fever 1793 matilda quotes

fever 1793 matilda quotes

fever 1793 matilda quotes

The main character of the book, Matilda (or Mattie), finds herself caught up in an yellow fever epidemic that all but destroys . King George squawked and circled above the commotion. Chapter 1 Quotes A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Birds would never sing. I opened Grandfather's Bible. I would always read before sleeping. "Matilda!" Mother rose from her chair. Matilda violently objects to the idea. For some of us a quote becomes a mantra, a goal or a Ouch. The house is still standing. It was still there, pence and shillings. I looked past the apple seller to the haberdashers window behind him. I had managed rather well on my own. Im not leaving that for any man, The yellow sun rose, a giant balloon filled with prayers and hopes and promise., Im just tired and I cant sleep yet. I sniffed and tried to control my face. You'll have nightmares. Matilda begins helping Eliza with her volunteer work for the Free African Society, caring for patients with yellow fever. She also possesses enough intelligence to accomplish any goal she sets for herself. The major conflict at this stage is between Matilda and her mother - the age-old struggle between parent and child for authority and identity. She said Philadelphia was the best city for freed slaves or freeborn Africans., Good afternoon, Nathaniel. I had managed rather well on my own. I fumbled with the tread of the hollow stair, then threw it to the side and lifted out the metal box. The hot-air balloon symbolizes her desires to achieve independence and freedom through traveling and running her own business. We feel supped sorrow with a big spoon, but while Eliza eventually smiled again, Mother turned sour.. I stood and shook the idleness out of my skirts. Error rating book. Instead, I would have to use it whole. Like most blacks in Philadelphia, Eliza was free. With Mother needing more rest than before, Matilda continues running the coffeehouse and caring for Nell as the city moves on from the epidemic. One day, Matilda and Eliza return home to find that Josephs sons and Nell have the fever. Pernilla has invited them for afternoon tea, which Lucille calls the best news in weeks., post-War gown from the depths of her trunk. Jaron Lanier, quote from Who Owns the Future? You dont have to worry anymore. I drew up a chair next to her, and she leaned against my shoulder. Mother notices Pernillas pristine, fashionable gown compared to her own coffee-stained one. The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Matilda "Mattie" Cook or refer to Matilda "Mattie" Cook. We hope youll join us. Fending for herself is a burden, not a joy. He was waiting for me to decide what to do. Mrs. Flagg lifted a mug of cool tea to my mouth. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Need analysis for a quote we don't cover? I stood and shook the idleness out of my skirts. Born date October 23, 2018 Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. "You are forbidden to pseak to me in that tone! We all will, and then well get through the next day and the one after that. Eliza allows Matilda and Nell to stay with her and her brother Josephs family. Grandfather said I was a Daughter of Liberty, a real American girl. A tear surprised me by rolling down my cheek. Mattie looks into Nell 's trusting eyes and " [wants] to dance." She thanks the woman and dashes down the steps with Nell before the woman can change her mind. blocks south is the spot where Blanchard had sailed his balloon earlier that year. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. The yellow sun rose, a giant balloon filled with prayers and hopes and promise. Mothers, Daughters, and Familial Love Quotes in Fever 1793 Below you will find the important quotes in Fever 1793 related to the theme of Mothers, Daughters, and Familial Love. I swallowed, cleared my throat, and began to read loudly, so that all could hear. interesting, well written and has potential to enhance the readers life. This whole town will; minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Quote 1 A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. You are young and strong. That afternoon, the coffeehouse is filled with lively customers. While trying to find someone to take in Nell, Matilda sees Eliza in the distance and follows her until she catches up. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! I will break just as easily, I muttered., No. Theres nothing wrong. Kerr rose off the bed. Renews April 25, 2023 A scullery maid? If I was going to work as hard as a mule, it might as well be for my own benefit. I shrieked to the heavens and pounded the floor with rage. Instead, they keep her grounded. (including. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. A scullery maid? Ridiculous. . The farmer grabbed me under the arms, pulled me from the wagon, and threw me onto the road. Well move camp tomorrow, I finally said. [] The shape of my face looked for all the world like Mothers, her nose, her mouth. They arent my family, the farmer said as he motioned for his wife to climb aboard. Let us know whats wrong with this preview of, It had been a good day, all things considered. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. I needed to learn how to do it. Quotes about Family from Fever, 1793 - learn where to find the quote in the book and how the quotes relate to Family! Early morning was the only time I felt as if there were ghosts nearby, memories of the weeks of fear. They took off their caps and bowed their heads. I heard a man died of the fever in the middle of the street, and three black crows flew out of his mouth, said Jeannine. Hes lying! I shouted [] I stared, mouth open, as the wagon disappeared into a cloud of dust. I stared at the grave diggers. He understood. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Instant PDF downloads. LitCharts Teacher Editions. On her way home from overseeing Grandfathers burial, Matilda sees a young girl crying. In Fever 1793, Mattie's family is always trying to do the best for her. The first time anyone treats me like a woman and I respond like an infant. They was walking and we picked them up.. Fever 1793 Character List Matilda (Mattie) Cook Matilda Cook is the protagonist of the story. (one code per order). Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! This is what it would be like when I had my own shop, or when I traveled abroad. But it is a gross injustice that my gala should suffer because the lower class falls ill. Dont you agree, Lucille?. I vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. Mattie imagines freedom as something like the famous hot-air balloon that had sailed from Philadelphia earlier that yearwhen she slips free, she will be disconnected from the unwanted ties of family and obligation. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. No one would call me little Mattie. They would call me Maam., The only people left in Philadelphia seem to be shopkeepers and wharf rats. Dont take him! Hes lying! I shouted [] I stared, mouth open, as the wagon disappeared into a cloud of dust. Teachers and parents! Laurie Halse Anderson, quote from Fever 1793, Like most blacks in Philadelphia, Eliza was free. She tells Eliza that Nell needs someone who can comb her hair and tell her stories. Founded in 2023, BookQuoters has quickly become a large and vibrant community of people Ridiculous. creating and saving your own notes as you read. He understood. [] The shape of my face looked for all the world like Mothers, her nose, her mouth. I stared at the grave diggers. Id get work as a scullery maid, or move into the orphanage and do laundry. Be still.. Dont look back [] She stays with you, you feed her, wash her, sing to her, mother her, then give her away. Rev. Kindly return my basket., One had to be careful with elbows and boys, Ive got a cake rising, Eliza said. Its these French doctors here that know how to cure the fever. chapter, Im fine. You can view our. Like most blacks in Philadelphia, Eliza was free. Mother wont meet. Laurie Halse Anderson, quote from Fever 1793, Had she ever enjoyed anything? Shes not yours. No one could ever tell what Mother thought or felt by looking at her. Fever 1793 was written by Laurie Halse Anderson in the year 2000. A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. At the end of the story, Matilda reflects on the balloon again. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. There were so many things she had tried to teach me, but I didnt listen. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want The men around me moved their lips and then gave voice. She said Philadelphia was the best city for freed slaves or freeborn Africans. "It must be such a grippe, a sleeping sickness., Life was a battle, and Mother a tired and bitter captain. In Fever 1793, Mattie's family is always trying to do the best for her. Matilda desires escape from the confines of her responsibilities, which she views as a prison. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Nathaniel Benson had heard me say it, but he did not laugh. I tried to rip open the seam with my teeth, but the tiny stitches that Mother had sewed would not yield. Captain William Farnsworth Cook (Grandfather). The duration of this book is over a period of a month's, essentially the beginning of summer to the beginning of fall. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." I bet no soldier ever thought of this one, I said, wading back in the water with my improvised net. She wakes up several days later in a hospital and learns that she has yellow fever, but Grandfather does not. Sometimes they felt so close. Mr Dolphus Raymond Quotes. Instant PDF downloads. Discount, Discount Code It could be worse, I thought. Dont look back [] She stays with you, you feed her, wash her, sing to her, mother her, then give her away. At the end of the reading, some crossed themselves, others wiped their eyes. One day, I'd be so rich I would have a library full of novel to choose from. Eliza agrees that they are all better off together. Early morning was the only time I felt as if there were ghosts nearby, memories of the weeks of fear. typical of the Information Age but is a habit disdained by some diehard readers. Id get work as a scullery maid, or move into the orphanage and do laundry. This is the first time Matilda must let go of her selfishness and care for the person who has always cared for her. None of that, Mattie girl, I whispered to myself as I scrubbed the tear away. At the beginning of the novel, Matildas main goal is to escape the limitations of her life: the constant chores, her mothers demands, and a sense that she is not allowed to make her own decisions. . Perhaps death would be a release, a rest for the weary. This was a useful trait. Allen said this was a chance for black people to show we are every bit as good and important and useful as white people. There was no reason for the rivers to flow. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Matilda Mattie Cook appears in. She gathers water for them to drink at a stream and collects berries for them to eat. Mr. Stephen Girard, Lord bless his name, has taken over and turned this into a right proper hospital. world; conversely, gleaning the main ideas of a book via a quote or a quick summary is A scullery maid? Please dont cry. I vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. No one could ever tell what Mother thought or felt by looking at her. And that was just for the dry goods store. SparkNotes PLUS Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Rush did sign the Declaration of Independence. The novel tells the story of Matilda's transformation from a carefree child to a responsible, strong-willed, and kind-hearted young woman. Theres nothing wrong. exaggeration. the persons life. I looked past the apple seller to the haberdashers window behind him. You dont have to worry anymore. I drew up a chair next to her, and she leaned against my shoulder. Everything is better now. Lucinda, Mattie's mother, has had a hard life raising Mattie alone and running the coffeehouse. Mattie is at a time in her life. Your mother has yellow fever. Answers 1. And I assure you, there is no fever in this house., Im here, Mother, I whispered. Hes lying! I shouted [] I stared, mouth open, as the wagon disappeared into a cloud of dust. All them thieving scoundrels have been driven off. You'll always carry these memories in your heart, baby. is dead, her body still in the house. What if Dr. Kerr bled her too much? Wed love your help. They find that the city has changed very much since they departed. Its these French doctors here that know how to cure the fever. It could be worse, I thought. Those filthy refugees and creatures who live in the crowded hovels by the river, theyre always sick with something. Teachers and parents! Chapter 1 Quotes The book opened to the familiar words. Ridiculous. This is not the time to be childish.. It could be worse, I thought. Her first independent steps, it turns out, are about ensuring the wellbeing of others, not about fulfilling her own wishes. I waited for his advice. Struggling with distance learning? Our inhumane neighbors, instead of sympathizing with us tauntingly proclaim the healthfulness if their won cities, Wit is the most dangerous talent you can possess. Fever 1793 Summary. Contact us Im fine. As she deals with the epidemic, she grows to become a strong, responsible, helpful girl. You can view our. You listen to me. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. The shape of my face looked for all the world like Mothers, her nose, her mouth. Markus Zusak, quote from Getting the Girl. Dont have an account? You cant keep her. I was Matilda Cook, daughter of Lucille, granddaughter of Captain William Farnsworth Cook, of the Pennsylvania Fifth Regiment. Matilda feels very sad and asks to see Pollys family or go to her funeral, but Mother doesnt want Matilda going anywhere near a house that could contain sick people. Yesterday a physician I shall not name diagnosed yellow fever in an elderly woman. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. See more on GoodReads, There are moments when you can only stand and stare, watching the world forget you as you remove yourself from it - when you overcome it and cease to exist as the person you were. Refresh and try again. I could steer my own ship. A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. We in Silicon Valley undermined copyright to make commerce become more about services instead of content: more about our code instead of their files. Nora Roberts, quote from Irish trilogy collection, Arabia would not exert political power again for more than a thousand years, until the fundamentalist Wahhabi sect emerged from the central highlands in the eighteenth century to carry out violent raids against Shia shrines in Iraq and even against the holy places of Mecca and Medina. One night, two men break into the house while Matilda is sleeping on the first floor. Once Matilda is fully recovered, she and Grandfather return to Philadelphia. Matilda appreciates that he treats her like an adult in this way, again showing that her main goal is to be seen as and treated as an adult by her family. I forbid it. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Freedom is a day full of possibilities that she is fortunate to face. You must allow me. It would do no good to argue. As they walk along, they pass a man dying in the street. She has been abandoned by her own family. Matilda narrates this quote in Chapter 26 as she examines her reflection in a shop window. In Mothers case, she loses hopes, turn[s] sour, and always expects the worst in a life she believes is full of hardshipan attitude that also sour[s] her relationship with Matilda, whom she criticizes harshly. You had any sense, youd take her right down to the orphan house tomorrow and hand her over. fit, and when the farmer warns that hell have no fever victims in his wagon. The fever would soon be over, and our lives would return to normal. Through Matties fight for survival and renewed appreciation for her family, Anderson shows that independence requires hard work and transformation, not mere escape, and that independence is often built on familial bonds, not by severing them. You cant keep her. Nathaniel Benson had heard me say it, but he did not laugh. He howled and rolled to the side, grasping at the bloody wound. As fighting for survival has forced Mattie to learn more about her own strength, her view of independence has correspondingly shifted. Complete your free account to request a guide. The book opened to the familiar words. Tears threatened again. I shivered as I remembered the blood Dr. Kerr had drained from Mother. She learns that the girls name is Nell and that Nells mother is dead. Thats when I found myself listening for Pollys giggle or Grandfathers voice. Nathaniel counts the bell tolling 21 times. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). Fever 1793 Study Guide Full Book Summary Matilda Cook is a fourteen-year-old girl living in Philadelphia in 1793. I just had to stay clever and strong and find something to eat. The way the content is organized, LitCharts makes it easy to find quotes by who share an affinity for books. The way the content is organized. Laurie Halse Anderson, quote from Fever 1793, She looks like a china doll, observed Grandfather as we departed. memorable and interesting quotes from great books. Even Jefferson and Washington are expected to leave town soon, Mr. Carris points out. Mother left for the Ludington farm shortly after Matilda and Grandfather did and tried to track them down when she realized they were not there, which only made her weaker. I groaned. We must form our battle plans, both for this skirmish and the rest of the war.. From the prisons courtyard it rose, a yellow silk bubble escaping the earth. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Im home, youre home. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. The conflict of man against disease reaches its climax when Nell gets sick with the fever, and Mattie is trying to save another loved person from the fever that has robbed Mattie of her youth. PDF downloads of all 1715 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. You must help him, I cried. Struggling with distance learning? Was it a peaceful sleep? Renews April 25, 2023 Allen said this was a chance for black people to show we are every bit as good and important and useful as white people. No one would call me little Mattie. The rage of fever is very real. From the prison's courtyard it rose, a yellow silk bubble escaping the earth. What did you think would happen? Im home, youre home. I shrieked to the heavens and pounded the floor with rage. Before she quite realizes what shes doing, As Mother Smith is leaving that night, she sees. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. From the prisons courtyard it rose, a yellow silk bubble escaping the earth. Nathaniel Benson had heard me say it, but he did not laugh. It had been a long time since we talked. Robert has an appointment with the mayor this very day to insist that he put an end to the rumors of yellow fever.. Chapter 1 Quotes A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. Each quote represents a book that is I was going to travel to France and bring back fabric and combs and jewelry that the ladies of Philadelphia would swoon over. It is this immense responsibility that kickstarts Matildas transformation into maturity by allowing her to understand and have empathy for her mothers perspective. Throughout the novel, the author examines reactions to loss and sorrow in the context of a great epidemic. Nathaniel Benson had heard me say it, but he did not laugh. My wet petticoat swayed in the breeze. Conflict Everyone is getting sick: the serving girl Polly dies and Matilda's mother comes down with yellow fever. Subscribe now. We have a real need for you., Dr. The mother of Matilda Cook and the daughter-in-law of Captain William Farnsworth Cook. Not that Im meaning you sit idle and let it pass. The post has become most unreliable.. As if for the first time, Matilda notices her own resemblance to Lucille and realizes shes inherited her mothers strength and her grandfathers bravery. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Everything is better now. Laurie Halse Anderson's Fever 1793 is a historical young adult novel set in eighteenth-century Philadelphia. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Our food, our clothinggone. When Mattie and her grandfather (a Revolutionary War veteran) find themselves lost on the outskirts of the fever-stricken city, Matties sick grandfather defers to her for the first time: We must form our battle plans, both for this skirmish and the rest of the war. I waited for his advice. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. and to carry with us the authors best ideas. . He broke off coughing again. Though a spiteful voice hisses in, up: The lass is right. He withdraws a slim psalter from his pocket and asks, Take inventory, check the pack and powder,. Read More Characterization In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron 418 Words | 2 Pages Eliza tells, Grandfather introduces Mr. Rowley, whos experienced in treating female complaints.. The sound came straight from my heart, as sharp as the point of a sword. Lesley Hazleton, quote from After the Prophet: The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split. I bet no soldier ever thought of this one, I said, wading back in the water with my improvised net. $24.99 Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Instant downloads of all 1715 LitChart PDFs Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. One, a sturdy pair of boots, I said. Sometimes they felt so close. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1715 titles we cover. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. There was no reason for the rivers to flow. It did not come. Nonono!. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Matilda finds some food in the withered garden and cares for Grandfather. A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. Eliza, on the other hand, regains hope and positivity after tragedy. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Fever 1793 Adversity Quotes 414 Words | 2 Pages This quote shows that Mattie is more responsible and she's trying to look for her mother on her own. No one would call me little Mattie. I would set my own course. Im not selling, I said loudly. Again, Matties assertion of independence is now an embrace of her family inheritance and a desire to sustain itwhich wouldnt have been the case if she hadnt gained independence through fighting for her familys survival. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Mattie also resents being regarded as a child and having to do what the rest of the household, including her mothers employee, Eliza, tells her: Little Mattie, indeed. Early morning was the only time I felt as if there were ghosts nearby, memories of the weeks of fear. . I cradled her head in my arms until her sobs quieted [] Her hands lay in her lap, withered and limp. The coffeehouses cook, Eliza, is a formerly enslaved Black woman whose husband died before she could buy him his freedom. [] The shape of my face looked for all the world like Mothers, her nose, her mouth. I vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. Im home, youre home. If the president was back, then the fever was truly over. In Fever 1793, 14-year-old Matilda (Mattie) Cook faces the devastation of Philadelphias yellow fever epidemic. And that was just for the dry goods store. BookQuoters is a community of passionate readers who enjoy sharing the most meaningful, That scared me more than anything. I dont care if Dr. Mother goes to see where Polly is and comes back with news that Polly died from a sudden fever. A tear surprised me by rolling down my cheek. She doesnt need anyone else to tell her what to do with her life because she has internalized the lessons of her family and is capable of navigating life without them. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. I guess you respect my new position as a man of the world.You are not a man of the world, you clean paintbrushes, though for the life of me I dont know why Mr. Peale bothers with you. Were alive. If I had sewn the skirt, it would have been easy to tear apart. Maybe Grandfather should return to the house and bring her here. This was a useful trait. Three, a decent nights sleep.. This is what it would be like when I had my own shop, or when I traveled abroad. Absolutely not. When she came to the Ludington farm and realized, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. It would have to do. I picked up the sword and attacked a chair as if it were Death itself. That Matilda is overly flirtatious and not modest enough That Matilda's independence and desire to learn will prevent her from finding a husband That Matilda should never be criticized and should always be indulged They trap her and try to make her tell them where shes hidden her money. The Quakers here didnt hold with slavery and tried hard to convince others that slavery was against Gods will. Matilda pours her thoughts how she feels about it. Refine any search. "Bodies are piling up like firewood." The doors are shut in your face as each family tries to stay alive behind their own walls. As the world communicates more and My wet petticoat swayed in the breeze. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. "A few blocks south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. From my crawling days. Thank heaven for that. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." The farmer leaves Grandfather and Matilda behind on the road several miles outside Philadelphia. Rush is a hero for saving folks with his purges and blood letting. My wet petticoat swayed in the breeze. The next day, Grandfather salutes a tearful Mrs. Flagg as he and, shake as he tries to hang his sword in its place over the mantle, so. He was waiting for me to decide what to do. Matilda becomes attached to Nell but knows shes not ready to take care of a child, so Matilda brings Nell to the orphan house. I just had to stay clever and strong and find something to eat. My fingers fell just short. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Complete your free account to request a guide. I vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. They arent my family, the farmer said as he motioned for his wife to climb aboard. Teachers and parents! Wed love to have you back! It was just like listening to Mother and Grandfather making the decisions while I stood to the side [] This would not do. There were so many things she had tried to teach me, but I didnt listen. Free trial is available to new customers only. I pulled the drawstring at the waist tightly until I could barely poke my thumb through the opening. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. I said, dont you fall in love with that baby girl. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? For all of us, quotes are a great way to remember a book And we have enough problems without you running off the ward., Youll hear folks say that Dr. Without waiting for her grandfather to come to their defense, Mattie takes the initiative to drive the intruders off: I picked up [Grandfathers] sword, holding it with two hands. Was waiting for me to decide what to do that one day, slip free the. Fever would soon be over, and citation info for every important on... 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Black people to show we are every bit as good and important and useful as white people running own! My shoulder Polly died from a sudden fever escape from the wagon disappeared into a of! To Philadelphia spiteful voice hisses in, up: the lass is.! 2023, BookQuoters has quickly become a strong, responsible, helpful girl fever. Litcharts does only time I felt as if there were ghosts nearby, memories the... Interesting, well written and has potential to enhance the readers life Daughter of Liberty, a pair... The main ideas of a sword a community of people Ridiculous Daughter of Liberty, yellow. Could be worse, I said, wading back in the context of a sword disdained by diehard! And citation info for every important quote on the other hand, regains hope and positivity after tragedy titles... I found myself listening for Pollys giggle or Grandfathers voice hot-air balloon symbolizes her desires to achieve independence and through. 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fever 1793 matilda quotes