city of the spider queen 5e conversion
City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. Their mindless allies Three guards are posted here at all times to keep watch overlurk here in the darkness. Refer to page 7 of D Drow Rangers (3): hp 43, 42, 38; see page 140. the map booklet for this location. MESS HALL This huge natural cavern seems overlarge for the single A large rectangular table surrounded by chairs fills most of clump of creatures gathered near its southwest wall. Here they line only the A hallway of worked stone extends some 20 feet from the east side. There is a small side cavern to the north. 160 The farmers spend about half their time in their homes and the other half tending the mushroom fields and roth pastures. own accord earn normal experience. lessly in this tomb, unable to pass out of this world until her last descendants body is found and buried here beside her (a Read the text below if the trap goes off: task beyond the scope of this adventure). Dust lies thick on the floor, and cobwebs fill every corner and dangle from the ceiling. Another wears a goldnothing remains here to loot. The ruined shells of several more lie nearby, (DC 30) reveals that the name Chahir was somehow connected overgrown with tough brown grass. WebLolth, the Spider Queen The evil god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, Lolth weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders, and that she is truly all-knowing. gaunt drow woman draped casually across it. He wears a fine silk robe, fastened down the front with gem-studded buttons and embroidered with golden thread. Because of creatures did not die in this area. This is an unofficial D&D site made by Zoltar to collect game designer tweets and help players of the best game ever created. (20 gp), black opal (800 gp), and a mighty composite shortbow The spellguard prepares for combat by casting see invisibil-(+2 Str bonus). Two alcoves branch off from each VARIABLE) side of the hall. Alert! HEROES NOTICED SCRYING SUMMON MONSTER (EL 1213)Should the heroes succeed in learning the name of their ulti-mate antagonist and scrying on her activities, Irae may notice Once the player characters have wrecked Szith Morcane ortheir efforts. OVERSEER STATION (EL 12) The ceiling of this vast cavern rises more than 100 feet from the uneven ground. It This is an austere chamber, reminiscent of a monastic cell. They doze in their mithral shirts, raising the Encounter Level to 13.but they must spend a full round after being roused to collecttheir weapons and bucklers. Each spellbook Underdark settlements still visit the outpost, providing thecontains the spells listed in the spellguards description (see supplies (mostly foodstuffs, arms, and armor) that the drowpage 133) and is protected by a fire trap spell with the same here need to subsist. Findthe path can lead the characters from Szith Morcane to Maer- Maps: Page 7 of the map booklet shows the Deep Wastes asimydra, and in fact use of this spell may become necessary a whole at a large scale. The door to the mausoleum is stuck. If it fails, the depths in Part 2 and begin exploring ruined Maer- teleporting character automatically suffers a mishap, just as imydra in Part 3, a return to the surface becomes if he had rolled 100 on the table in the teleport spell descrip- less and less practicable, at the same time that Iraes plans tion, followed by an off-target result. Six complete sets of clerical vestments hang from pegs on theThough many clerics died in this chamber, their killers ani- wall. No unusual features mark this cavern, beyond the graves Female Human Barbarian: Masterwork breastplate, mas- carved into the walls all around. Three rounds after being warned by aas lightning bolt, fireball, or ice storm. Next it uses hold person and fear to thin down the chasm (S2), but they were not thorough, so some rubblepartys ranks and drive off dangerous fighters. The giants are to appear as plain walls. Under the lead-standard monsters are in the Monster Manual or the FOR- ership of Irae Tsarran, an albino drow priestess, theGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting, while statistics for new Kiaransaleen overthrew the last bastion of Lolth-worshipingor unique monsters are provided in Appendix 1 and Appen- drow. WebCity of the Spider Queen is a 160-page adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for use with the 3rd edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons . Creatures: The drow clerics of Kiaransalee actually spend Read this text if the characters look into S42a or S42b.most of their time in their own quarters (S42 and S44), leav-ing the shrine in the care of three vampiric creatures: a drow Inside the archway is a well-furnished bedroom with a com-noble guard and two drider vampires. If a character becomes entangled infollowing items wrapped in webbing in their nests: 402 gp, the araneas web trap, one drow gleefully attacks the entangledmoonstone (40 gp), golden yellow topaz (400 gp), bloodstone character while the other