metallic bronze color hex code

metallic bronze color hex code

Below, you can see how #cd7f32 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. 13 Favorites 2 Comments. | Bronze is a medium, warm shade of brown with an orange tone. Check the contrast of #502f20 [Metallic Bronze] color design for accessibility base on Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG). Were sure we have every color code for all of your needs. About Below, you can see some colors close to hex color #502f20. In the RGB color wheel, they are located to the right and left of #9F944E with a 30 separation. HSL Value of #4c3c20 is38(degrees) Hue 0.41 Saturation 0.21 Lightness. In a RGB color space, hex #b5a642 (also known as Brass) is composed of 71% red, 65.1% green and 25.9% blue. Provide color information and color scheme for #4c3c20. #cd7f32 color hex could be obtained by blending #fffe64 with #9b0000. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. In the HSL color space #b08d57 has a hue of 36 (degrees), 36% saturation and 52% lightness. metallic: G B Y: 1966: Aston Martin: Dolphin Bronze : C : 2556M: metallic: G B Y: . It is of low brightness and medium saturation.. Design with accessibility in mind! The complement of #9F944E is #4E599F which is called Liberty. It may be because it is not as contrasting as the complementary color palette and, hence, results in a combination which is pleasant to the eyes. An analogous color palette is extremely soothing to the eyes and works wonders if your main color is soft or pastel. #502f20 is the hex color code that is a variation of "Metallic Bronze" because of their close resemblance. #554a3c Hex : #554a3c Rgb : rgb (85,74,60) Hsl : 34 , 17% , 28% RgbaColor : rgba (85,74,60,1.00) lab XyzColor : 7.011, 7.155, 5.287 HsvaColor : hsva (33.6,29.41%,33.33%,1) HsvColor : 34 , 29% , 33% CIE L*a*b* : 32.16, 2.11, 10.07 Solid Color Image Download Solid Color Image Color Shades Image Furthermore, the CMYK values for bronze are (0,23,55,41) almost parallel to the actual percentages. In the HSV/HSB scale, Metallic Bronze has a hue of 45, 70% saturation and a brightness value of 78%.Details of other color codes including equivalent web safe and HTML & CSS colors are given in the table below. The Olympic Medals Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are American Gold (#D6AF36), Pantone Yellow (#FEE101), Light Silver (#D7D7D7), Metallic Silver (#A7A7AD), Traditional Chocolate (#824A02) and Metallic Bronze (#A77044). metal color palette created by gaxgax that consists #830808,#453a3c,#39648d,#b6b6b6,#fbf9f9 colors. Metallic Bronze Color | #554a3c Get info! However, this can lead interesting rainbow palettes that are faded, soft, pastel or dull. Different converted color standards of #502f20. The color metallic brown with hexadecimal color code #ac4313 is a medium dark shade of red-orange. About Tints and Shades #aa8555 palettes, color schemes. #b5a642 color hex could be obtained by blending #ffff84 with #6b4d00. Metallic Bronze Converted to Grayscale Codes. Below, you can see some colors close to hex color #4c3c20. . | RGB Value for #4c3c20? In the HSV/HSB scale, Deep Bronze has a hue of 39, 100% saturation and a brightness value of 62%. The color name of hex code #9F944E is Bronze (Metallic). #000000 is the darkest color, while #c4b498 is the lightest one. Metallic Bronze is not part of the web colors list and, therefore, cannot be used by name in HTML and CSS code. In the HSL color space #502f20 has a hue of 19 (degrees), 43% saturation and 22% lightness. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:7 Y:51 K:38. Provide color information and color scheme for #502f20. Color: HEX: RGB: . The best way to apply the color to a web page is to put in the hex, RGB and/or HSL values. An online tool to check and adjust contrast levels between text and background colours to help meet accessibility guidelines. This includes both the primary color (blue, red, and yellow swatches) and the secondary color (orange, purple, and green swatches) spectrums forHEX, RGB, CMYK, and PMS color codes. In a RGB color space, HEX #4C3C20 is composed of 29.8% red, 23.5% green and 12.5% blue. Please support us! The color bronze (metallic) with hexadecimal color code #b08d57 is a shade of brown. Popular Colors; Color Names; Web Safe Colors; Random Colors; Color Wheel; Login; Color Hex Color Palettes metal. Please support us! The triadic color harmony groups three colors that are evenly spaced from another and form a triangle on the color wheel. For best results use a Pantone Colour book. The complement of Metallic Bronze is Han Blue with the hex code #3C5FC7. Sample HTML/CSS paragraph codes using #4c3c20 color. In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design. Do you like our free color tools? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. 47% red, 39% green and 14% blue. Color Names; Web Safe Colors; Random Colors; Color Wheel; Login; Color Hex Color Palettes Metallic. A shade is achieved by adding black to any pure hue, while a tint is created by mixing white to any pure color. Sample HTML/CSS paragraph codes using #502f20 color. Code: If a color is registering as *unsupported color* , then instead of AA at the end of the 8-digit hex string, substitute the a's with either 00, or FF. Common forms of these codes are as a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, RGB triplet, HSV and a HSL triplet. Code Value HTML/CSS; Hex: CD7F32: #CD7F32: RGB: 205, 127, 50: rgb . Bronze Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes If you are looking for the specific color values of bronze, you will find them on this page. In the RGB color model #b08d57 is comprised of 69.02% red, 55.29% green and 34.12% blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 585.78 nm. found 7 paint color chips with a color name of "Dolphin Bronze" sorted by year Try . #cd7f32 color hex could be obtained by blending # . The color Metallic Bronze corresponds to the hex code #49371B.. It may be because it is not as contrasting as the complementary color palette and, hence, results in a combination which is pleasant to the eyes. A tetradic color palette is complex and, in most cases, should not be used off-the-shelf. A complement of this color would be 427AA9, and the grayscale version is 7D7D7D. Black Metal #060606 Lead #2 #212121 Cold Steel #262335 Bronze #2 #391802 Gunmetal #2 #393939 Iron #4 #393f4c Iron #2 #455765 Iron #3 #46434a Heavy Metal #46473e Wrought Iron #474749 Pig Iron #484848 Bronze #7 #51412d Blue Steel #535a61 Gunmetal #1 #536267 Titanium #545b62 Bronze #8 #554a3c Quite like triadic, the hues in a square palette are at the maximum distance from each other, which is 90.Note: For several colors purposes, a square palette may look much better than the tetrad color palette. Our Metallic Bronze rainbow color palette is based on the RGB model and consists of 7 colors, just like the traditional rainbow. Use this color contrast checker to determine whether or not your color combinations are accessible or not. Below, you can see how #b5a642 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. Also listed are the closest Pantone (PMS) and RAL colors. This element has a border color of #b5a642. 114. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 2 Favorites 0 Comments. In the RGB color wheel, these two analogous colors occur to the right and left of Metallic Bronze with a 30 separation on either side. 10 codes colors: Shades of Metallic Bronze color #554A3C hex, Tints of Metallic Bronze color #554A3C hex, Tetradic colors scheme Metallic Bronze color #554A3C hex. In the RGB color model #a97142 is comprised of 66.27% red, 44.31% green and 25.88% blue. This colour page lists more detailed information about the hex color code #4c3c20 and RGB 76, 60, 32. The color Metallic Bronze corresponds to the hex code #49371B. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The RGB values are (159, 148, 78) which means it is composed of 41% red, 38% green and 20% blue. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Thankfully, the HEX value for bronze is simple; the code you need to input is #967444. If you're considering using #4c3c20 in a logo or design, you can quickly reference below to see how various symbols, icons, and emblems look. HEX colors #cd7f32, #b9722d, #a46628, #905923, #7b4c1e, #674019, #523314, #3e260f, #29190a, #140d05. Closest websafe color is: #cc9933. HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web. In a RGB color space, HEX #49281A is composed of 28.6% red, 15.7% green and 10.2% blue. CMYK Color Model of #502f20 is 0 Cyan 41 Magenta 60 Yellow 69 Black. Blog; Latest Palettes . In the HSL color space #a97142 has a hue of 27 (degrees), 44% saturation and 46% lightness. In the HSL color space #4c3c20 has a hue of 38 (degrees), 41% saturation and 21% lightness. Details. The tetradic palette of Metallic Bronze has four colors - #3CC7A4 (Eucalyptus), #3C5FC7 (Han Blue) and #C73C5F (Brick Red) in addition to the base color (#C7A43C). Login to add palette to your . In the alternative (digital) color space HSV (Hue between 0 and 360, Saturation, Value), it corresponds to 37 Hue, 63% Saturation, and 29% Value. Based on our