desert solitaire the first morning

desert solitaire the first morning

desert solitaire the first morning

The sun has been down for an hour, the moon will not clear the rimrock for another hour. Here I get out and tow the boats farther through the still backwaters, wading on till we come to the place where a broad shallow stream of clear water enters and merges with the dead water of the flood. The air is clean and sweet again. Prime time: the sun very low in the west, the birds coming back to life, the shadows rolling for miles over rock and sand to the very base of the brilliant mountains. A quarter-mile beyond I found the ranger station a wide place in the road, an informational display under a lean-to shelter, and fifty yards away the little tin government housetrailer where I would be living for the next six months. Billy-Joes new straw cowboy hat took off from his head, whirled toward the brink of the mesa and sailed off into space. I leave by the other and get a long-handled spade out of the bed of the government pickup. The livestock interests and their hired mercenaries from the Predator Control Agency have pursued all of these animals with unremitting ferocity and astonishing cruelty for nearly a century, utilizing in this campaign of extermination everything from the gun and trap to the airplane and the most ingenious devices of chemical and biological warfare. Beyond the grass the pale trunks of the aspens stand in serried formation, thick as corn, blue-white and ghostly, their leafy crowns in perpetual motion. Even vulgar, one might say. More likely the BLM or the Park Service will bypass our trail with an electrical chair lift for crippled tourists. First of all I was not going to die immediately, unless another flash flood came down the gorge; there was the pond of stagnant water on hand to save me from thirst and a man can live, they say, for thirty days or more without food. If I had been as capable of trust as I am susceptible to fear I might have learned something new or some truth so very old we have all forgotten it. Often far from any spring, these temporary pools attract doves, ravens and other birds, and deer and coyotes; you, too, if you know where to look or find one by luck, can slake your thirst and fill your water gourd. More quicksand. His trail comes down off the sandstone from the west, passes over the sand under a juniper and up to the seep of dark green water in its circle of reeds. While many of the pictures may have had for their makers a religious or ceremonial significance, others look like apparitions out of bad dreams. Now and then catching a lizard which he ate raw and whole. Late in the afternoon I realized that I would not have enough time to get back to my camp before dark, unless I could find a much shorter route than the one by which I had come. The flowers we cannot see but easily imagine will also be blooming up there in the cool larkspur, lupine, Indian paintbrush, the Sego lily, perhaps a few columbines. There I lived, mostly alone except for the ghosts, for the next thirty-five days. To grasp the nature of the crime that was committed imagine the Taj Mahal or Chartres Cathedral buried in mud until only the spires remain visible. Take off your shoes for a while, unzip your fly, piss hearty, dig your toes in the hot sand, feel that raw and rugged earth, split a couple of big toenails, draw blood! Most of the surface of this high mesa on which our man has disappeared is bare rock there are few trails, and little sand or soft earth on which he might have left footprints. Since I have no tennis shoes I take off the boots and sling them over my shoulder, proceeding barefoot. The Colorado has no false pride. Kept going, pushing through the heat. So far the tribe has been wise enough to resist this pressure and so long as it continues to do so The People will never be completely separated from their homeland. I mean the society of a friend or friends or a good, friendly woman. I go to the weather station and check the instruments nothing much, actually, but a rain gauge, an anemometer or wind gauge, and a set of thermometers which record the lows and highs for the day. All this must change. What do the coyotes mean when they yodel at the moon? With this difference: those man-made celebrations of human aspiration could conceivably be reconstructed while Glen Canyon was a living thing, irreplaceable, which can never be recovered through any human agency. A crimson sunrise streaked with gold flares out beyond Balanced Rock, beyond the arches and windows, beyond Grand Mesa in Colorado. Arches National Monument remains at this time what the Park Service calls an undeveloped area, although to me it appears quite adequately developed. Under a wine-dark sky I walk through light reflected and re-reflected from the walls and floor of the canyon, a radiant golden light that glows on rock and stream, sand and leaf in varied hues of amber, honey, whiskey the light that never was is here, now, in the storm-sculptured gorge of the Escalante. Here I find the familiar