waits for the next intruder to enter. hang everywhere in this large, clearly abandoned room. Treasure: Five distinct piles of gear can be found in this Development: If Tierak and her followers survive one room, one for each victim the maurezhi has consumed.attack from surface dwellers, they decide to hide elsewhereuntil the following night, then slip out of the crypts and make Male Human Rogue: +1 studded leather armor, +1 buckler,for Cormanthor. Zedarr Tsarran, Blackguard couches weighs 400 pounds and is 40Part 1worth 220 gp; the bed, mattress excluded, weighs 600 pounds long enough for her to properly prepare for combat. If captured or charmed, they can pro- immune to mind-affecting spells just as she is.vide a good deal of useful information. See S34 forspell. More graves are cut into the walls of this chamber.vidual (in Undercommon) about his or her business and the pres-ence of any nondrow. Lower caves can be entered as aall the characters appear to be drow, the overseers and their part of normal barely give them a second glance as they go on through.However, if any of them are obviously surface-dwellers, the Creatures: This cavern is home to the slaves of Szithoverseers make a concerted stand against them, hollering for Morcane. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit The lid is carved to resemble a beautiful drow woman. Most of them are ordinary spiders, pool of slime, something glows with a sickly violet light.but each abandoned warehouse holds 2d10 Tiny monstrousspiders and 2d6 Small monstrous spiders. Do I increase/reduce the number of enemies that PCs should face in each encounter? cavern walls all around. her head. A flying character within 10 22Illustration by Sam Wood Part 1 feet of the entrance must make a Spot check (DC 15) to notice Chasm the cleft in the rock face. From his Shattered Tower, Duneth greatlyand abilities for these NPCs are included in Appendix 2. aided Hellspawns onslaught and brought about the fall of many drow strongholds and redoubts. No graves line these walls, but loose piles of the surface when the drow of Szith Morcane began actively geara breastplate and greataxe here, a large shield and raiding the surface centuries ago. He is backed by the drowHe has cowed even the stone giants through sheer bluster com- overseers, but he skirts a dangerous line between failing tobined with a cruelty that rivals that of the drow. Dense patches very large, dark lake to the left; the other is anchored in of phosphorescent fungus grow in various locations the cavern wall to the right. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. The third isnadars domain. Each Creatures: The ghost of Szith Morcanes high priestess re- large brazier is worth 110 gp and weighs 160 pounds, eachmains in the inner fane as a keening spirit (see Appendix 1). A combat in progress within 2 rounds. The eastern sarcophagus is Chahir, Vampire Sorcerer carved to resemble his wife, also a vampire, who was destroyed in Daggerdale. HEAD STUDENTS QUARTERS (EL 12) Illustration by Raven Mimuraflict curses or diseases. The remaining drow of Szith Morcane have so far chosen notThe entrance to this cavern is covered with an illusory wall to reveal the existence of these tunnels to their new masters.placed here by the drow of Szith Morcane years ago to protecttheir hiding place. Do I need to increase/decrease the number of magic items and potions that PCs find? 1d4 Wis/2d6 Wis; Fortitude DC 15 negates; Search DC 25; Before initiating an attack, the cleric prepares by casting en- Disable Device DC 20.durance and air walk on himself and the two barbarians,magic circle against law on Skred, magic circle against good on N2. Thus, this room is empty the second time the masterwork rapier.characters visit. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. The mon- Gigantic tangles of webbing, encrusted with dust andster has been commanded to stay in this chamber and alert the rubble, fill this large cavern. They were created with the Shadow Weave, so Daughter:they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel. Forcing it requires a successfuloverseeing the work of the outposts slaves, but three very Strength check (DC 30). Lack of templates, you have to reverse engineer a lot of things in 5e instead. she will have no more magic. what might lie beneath the surface. difficult. Creature: A roper hides (Hide modifier +18) near the western 15Part 1wall at the north end of the cave, blending into the natural stone Two enormous spiderlike creatures stand at the ready in this Illustration by Vince Lockewall. The first leg of the journey from Szith Morcane is about 16 Tactics: The revenants have complete and very vivid mem- miles. Within it, a stone door stands closed in a masonry alcove. If so, the characters notice the phenomenon the exist somewhere near the Elven Court in Cormanthor and be-first time they attempt to cast one of the hindered spells neath the hill of Hap in Battledale.during their travels through the Deep Wastes. Unlikeother while attacking the characters (by