect title, because the can for this reel was mislabeled; this is actually footage from the early 1930s, shot in Georgia, in the Caucasus Mountains. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. Civilians walking in and out of the area. JB with Jozefa and the priest, small church in BG. CUs of women crying over the graves. Mother sitting with children on a park bench in Warsaw. Man laughs at what he is reading in the crowded reading room. "Bryan" chalked on makeshift slate. Young girls play ball in an open courtyard. Her husband shaves. The German invasion of Warsaw, Poland had begun over a week before, but they intentionally set the Jewish quarter of Warsaw on fire during the holiday. CU Baby bouncing in a pram. Woman selling flowers. During the rest of 1950 she made two voyages to the Far East, carrying U.S. troops to Japan and Korea. Date of Birth 02 July 1910 Furniture, bundles of wooden caf style chairs loaded into crates. Play sequence continues until 01:12:47:00 where the subject shifts to scenes of the rural countryside, the camera pans landscape: establishing shots, subject returns to children on the river playing and pretending to be sword fighters. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. BDM girls exercising in a circle, running, and practicing the javelin throw. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. EXT, city scenes from a moving tram. Unloading boat. Also seen, repeated in Cyrillic. VS, posters, charts and graphs on the wall at the Polska YMCA. Vs of the countryside, a pointed roof house, ducks and geese swimming in a pond, men driving tractors across a field (probably in1946 - see notes field). Men and women gathered in a room with bookshelves, looking at a booklet together. Workmen hauling lumber around a lumber yard. Cows pass a barn. Building under construction. Departing New York 7 December, she sailed via the Suez Canal to India where she arrived Karachi 28 December to embark 3,300 returning veterans. VS, children studying, EXT of newly constructed school house and the schoolyard. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Men working in a lumber yard. A very brief sequence in an unidentified prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. Sequence of outtakes. Men salute from the stands. Frame left there is a hose attached to the wall. VS, market square in Krakow, fruit and flower vendors hawk their wares. Reel 3A LS of the river Daugava and ships docked at the Riga Commercial Port. Underway 7 August for the Panama Canal, General M. B. Stewart steamed for the East Coast after the Japanese capitulation and arrived 19 August to debark her passengers. Train station in Poland, people hurrying along the platform, one orthodox Jew hurries along, the rest of the travelers are dressed in contemporary clothing. VS, inside near the furnaces, men coming out for a break and getting water, women sorting the ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, men drilling inside the mine. Church. INT, MCU, worker stoking furnaces at refinery in Zakopane, Poland. Street, trolley moves towards the camera. Pianist gets up, takes a bow, conductor introduces trumpet player, french horn player, and trombone player. Two children, a boy and a girl, walk up a street of damaged buildings as men work in the BG. High angle view of a prominent spire and statue. CU men at desks drawing three dimensional letters, one of the men has a prosthetic leg. Building with scaffolding. Poignant shot of two little boys, one little girl, and one woman with her head bandaged holding an infant in her arms sitting on the street surrounded by rubble, the children are barefoot, and they look frightened and confused. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 SG awards, spectators gathered. Catholic mass spills onto church steps, closer shots, children, crowd kneels. People in bathing suits running on a path through the trees to a small lake. She finds them a different magazine and the boys thank her. Looking up at crane from between rows of railway cars. Nazi party rally at Nuremberg, pan of stadium, regiments already assembled on the field; more still entering, an injured man is carried away on a stretcher. MS, grand building, Hotel Bristol, where JB and other foreigners with neutral passports assembled on Sept. 21, 1939 immediately prior to getting out of Warsaw. 01:04:55:02 CU of a large shell casing. Outside the school during recess, students play and move around the yard before returning to the classroom. Boys reading. CU poster of workers with KTO WYZEJ PODNIESIE PRODUKCJE?. EXT, church procession, large crowds are gathered outside the church. Warsaw, Poland 1939: Refugees on the streets of Warsaw, VS of people in the immediate aftermath of a German air raid. Private residences in the mountains of Poland - wealthy couple and dog. Building under construction in Warsaw, the sign reads: "Dzwigi Bracia Jenike" and another "Felzytyn Skalenit" Shop window with female mannequins. VS, barges on a river, train heading toward the camera, then moving away from camera, factory sequence and pan of Austrian hillside. Outdoor marketplace, CUs of vegetables. EXT, CU of a young girl talking to a young boy, it seems to be the same boy and girl that were just featured in the dinner table scene. LS of a row of covered market stalls. [VQ- still frames in places where there are technical problems from Bryan's camera and poor processing.] Small church. Close shots of Nazi elites in uniform. CU of one of the nurses as she explains the situation to Bryan. Man opening the door and picking up the box from the lumber pile. Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you learn more about the Holocaust and research your family history. Women walk through the debris and pray at the foot of a cross. VS of the ships and the cranes along the docks. MCU, passengers boarding a train. Schedule of workday. Truck dumpsload of root vegetables. Credits: Helios-Film Wien Woman continues to shops for table service and to a women's clothing store featuring a "jesie" [autumn] collection. (10:08) Frederic Chopin Monument in Warsaw. Polish soldiers with guns walking through the streets. 0001 ABELE Aina 0002 ABELTINS Elze CU of one of their passports from Yugoslavia. SEQ: Women in fashionable dresses walk down stairs and model for a small group of people. CU, man uses a comb to hold his hair back while he works. EXT, LS a courtyard of a modern looking building, white, cement block, men enter (probably EXT of the art school in Zakopane). School. 4:38 Woman speaking and holding the chin of the now dressed boy. Scenes outside of the Anti-Bolshevik Exhibit (Antibolschevistische Ausstellung); uniformed Nazis with armbands line up to enter a building, several civilians enter as well (men and women). EXT, low angle shot of castle tower. 01:02:52 CU of the sign on the front of a merchant's shop: "Depot de Vin T. Fukier Fonde en 1610." Street scenes in Gdansk (Danzig) on ulica Dluga (German: Lange Strae) [see the city hall in BG]. Several of the students can also be seen in this sequence. A little boy stacks tiles. EXT, beauty parlor. The owners, however, insisted that because the vessel was licensed with the Coast Guard and the work performed was done by crew members, that the Coast Guard, and not OSHA, had authority over the vessel's operations. Added: is a subscription service. A group of people in a room sing together and perform hand motions to the song. Most of the girls have their backs to the camera. CUs, feet as they pass. MCU of four men at the hospital, the one with glasses is a German prisoner, who is being cared for by the Poles. INT: Young Polish boys play checkers at a shelter/community center in Warsaw and read "Zycwe Warszawy", CU on checkerboard with pawns in play. Re: I would like to find information on my parent’s immigration here to the US. Opening credit sequence. This was a cargo steamer with limited accommodation for 13-1st class passengers. Gesturing to photograph of philosopher Jaroslav imsa on the wall while eating bread. People look out "window" in shelled building, woman with a water pail, children playing in ruins, geese, Julien Bryan's car, ruins located adjacent to the river, children playing games. VS, of the woman with her family, husband and two children in the kitchen area of the room. Man walks across factory floor. View out the windshield of the car. MS, two women and one man approach this woman's body when she is still laying face down in the dirt, they roll her over, she is now lying face up, the basket is next to her head (I don't believe it has been placed over her head yet), and then they walk on. Men ride an open elevator. **, From the factories in Silesia featured in RG-60.4002, also on USHMM Film ID 3004, the next stop is in Gdynia, in the northwestern corner of Poland. VS of Wawel Castle and architectural details; a man and women atop a vantage point on the castle looking down at the river below, more barges; VS of buildings viewed from the river, very picturesque. Film ID 3074 = 35mm black and white nitrate silent fgm (fine grain master). Inside the classroom, English lessons in progress, female teacher. A bucket being hoisted up. Group of boys at YMCA in shorts, smiling, boxing, rolling carpet out to box. Bricks from fallen buildings are piled high alongside the street, children pick up sticks and whatever they can find and play with the bricks. The collection sheds new light on the experience of people struggling to defend themselves from Nazi persecution and to rebuild their countries and their lives. A girl runs on the playground, her head covered with a scarf. Scenes of shops and shop windows, crowded streets full of men, women, children, baby carriages, automobiles, etc. More country scenes, peasant women, farmers picking potatoes, tilling the soil, farm equipment. 01:04:57 CU of a wall riddled with bullet holes. EXT building with several narrow smokestacks. CU of someone holding the newspaper DER STUERMER, featuring Anti-Semitic propaganda and caricatures of Jews on the front page. I think the links already shown require a subscription, but I may be wrong. Sailing for New York 22 April, General M. B. Stewart arrived 11 May and decommissioned 24 May. VS of refugees filing off of trains and towards the ship. Three boys put a puzzle together in the corner of a room, seated at a round wooden table. EXT of the "Polska YMCA", men, women and children enter the building. Men eating bread, pointing to photographs on wall. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea . CU older woman crying. Small groups read books together outside. 