fascinating semimelancholy debris of free enterprise: rusted tin cans, a roofless frame shack, the rags of tents and broken canvas cots, rusty shovels, a blunted old iron bullprick, rotting rat-bitten steel-toed boots, dynamite boxes, battered hard hats, two sticks of blasting powder (but no caps), sheaves of legal documents pertaining to mining claims and production agreements (rather interesting reading), a couple of withered sun-bleached topographical maps, and an astonishing heap of tattered magazines of the All-Man He-Male type . I carried my food and gear into the best-preserved of the old cabins and spread my bedroll on a rusty steel cot. His doctors gave him six months. When I take him outside into the wind and sunshine his favorite place seems to be inside my shirt, where he wraps himself around my waist and rests on my belt. My head ached from the heat and glare and for a moment I wondered if this horselike shape in front of me was anything more than hallucination. And again. Refine any search. Gas up at Green River, he says itll be your last chance. etc. In the cool of the morning they were feeling lively; also, not having seen a man or a horse all winter, they were half-wild. How about a signal fire? So much by way of futile digression: the pattern is fixed and protest alone will not halt the iron glacier moving upon us. The sun burns in a lovely, perfect sky; the day is very hot. We return to where the others are waiting, gathered about the black bag on the stretcher, which the undertaker is in the act of zipping shut. This is a rare view of a quest to experience nature in its purest form -- the silence, the struggle, the overwhelming beauty. There are eight men here, alive. Roy is a leather-hided, long-connected, sober-sided old man with gray hair, red nose and yellow teeth; he is kind, gentle, well-meaning, but worries too much, takes things too seriously. The smell of decay is rich and sickening. On my first walk down into Havasupai Canyon, which is a branch of the Grand Canyon, never mind exactly where, I took with me only a quart of water, thinking that would be enough for a mere fourteen-mile downhill hike on a warm day in August. The desert says nothing. For chrissake folks what is this life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare? When he looked up again the meteor had crossed about two-thirds of the interval between canyon walls and was still advancing. But the rest, the majority, most of them new to the out-of-doors, will need and welcome assistance, instruction and guidance. Children too small to ride bicycles and too heavy to be borne on their parents backs need only wait a few years if they are not run over by automobiles they will grow into a lifetime of joyous adventure, if we save the parks and. and walk, Sorry lady, we have no Coke machine out here. I explore part of its length in the twilight and find another charming stream with pools of remarkable beauty crystal-clear water in basins of rock and sand, free of weeds or mud, harboring schools of minnows. Perhaps if I waited long enough hed be forced to come back to the tree. There was none. The Comfort Stations are there, too, all lit up with electricity, fully equipped inside, though the generator breaks down now and then and the lights go out, or the sewage backs up in the plumbing system (drain fields were laid out in sand over a solid bed of sandstone), and the water supply sometimes fails, since the 3000-foot well can only produce about 5gpm not always enough to meet the demand. Not from any peculiar moral weakness but simply because such well-adapted administrators are themselves believers in a policy of economic development. The last I knew was the shaking of the trailer in the wind and the sound, from inside, of hungry mice scampering around with the good news that their long lean lonesome winter was over their friend and provider had finally arrived. Nor does the buzzard descend for lunch or make any effort of any kind. I pause when necessary beneath pinyon pine or juniper for rest and shade and for a precious drink of water. Of all the featherless beasts only man, chained by his self-imposed slavery to the clock, denies the elemental fire and proceeds as best he can about his business, suffering quietly, martyr to his madness. both? The air grew cool. Keeping the flame alive. Far above, a strip of blue sky, cloudless. (Hastens oxidation. Mr. Graham knocked on the trailer wall. He didnt even smell like a horse, didnt seem to have any smell about him at all. The route is rough and long, across rocky gulches and sandstone terraces impassable to a motor vehicle. I want to know it all, possess it all, embrace the entire scene intimately, deeply, totally, as a man desires a beautiful woman. In his sluggish condition hes not likely to strike unless I rouse him by some careless move of my own. There are a few stones scattered along the trail. Once a week I may drive the government vehicle to headquarters and Moab for fuel and supplies. I put on a coat and step outside. We started early, about six, after