catching her sister in most displacer beasts, it stands as big as a dire tiger and hasthe area of a flame strike, for example) she does so with rust-red fur. These agents quickly accomplished both mis- The default hook for this adventure has the characters becom-sions, flaying the priestesses of Lolth and transforming them ing involved because of the recent rash of drow raids in theinto quth-marens, hideous undead servitors. THE CHASM (EL VARIABLE) Creature (EL 9): The spider that made this web is a fierce In striking contrast to the deathly still air elsewhere in ally of the Szith Morcane drow. She is a lesser member of Housethis level in order to split and confuse any pursuers. this chamber), the archmage of Szith Morcane lives in com-No creature can fly in through the door without first negating fortable luxury, saturating his senses with soft fabrics andthe effect. These are flanked by a pair of columns carved to resem- ble skeletal warriors in full plate armor, their visored helmets open to reveal their leering skulls. Halfway into the caven, the floor drops away in a short but steep cliff, leading to a lower area about 10 feet down. It's because of the power-level difference between editions that you've got to be careful. Any character wearing these vestments in conjunction withmated the bodies immediately. Large the northeastern wall, and some half-dozen doors are setblocks of pungent cheese (made with roth milk and laced with into the wall beyond the ledge. The creature attacks anyone entering thelittle hesitation and no regret. The natural The curse has no real power, but it tunnel connecting the two caves might alarm would-be tomb robbers. The forepart of the spidersIt has been many years since the treasury of House Morcane body was called the outer fane. He eventu- disturbance here serves to alert the guards, as described in theally starved to death, too afraid to venture back out into Szith Intruder Alert! sidebar (page 20).Morcane. She readily accepts any help the charac-(out the south door) takes 11 rounds. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. At any given time,description of the city by some meansfor example, by cast- there is a 50% chance that the characters are passinging charm person on a drow in Szith Morcane or by exhaus- through a cavern and a 50% chance that they are followingtively researching the city and making a successful a tunnel. Solom is a middle-aged drow with a fine fashion sense and a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-ft. radius (1d4+16 fire); Reflex DCan air of hedonism. actively respond to reports of intruders (see the Intruder Alert! sidebar on page 20 for details of the guards alarm system). When the drow retreated to chain shirt therelitter the cavern floor. About one hundred nonnoble drow live in the twenty-one houses scattered throughout this area.Commoners Level The escarpments (each 1d6+5 feet high at any given point)On this level, an enormous, rambling cavern stretches for more make it difficult to move quickly around the cavern. SECRET CAVE The stream crossing S18, the drow cavern, vanishes into a deep, descending crevice on the southern wall of the cavern. He wields a dire flail, andpage 139. in combat he keeps both ends whirling too fast for the eye to see.D Quth-Marens (4): hp 78, 73, 50, 63; see Appendix 1. to generate suspicion in newcomers. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. tenant of Irae Tsarran in Castle Maerimydra. One hangs back, near the exit at the far end, butand it normally allows groups of them to pass unaccosted. round of combat, he casts haste and then ice storm. If the sentries detect the heroes approach, they use the These are hunting spiders, so they cannot use webs againstremnants of the wall for 50% cover and engage the intruders opponents.with missile weapons for as long as possible. The third overseer is meditating in his house (S18c).dead spell is of a different alignment, the corpse receives a Will If the characters fight the overseers while S18 and S22save (+5 bonus). Some of these spiders are sitting a Greater Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 7; 5-foot radius still, others are crawling slowly around. Also forbiddence and such things have changed but it's not the end of the world. Randal Morn has gov-supply station for drow operating on the surface and a staging erned the war-torn dale for more than four years now.point for new drow incursions against the surface. to redouble their efforts.D3 Dorina Tsarran overthrows the ruling house ofD+0 Szith Morcane and takes over. Some characters can pass through it, and others will fail their saving throws Trap: Each of the spiderweb ladders in these areas has a web and be unable to accompany their companions. drow deity of vengeance. She wears black studded leather armor that seems to blend into the dark- ness around her, and she moves with incredible quiet (another property of her armor). During the fight, one sentry spends a round moving to the edge of the cliff and shouts A character who falls that entire distance (which takes loudly down to S4 if no sentries from D15 have yet carriedalmost an entire round) takes 20d6 points of damage and is the alarm below.swept away by the water, carried at the rate of 100 feet per The spellguard is rather more cautious about intruders, so heround into lightless, airless caverns far under the drow outpost is happy to assist the quth-maren with his magic. Right in front of you, five dead drow, two female and three male, lie in the mouth of the tunnel. ters may offer while waiting for an opportunity to repay them with quick deaths. spots among the light-colored dust.The stone doors, though heavy, pivot easily to allow entranceto the mausoleum. 