research, usage of split-complementary palettes is on the rise online, especially in graphics and web sites designs. HSL Value of #502f20 is19(degrees) Hue 0.43 Saturation 0.22 Lightness. A gradient is the gradual transition of one color into another. Tetradic color schemes are made form two couples of complementary colors in a rectangular shape on the color wheel. Thus, as per the RGB system, the best contrast to #9F944E color is offered by #4E599F. Design with accessibility in mind! Create / Edit new light , Dark and random color palettes. Shades of Metallic Bronze color #554A3C hex color codes HEX, RGB information in table. They are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:18 Y:70 K:22. Red value of its RGB is 84, Green value is 72 and blue value is 59. Red value of its RGBA is 85, Green value is 74, blue value is 60 and alpha value is 1. Here you can easily copy-and-paste formatted color code for use with your favorite programming/markup languages like HTML 5, CSS 3, Java, Objective-C, Swift, .NET and Python. . Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice. Hex Code #502f20 web previews. Some Rights Reserved. The equivalent RGB values are (159, 103, 0), which means it is composed of 61% red, 39% green and 0% blue. Buddha. As per the RGB color wheel, the split-complementary colors of #9F944E are #4E829F (Blue Yonder) and #6C4E9F (Dark Lavender). However, this can lead interesting rainbow palettes that are faded, soft, pastel or dull. In the HSL color space #d4af37 has a hue of 46 (degrees), 65% saturation and 52% lightness. Metallic Bronze has the hex code #C7A43C. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:7 Y:51 K:38. Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. The triadic color harmony groups three colors that are evenly spaced from another and form a triangle on the color wheel. PPG code : 954164: Arancio Metallic BT: 1965-1965: LAMBOR-1443971: PPG code : 1443971: Arancio Miura: 1998-1999: LAMBOR-0043: PPG code : 0043: Arancio Ymir: 2003-2003: LAMBOR-LY2F: . Metallic Color Palette. [/B] [B] The RGB Values and Percentages for Metallic Gray Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for metallic gray. They are close approximations and may not translate to exact names. In the HSL color space #aa6c39 has a hue of 27 (degrees), 50% saturation and 45% lightness. Important: Colors are presented as a result of mathematical calculations. Color Hex Code (approximate) Issued Retired Notes 1: Aloe #0FDA85: unknown: Sun Splashed Colors (Canada Only) 2: Antelope Brown #800000: 1987: 1990: Bold. Analogous colors tend to look pleasant together, because they are closely related. Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for bronze. The secondary colors come from the section above. A shade is achieved by adding black to any pure hue, while a tint is created by mixing white to any pure color. Its decimal value is 5254944 and the closest web-safe color code to it is #663333. In this example, #090803 is the darkest color, while #fdfcf9 is the lightest one. This section showcases gradients featuring #502f20 as the base color. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice. The Bronze Gradient Color Scheme palette has 4 colors which are Traditional Chocolate (#804A00), Golden Brown (#895E1A), Metallic Sunburst (#9C7A3C) and Deer (#B08D57). In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design. #cd7f32 color description : Strong orange. You might not see a lot of variation in color, especially if the chosen color is dark or extremely light. Hex Code #4c3c20 web previews. It has a hue angle of 29.8 degrees, a saturation of 60.8% and a lightness of 50%. Sunkissed. The hexadecimal color #cd7f32 has RGB values of R:205, G:127, B:50 and CMYK values of C:0, M:0.38, Y:0.76, K:0.2. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum, By continuing, you agree to iColorpalette's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy. Below, you can see some colors close to #cd7f32. 830808, # 39648d, # fbf9f9 colors ( PMS ) and RAL colors a brightness of... Metallic: G B Y: 1966: Aston Martin: Dolphin Bronze: C: 2556M::. Information about the hex, RGB triplet, HSV and a brightness value of its RGBA is 85, value. Color # 4c3c20 and RGB 76, 60, 32 color scheme the... 502F20 as the base color on a 3-color combination, the CMYK color model # b08d57 has hue... An online tool to check and adjust contrast levels between text and background colours to help meet accessibility.!, green value is 1 ), 65 % saturation and 22 %.! 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metallic bronze color hex code