a hot breakfast in the morning twilight. By choice, certainly; the exchange is temporarily convenient and can be reversed whenever I wish. Here, the legendary author of The Monkey Wrench Gang, Abbey's Road and many other critically acclaimed books vividly captures the essence of his life during three seasons as a park ranger in southeastern Utah. You may therefore find proof for or against His existence. I stepped forward again, pushing under the branches. He vows not to apply human-centric language to nature, hoping to bring himself closer to it and to understand its mysteries more clearly. He also despises Indians. Evening on the river, a night of moonlight and canyon winds, sleep and the awakening. From below the flowers of the penstemon look like flying pennants; the sunflowers shake and creak from thick green hairy stalks that look, from a snakes viewpoint, like the trunks of trees. Dont want to run them little beeves right into the ground.. There is no place for horses on the ocean; and in the mountains you will learn that mules, generally speaking, are more useful. But here as elsewhere in the canyonlands they left a record of their passage. Still the first day, All Fools Day, here at the Center. A suspension of time, a continuous present. Mr. Graham shielded his eyes from the glow of the campfire and looked for him with the gun. These unnecessary evils reflect the influence of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the desire on the part of the more ambitious Navajos to imitate as closely as they can the pattern of the white mans culture which surrounds them, a typical and understandable reaction. They range in size from holes just big enough to walk through to openings large enough to contain the dome of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. I dip a can in the river under my elbow and place it on the gunwale (so to speak) of my little rubber boat, giving the mud in the water time to settle out. I drive past more free-standing pinnacles, around the edge of outthrust ledges, in and out of the ravines that corrade the rolling terrain wind-deposited, cross-bedded sand dunes laid down eons ago in the Mesozoic era and since compressed and petrified by overlying sediments. And most significant, these hordes of nonmotorized tourists, hungry for a taste of the difficult, the original, the real, do not consist solely of people young and athletic but also of old folks, fat folks, pale-faced office clerks who dont know a rucksack from a haversack, and even children. For the one a consummation, for the other fulfillment. By using human-centric language (personification) in reference to natural things, he will have a hard time penetrating into the nonhuman reality of the desert. Where dirt roads already exist they too will be reserved for nonmotorized traffic. It takes us only a few minutes to roll up our sacks and pile our gear into the vehicle; a light rain sizzling in the fire encourages our movements. Not far below are what look and sound like the most ferocious of rapids, far worse than those wed encountered on the first day. Very good, considering the obstacles. We dare not think about it for if we did wed be eating our hearts, chewing our entrails, consuming ourselves in the fury of helpless rage. There was nothing. I want to talk to you.. In the late 1950s, author Edward Abbey takes a position as a seasonal park ranger in Arches National Park, near Moab, Utah. I met Roy and Viviano at a place called Willow Seep near the upper end of Courthouse Wash and there we began the drive. I climbed onto my horse like a man dragging himself through a bad dream, got both feet in the stirrups and rode after the others. The dead mans nephew, excused from this duty, walks far ahead out of earshot. If I look at the small device strapped to my wrist the numbers, even the sweeping second hand, seem meaningless, almost ridiculous. Retracing my steps I heard, now and then, a faint and mournful wail, not human, which seemed to come from abysmal depths far back in the bowels of the plateau, from the underworld, from subterranean passageways better left forever unseen and unknown. At last, groaning and farting with exaggerated self-pity, she hoisted her rear end, then her front end, and plodded off to rejoin the gang. in an old perverted Plymouth came hurtling down the highway, veered suddenly to the right, whizzed through a fence and plunged straight down like helldivers into the Big Cut. A few still rumble in and ramble around in their sand-pitted dust-choked iron dinosaurs but the great majority, answering a mystical summons, have returned to the smoky jungles and swamps of what we call, in wistful hope, American civilization. I open up my map, the only one weve brought with us, a Texaco road map of the state of Utah, and study the tributaries of the Colorado. To others I can only say that if the book has virtues they cannot be disentangled from the faults; that there is a way of being wrong which is also sometimes necessarily right. On top of that hed been dude-spoiled, for old Roy had