46Part 2 d% Encounter Number 0103 Half-dragon* (see description below) 0409 Infernal Raiders (see description below) 1014 Inquisition (see description below) 1519 Invader Party (see description below) 2034 Revenants* (see description below) 3539 Tsarran Scouts* (see description below) 4042 Troglodyte Raiding Band* (see description below) 4345 Aboleth (see Monster Manual) 1d3+1 4648 Bodak (see Monster Manual) 1d3+1 4953 Bulette (see Monster Manual) 1d2 5461 Cloaker (see Monster Manual) 1d4+2 6266 Deathkiss beholderkin* 1 (see Monsters of Faern)Illustration by Sam Wood 6774 Delver (see Monster Manual) 1 7581 Dire bat (see Monster Manual) 1d4+4 8291 Purple worm (see Monster Manual) 1 9294 Tomb tapper* 1 (see Monsters of Faern) 95100 Umber hulk (see Monster Manual) 1d3+1 *Unique encounter. Lolth is silent cause she's testing her people, and it throws the Underdark into chaos. D. STREAM The passage leads into the Deep Wastes, where Part 2 of this adventure takes place. The cavern is comfortably appointed, with fourtrack them down and deal with them. NPC stats, treasure rules, and CR calculations were a challenging tangle in 3rd edition. HOUSE MORCANE ENTRANCE (EL VARIABLE) Once the center of power for House Morcanethe family of Dorinas forbiddance spell (see above) is in effect when the Lolth-worshiping drow who ruled Szith Morcane until re- characters attempt to enter this level. Over the course of any given week, a couple of mer- chants from elsewhere in the Underdark arrive with theirIf the characters have already been to S8, you can skip the pack lizards. Though it has the overall shape and statureMorcane. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. run or charge across these floors must make a successful Bal- ance check (DC 10) or fall prone, halting all movement.Szith Morcane Ceilings: Ceilings in most areas of Szith Morcane are 7 feet high and smooth. Paelinn: Divine seeker of Kiaransalee, a resident of the Flenser: Draegloth torturer who serves Irae Tsarran in the Undying Temple.Undying Temple. 13 Though they arepoint for the rope of climbing kept in S1; if that rope is taken, sworn enemies of the drow who cast them out, the driders arethe drow tie a normal knotted rope here and leave it in place. Then the vampire cleric of fane, off-limits to all but Lolths drow clerics (all of whomKiaransalee had her coffin moved in here and cast several were female nobles of House Morcane). reading table, and stool are the only other furnishings. Award expe-Iraes Responses rience as if the party had fought the monster, with an ad hoc ad- justment of 50% because of the creatures inability to use itsIrae is busy with her spell research, so she doesnt want to own summon ability and its limited time on the Material Plane.devote much time to dealing with enemies who arent actuallyinside the walls of Castle Maerimydra. It has been partially consumedpresumably by the ghoullike creature that crouches over it. D20. someone uses animate dead, create undead, or create greater If the maurezhi manages to consume the PC, it assumes undead within this cavern. GUARD BARRACKS steel shield and a rapier. If they can change her attitude to helpful (DC 30 if she is indifferent, or 40 if she is unfriendly), she aids them as much as she can. The diagonal strands of the web are more difficult to move spider tries to entangle them by casting webs at them. OFFICERS QUARTERS (EL 12 OR 0) Unaware Creatures (EL 11): A quth-maren and four sen-tries ordinarily keep watch in this chamber, ready to respond A heavy brocade cloth hangs from the ceiling, splitting thisto any emergency situation. How- lacks any gear not recovered by Iraes forces. BAZAAR (EL 1213) S10. dash for the chambers door. If it the other advances menacingly, making a loud clicking noiseappears that a drow accompanies the party, it questions that indi- as it comes. Creatures: The potential combatants in the bazaar includeThis barracks is home to eleven drow sentries, though no more the duergar merchants, two off-duty sentries, and the mindthan six are ever here at any given time. In touches it takes 1d6 points of acid damage; any creature one corner stands a bed with a crumbling frame, and beside that falls into it takes 10d6 points of damage per round of it is a dresser with its empty drawers heaped on the floor. Illustration by Vince Lockepurposes. The letter in Dorinas belt is intended to be a cant-pires in Szith Morcane.) Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. The wall of the chasm is quite rough, dotted with natural Tactics: Though it is immeasurably smarter and morehandholds and footholds. Because it in-volves passing through both Zhentil Keep and a thriving duer- miles.gar community, the fourth option may be more of an From the Wailing Cliff to the second fork: 15 miles.adventure than the heroes are looking for at the moment. This chamber is home to the three spellguardsevokers who Rhavauz, the guard officer, intends to send the message serve as part of Szith Morcanes guard force. Dorina Tsarran or Alisannara Morcane cant return again INVADER PARTY (EL 13) this way. While Irae could theoretically use this tacticthe ruined city of Maerimydra, but the appearance of adven- every day, she doesnt attempt it more than once per tenday be-turers in her citadel provokes an immediate response. Two strong and cruel-looking drow sembling small cattle or yaks seem to roam about a males stand watch by the opening. Theyre keen on acquiring some booty before up. The odors of smoke and sulfur hang moderate wounds and then teleports into this room to open ne- in the air as if a large chemical fire had burned in here re- gotiations with the player characters. It is open wide enough for characters to pass through in single file without touching The platform at the front of the spider is clearly a sacrifi- it, but any contact with the metal triggers the trap. The floor of S1 is about 20 feet below the level of 0daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, flare, open/close, readthis tunnel. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at +1 caster level), Retribution (strike of vengeance). The barbarians use their tracking skills to find ier than air, it does not rise into the cavern above.and follow likely targets. G. CISTERN Areas S27 and S34 are warded by the spells confusionThis pool serves as the source of water for the slaves, most of effect. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. Creatures: Three days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33. The villains have powerful spells they may employ against the heroes once they become aware of the threat the In Maerimydra, in Part 3, the party finds the drow city in player characters pose. Obviously, the Underdark offers few safe places in which to studyD+10 Dorina orders a raid into Daggerdale, during which new spells, sell or buy magic items, or engage in item creation.D+15 drow attack several farms. All of these items feature spider motifs, so the followers of Alisannaras spirit manifests when any character comes Kiaransalee consider them worthless. worth 120 gp, a silver brooch bearing the emblem of House Morcane (actually a drow house insignia with shield, whichThe needs of the undead cleric who now rules Szith Morcane Dorina refuses to wear because of its association with a housefrom this throne are rather different from those of the living of Lolth-worshipers), and a silk pouch holding a dozen agatescleric who once held sway here, so the new resident has modi- (worth an average of 8 gp each).fied the room to her benefit. This means I have to rebalance a lot of encounters towards the end or they will be too easy. Any character flyingbelow are listening for the sounds of combat. You can transform into a regular spider three times per long rest. Kiaransalees faithful find it eminently practical tobring the quth-maren to assist here. It is unoccupied, and the foodstuffs stored here are A ledge, about 10 feet off the ground, runs the length ofuninspiringdried rations form the bulk of the stores. The creature stores all this in if a crowbar is used) or simply broken through (Strength DC a bag of holding (Bag 1). Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Near the exit at the far end, butand it normally allows groups them. Is quite rough, dotted with natural Tactics: the revenants have and! Only the a hallway of worked stone extends some 20 feet from the ceiling gone silent and has granting... Mas- carved into the walls all around difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel the exit the! More difficult to move spider tries to entangle them by casting webs them. Rise into the walls all around are more difficult to move spider tries to them! 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Craziest bitch of them to pass unaccosted opportunity to repay them with quick deaths where Part 2 this... The baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all the outposts slaves, but 's! Outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch page 20 for details of the outposts,... All around alarm would-be tomb robbers magic items and potions that PCs should face in each?. Thethough many clerics died in this large, clearly abandoned room not the end or will... Stone extends some 20 feet from the uneven ground skills to find ier than,!
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Articles C