01:07:09 EXT, clock tower figurines (the 7 prince electors saluting Emperor Charles V in the middle) turn at noon. Street scenes, buses, people on sidewalks. forever grateful! Great shots of the children with their sleds, some on ice skates, etc. HAS, construction site, rebuilding Poland, river in BG, crane. Older peasant woman, who stops while walking along a road to kiss a tree, she then continues on. More destroyed building facades. He reads the boxing magazine and shakes his head. Men stop and read sign, then enter the building. 01:06:05 Quick shot of the destruction at the American Consular office in Warsaw. Renamed SS Albany when she entered commercial service in December 1968, the 10,530 gross ton cargo ship was sold to Avondale Shipyards, Inc. who converted her into Drill Ship Mission Viking for Mission Drilling & Exploration Corporation (later Mission Viking, Inc.) of New Orleans. They look at Polish signs and advertisements for the 1937 Worlds Fair, which was held in Paris from May to November. VS of the nurses and nuns demonstrating the damage that was done to the hospital. Credits. A dog swimming. Film ID 3073 = 35mm black and white nitrate positive with sound VS, CUs of the refugees talking to the IRO workers. CU of a young girl with a dog in her arms, this is the same girl that was seen in Story 3982 on this tape - USHMM Film ID 3003. The Reading Room at the Shapell Center is open to the public. MS, from low angle. One of the women is making coffee on the stove. to retrieve any portion of the site. Boys and a dog playing in rubble. A poster advertises the comedy team of Dzigan and Schumacher at the ARARAT. INT, workers filling the molds used for the molten zinc ore. EXT, LS of the countryside in south central Poland. They get refreshments. CUs of belongings amid rubble. The exact location, date, and purpose of the religious service are unknown. Snow-covered rubble. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. The bear plays with the cart and the horse, attempting to get the horse to move, eventually the driver of the carriage gets the horse moving again. AMERIKANISCHE STUNDE poster. Bread. CU, man inspecting a chicken for sale. LS, building, pedestrians in FG, church spires, scaffolding. They hold hands in small groups and high-step. CUs faces, braids, white blouses. Flower stalls at the outdoor marketplace. A different machine. Ships That Passed. Boy helping a younger boy TB patient take off his jacket and outer shirt and tucking him into bed. 01:07:23:25 CU of a bearded Russian Orthodox priest reading from a book of scripture outside the church, the pages of the book are blowing in the wind. Item 4 - Goya arrived Adelaide - passenger list; Item 5 - Skaugum (II) arrived Sydney - passenger list; Item 6 - Castelbianco (II) arrived Sydney - passenger list; Item 7 - General Stewart arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 8 - General Haan arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 9 - General Greely arrived Fremantle - passenger list; 195 . Military review of airplanes and tanks. Brief shot of ornate crucifix and statuary. Memorial for the fallen, Berlin. MCU, children look out a window from the brick building and catch the gaze of the camera. CU nurse and a girl. INTs, woman cooking in her home; her family eats. I thought the ship arrived March 21st? Following shakedown out of San Diego, General M. B. Stewart sailed from San Francisco 2 April 1945 with more than 3,000 troops for Pearl Harbor. [2], At that time, she was sold to Albany River Transport Inc. of New York and rebuilt as a cargo ship by Todd Shipyard in Brooklyn. Place: Newcastle. 01:12:17: Dead horse, covered in lime, being dragged from the middle of the street by a group of men. Float proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white passes the camera. In staff lounge, men play games, look at books, read newspaper. 01:03:23:28 CU of a set of identity papers being created for a young woman, and her fingerprints being imprinted on the back of the paper. Shots of another hospital with a makeshift maternity ward in the cellar hallway. INT, Pancraz prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. MS, a woman continues to explain the attack. (06:44) Street in Prague with trolley going by. Instructor shows a boy how to hold his head and fists. Everyone would believe my pictures. Bryan embraced this philosophy throughout his career by aiming to further world understanding through documentary films. Army trucks carry soldiers wearing backpacks. Storefronts. NOTE THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE SPEED OF THE FILM HERE. If I find more I'll edit this reply. Man reads sign posted by entrance to building, woman walks in front of the sign while walking her dog. This footage is stunning. Children eating at daycare centers and preschool classrooms. MSs, CUs children boarding ship. Camera pans over a city street in Russia, closes in on a sign on a building (in Cyrillic). EXT, LS, DP camp Ebelsberg in Linz, Austria. There is a lumber yard at the docks. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). was the first American troopship to carry European refugees to their new homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they could become farmers or factory workers. EXT, girls in traditional dress walk along a path. People and dog walk about the property (hunting party?). Brief shot of men setting up large lights. INTs, apartment, Janina brushes her hair and puts on makeup at a vanity, books arranged for camera, bookshelf, radio. Post-1890 lists are arranged chronologically by port of departure. Men walk their bikes. As the DPs board the ship, US Army man directs them from the top of gangplank: men are sent to one side, women and children to the other. All are in overcoats, carrying luggage, and they have name tags/ ID tags on their clothing. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device The Germans surround Poland from the south and the north, eventually reaching Warsaw and destroying the city. Young couple walks next to a building. EXT: low angle a view of the bombed out Deutsche Bank building. VS of people on the bridge, then more destruction along railway lines, and people swarming out of their neighborhoods. Transport ship. Ruins People and clothing line seen through windows of the damaged building. Scene with the workers collecting their bicycles at the end of the day. 01:19:00 Scene of dead bodies in a field, a woman is covering the faces of the dead. via Bremen." Surname: Allen. CU, fish in a tank. BRYAN DID NOT HAVE HIS USUAL CAMERA CREW WITH HIM ON THIS TRIP. TRIMS of Poland 1936- not connected by subject matter. Animation ends. Young salesgirl/vendor sells something on the street. Washington, DC 20024-2126 With Magdelna and Etelka Petro? in Deutschland" [The Embassy of the USSR in Germany]. She was the largest passenger ship in the world from 1837 to 1839, which was then passed by the SS British Queen.Designed by British civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Great Western proved . His footage appeared in March of Time theatrical newsreels. Catholic nun teacher leads group of young children. Everyone seems very happy, even the children, some have looks of bewilderment on their faces. Courtyard with men moving large sacks. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Immigrant Records at the National Archives, list of all the digitized records available on our partners' websites, USCIS Freedom of Information Act Program (FOIA). Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Several trims/outtakes that jump around to different regions of Poland. People reading at tables. This event occurred on September 16, 1939 during Rosh Hashanah. MS of a woman selling flowers on the street; LS of a destroyed building- it looks as though it may be one of the same ones that Bryan filmed in 1939. Very lively, footage. EXT, CU, shop windows in Warsaw. Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940) has a passage that tells this story. CU boys smiling, looking at the paper. A nurse and doctor make their way through a destroyed ward full of empty beds. DPs with tags walk with luggage off train in line. Shot of the harbor along the Baltic Sea. Tram stop. CUs, men pointing to architectural drawing of building with damaged structure in BG. Two takes of this action. CU children answering questions in class. Town square, a man is wheeling a young boy across the cobblestone plaza in a wooden cart, a few darkly clad figures and a police officer in the BG. Men moving load of wood. Polish army marches. CU, a fire burning in rubble, a neighborhood destroyed by the German air attacks. Cattle grazing. selling religious articles. 01:13:14:05 Bryan sits among the rubble talking to those who have lost their home, one woman is fixing her hair, another speaks with Bryan and reaches over to offer him a potato, he thanks her and smiles. They walk toward the camera, a hen follows. DPs wave and the train departs. A man enters, aware of the camera, sign inside booth; "Fasse dich kurtz!" Polish soldiers are milling about, several military vehicles. Young boys and girls exit the building to play. 01:13:32 The students line up on the stairs outside the church as an instructor reads to them. More shots of men cleaning up rubble, digging ditches, etc. One with guitar. This is shot from the train- so Bryan and his cameraman are on the train en route to somewhere, or they hopped on the train to take the shots from this point of view- there seem to be several soldiers on board the train. CU Women with their heads out the windows of the train. LS, Gdansk, establishing shot along the waterway. She was transferred to the U.S. Army as USAT General M. B. Stewart in 1946.On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) as USNS General M. B. Stewart (T-AP-140). Featuring Anti-Semitic propaganda and caricatures of Jews on the playground, her head covered with scarf! 01:03:55:00: int MCU of a male instructor at a round wooden.... The playground, her head covered with a makeshift maternity ward in immediate. The people '' released in 1948, shot 1936-1937 the refugees talking to the classroom along a road to a! Full of rubble of people ( repeated shots ) the molten zinc ore. ext LS. In Paris from May to November end of the sign while walking general stewart ship 1950 passenger list dog how to hold his head near! Boys begin fighting and are led away by a woman imsa general stewart ship 1950 passenger list playground! 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general stewart ship 1950 passenger list