used him for many years since he made a poor cow horse in his string of horses for hire. The badge gives me the authority to arrest malefactors and evildoers, Floyd explains. Another prospector, an amateur but equally fortunate, was Vernon Pick. The drop-off over the white rim is too far for our rope but about a mile to the east we find a break in the caprock where we can descend to the dark-red stratum below. What else about him? Wed laid around long enough. I can foresee complaints. Teamwork, thats what made America what it is today. I look in the shade of every juniper and overhanging ledge, likely places to find a man besieged by thirst and sun. He was born and raised on a small ranch in New Mexico, went to the University of Virginia, and has made his living as a cattle rancher, dude rancher, CCC supervisor (during the Great Depression) and, since 1940, as a ranger in the National Park Service. He looked old, all right, he looked his years. Three years after the first edition of "Desert Solitaire . I glissade down the slopes of sand, copper-gold and coral-pink, past isolated clusters of sunflowers, scarlet penstemon and purple asters, to the shade of the willows and the life of the river. They approached their meat in a stylized, formal fashion with little dancing steps and covered it under widespread, glossy, blue-black wings. If your book is not available on EZBorrow, you can request it through ILLiad (ebooks unavailable). Really trapped this time. I crept back down. Give the kids a break too, let them out of the car, let them go scrambling over the rocks hunting for rattlesnakes and scorpions and anthills yes sir, let them out, turn them loose; how dare you imprison little children in your goddamned upholstered horseless hearse? Loop drives are extremely popular with the petroleum industry they bring the motorist right back to the same gas station from which he started. He was in only a little above the knees and sinking very slowly. In the mixture of starlight and cloud-reflected sunlight in which the desert world is now illuminated, each single object stands forth in preternatural though transient brilliance, a final assertion of existence before the coming of night: each rock and shrub and tree, each flower, each stem of grass, diverse and separate, vividly isolate, yet joined each to every other in a unity which generously includes me and my solitude as well. It is my duty as a park ranger to protect, preserve and defend all living things within the park boundaries, making no exceptions. Overhead the clouds thicken, then crack and split with a roar like that of cannonballs tumbling down a marble staircase; their bellies open too late to run now and the rain comes down. Does that mean he is also a herd animal? We smoke good cheap cigars and watch the colors slowly change and fade upon the canyon walls, the four great monuments, the spires and buttes and mesas beyond. THIS IS YOUR NATIONAL PARK, ESTABLISHED FOR THE PLEASURE OF YOU AND ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. I dont know what kind of bird it is, if it is a bird, but the song goes like this, repeated over and over. Cultures can exist with little or no trace of civilization; and usually do; but civilization while dependent upon culture for its sustenance, as the mind depends upon the body, is a semi-independent entity, precious and fragile, drawn through history by the finest threads of art and idea, a process or series of events without formal structure or clear location in time and space. Weve run our first rapids and are still alive. Look here, old horse, have a sniff of this. I offered him the pebble with one hand and with the other unbuttoned a button of my shirt, preparing to ease out the rope when the chance came. ; the pickup and its equipment they will leave with me. In the technical sense of the mountaineer not a. I can hear the pikas all around me signaling each other with their whistles but never catch a glimpse of one. Each man in his humor. Arriving at his trailer in Arches National Monument, where hell live and work for the summer, Abbey notes the surrounding wildlife and accepts the fact that hell be sharing his space with the animals who inhabit the area. Approaching the spring you notice a sulfurous stink in the air though the water itself, neither warm nor cold, looks clear and drinkable. When rain arrives, threatening their ability to exit via the rock path, Waterman gives up his hope for asylum, and they leave in a hurry. And once we see, between us and the far shore, something sleek and dark following its nose upstream a beaver. Washout ahead: playing the brakes lightly, fishtailing over the sand ripples, I gear down into second, into low and when I hit the new gulch slam the brakes hard and shift into compound low creeper gear to negotiate the rocks and logs strewn over the roadway. When they yodel at the Center at all he says itll be your last.... Sky ; the day is very hot from this duty, walks ahead. 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desert solitaire the first morning