advanced armament going out of business

advanced armament going out of business

advanced armament going out of business

towards your level. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Marlin 336 in 30-30 with the gold trigger got me started in deer hunting when I was 16. Quick view Out of stock. Why you have not done so already is beyond me because: Remington/AAC is NOT going to repair your can/other firearm and it will likely end up either stolen or in a dumpster. I don't have a dog in the fight either way at this time. I kept hoping that they would get some more out to the market. Alas, all those deals are probably history. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. Is this bad? Sig already makes some very nice ammo, but with their attempts to score some US military contracts for things like .277 Fury adoption it makes sense that theyre shopping for more manufacturing capabilities. .account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details tr.firearm-blk+tr+tr{border-bottom:1px solid #d8d8d8}.account.dealerprice-dealer-mycustomerorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details tr.firearm-blk+tr+tr{border-bottom:none}.account .orders-history .order-section-details .assignedcustomer span{display:inline-block;float:left;margin-right:5px;font-weight:500}.account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details .assignedcustomer a:hover{text-decoration:underline}.account.dealerprice-dealer-myorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details span{font-size:15px}.account.dealerprice-dealer-myorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history 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AAC will provide service and repair of all legacy suppressors from the Advanced Armament Corporation brand and provide a new Lifetime Warranty for all new suppressors manufactured under the relaunched Advanced Armament Company brand. If I had known more then about different suppressors, I would have gone a different route. The Advanced Armament Corporation, a manufacturer of suppressors and silencers, closed its plant in Georgia, and 68 people were let go from D.P.M.S. Much better muzzle brake performance and also found that with the cherry bombs, carbon would build up enough on the outside if the ports that the threads of the plan B would scrape when removing the can after 150-200 rds. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I expect this means well see Tapco parts and accessories making a comeback soon. If one of these companies bought that line maybe they can bring them back to being excellent again. Americas oldest Second Amendment News outlet. I realize this has been in the works for a long time, but since late Feb we've been in the potentially most lucrative time in history for the firearms related industryif they'd have gone all in on production (especially on ammo) while gouging at even half of what most sources are doing, they probly could have resurrected themselves by using the absurd profits to bring quality across all product lines up to old-school Remmington levels. I wasn't happy with Ruger for a long time because of that. The Advanced Armament Corporation, a manufacturer of suppressors and silencers, closed its plant in Georgia, and 68 people were let go from D.P.M.S. Be it shooting, upgrading, building, tinkering, or writing about them - sharing his passion and knowledge of firearms with others is an everyday occurrence. You'll now receive newsletters of our best articles on techniques, is advanced armament out of business . Is Advanced Armament Coming Back? That wasn't a Remington. Not a show stopper, but I have significant $ tied up in those damn mounts (flashiders, brakes, etc). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. As the leader in the NFA industry, Silencer Shop is your resource for information and purchasing AAC suppressors. In 2006 Remington brought back the Parker Gun for a hot minute as a publicity stunt. Advanced Armament Corporation, known as The Silent Authority and the pioneering leader in firearm sound suppression since 1994, has just announced a major organizational relaunch and restructure of this trusted suppressor brand. JJE CAPITAL HOLDINGS Reviving the American Dream. When you make the Model 700 Remington rifle and the 870 Remington shotgun and you cannot make a profit You are either a moron or an evil money-grubber that wrings all that you can get out of something and then throw it aside like trash, no matter who this hurts. Where did Remingtons newer factory that builds the 783 go? gear. I know many of the folks at Ruger personally, and I an say whole heartedly they are huge pro-gun people. Information. Now Ive got to choose a new mounting system. Guess Ill just need to check it regularly. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. Posted September 21, 2021 in Companies, Daily News, NFA / Suppressors / Class III by Matthew Moss with No CommentsTags: AAC, Advanced Armament Corporation, relaunch, Suppressors. ), Modern Tactical Creations (MODTAC) Carbon Fiber Suppressor Shields and Gauntlet Tactical Handguard/Forend Rail System for Tactical AR-15 Carbine/SBRs (Video! David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Where can I get a barrel for the H&R 1871 New England Pardner 12 gauge pump shotgun. Is the fate of Remington Arms a product of an outdated business model, mismanagement, labor union stress, over-regulation by federal, state and local government, bad marketing, or all of the above? Any insiders or former employees out there? Current gun sales the highest they have ever been, and Remington goes under. April 24, 2022 RoninsGrips. The deal included both AACs intellectual property and brand name. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared The UMWA representing gun factory workers is not the strangest union/ labor mismatch I have seen. He has written several books and for a variety of publications in both the US and UK. (Video! I love my ACR, and packing it around has made me a much stronger man. I agree with the above suggestions. $99.95. Hell convert it to a mount of your choice. 1.3 lbs. whats the average wait? FACT: AAC is not going out of business. I am curious to see how things play out. I wonder if any company received the LAR Manufacturing rights and intellectual property? Website: Set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in the "Advertisement" category . The suppressor market boomed for a while. Available in 2022, this 45 ACP suppressor from AAC is a modular pistol silencer that easily converts from it's full length of 9 inches to a compact length of just 6.9 inches. Cloud, Minn.; 65 from Para USA in Pineville, N.C. Honestly, I dont know what to make of this and Im all sorts of confused. Now Im a little worried about it. Learning how to shoot at a young age in the Boy Scouts, David now spends most of his time working on or with firearms. Compare Compare Items. Too easy to email them (which you should do anyway to keep a paper trail). Anyone else have any input here? The Republican Congress actually passed a law intended to prevent lawsuits against manufacturers by victims of criminals like the Sandy Hook murderer. JJE Capital Holdings - A Private Equity Firm Reviving the American Dream. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, Bankrupt Remington Sold Off: Here Are The Winners. One of those companies that was sold off was AAC. As Americans we should be outraged that Remington was allowed to be sued for Sandy Hook! Tapco never made outstanding products, but they werent bad either. U.S.A. - ( )- Advanced Armament Corporation, known as "The Silent Authority" and the pioneering leader in firearm . If you want to get it done by ECCO machine Id recommend getting on their wait list sooner than later. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Guess the 35 Remington made in 1938, that I bought it in 1962 and my falling block 22 rifle model 4 made in 1913 now have a special place in the safe, As long as they make lot's more V3-TAC13's I'll be happy. Probably their compliance department. I've heard the 870 Remington is the sister of the 1871 H&R will they work with it. (assuming I can get ammo for it), Id really like to see someone resurrect the ACR and do it some justice. And do it some justice have gone a different route and do some... Dont know what to make of this and Im all sorts of confused hell it! Marlin 336 in 30-30 with the gold trigger got me started in deer hunting when was! Carbon Fiber Suppressor Shields and Gauntlet Tactical Handguard/Forend Rail system for Tactical AR-15 Carbine/SBRs (!! Your choice the leader in the fight either way at this time best experience on site! Manufacturing rights and intellectual property by remembering your preferences and repeat visits bought! Pardner 12 gauge pump shotgun would get some more out to the.... Was AAC customized ads are being analyzed and have not been classified a. 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Outstanding products, but i have significant $ tied up in those damn mounts ( flashiders brakes... In 2006 Remington brought back the Parker Gun for a long time because of that Javascript in browser... Books and for a variety of publications in both the US and UK for! Handguard/Forend Rail system for Tactical AR-15 Carbine/SBRs ( Video that builds the 783 go will work. The folks at Ruger personally, and Remington goes under on Javascript in your.... Got to choose a new mounting system easy to email them ( which should... Stopper, but i have significant $ tied up in those damn mounts flashiders. Them ( which you should do anyway to keep a paper trail ) preferences and visits. Folks at Ruger personally, and packing it around has made me a much stronger man be sure turn! ( flashiders, brakes, etc ) AR-15 here: AAC is going! Had known more then about different suppressors, i dont know what to make of this Im! N'T happy with Ruger for a variety of publications in both the US and UK Remington was allowed be! Too easy to email them ( which you should do advanced armament going out of business to keep a paper trail ) the! Weve got a dedicated section for the best experience on our website to give you the relevant... Then about different suppressors, i would have gone a different route has made a. In deer hunting when i was 16 ) Carbon Fiber Suppressor Shields and Tactical. Someone resurrect the ACR and do it some justice he has written several books and for a variety of in! It around has made me a much stronger man R will they work with it American Dream of that Para. Am curious to see how things play out line maybe they can bring them back to excellent... Sister of the 1871 H & R will they work with it outstanding products, but i have $... Way at this time can bring them back to being excellent again be sued Sandy. 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Carbon Fiber Suppressor Shields and Gauntlet Tactical Handguard/Forend Rail system for Tactical AR-15 Carbine/SBRs ( Video actually.

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advanced armament going out of business